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If the field-change triggered script were to error to any reason (and you didn't have "Run after" box ticked) then the field would not be changed. This can be an issue for mirrored incidents or incidents where the data is automatically updated. To prevent this, the "Run after..." box can be checked to ensure that the field is updated before running the script. This ensures that the field is modified correctly even if there are errors.


If your field-change-triggered script is not going to modify the incident in any way, then it's good to tick this box. This avoids any failure on updating fields and can still happily error out if it needs to. If it DOES modify the incident what happens is:

- Incident is modified by the user / automated function and saved to a version (from version 1 to version 2, for example)

- Field change triggered script runs and modifies part of the original incident (version 1)

- Committing the changes errors because the version the script changed is earlier than the one that is ready for commit. This still results in the original change being made, but the change being made by the script is dropped.



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