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Layer 3 sub interfaces on Hyper-V

L0 Member

Hi all,

I am trying to get Palo Alto VM series (10.2.3) to work with layer 3 sub interfaces on Hyper-V (2022).
I configured interface/subinterface from the documentation (
I also tried it with removing the ip.adr
I also tried setting the vSwitch to trunk mode on the Hyper-V host with
Set-VMNetworkAdaptervlan -VMName PA -VMNetworkAdapterName "PA-LAN-Switch" -Trunk -AllowedVlanIdList "1-7" -NativeVlanId 0

I can ping between vms on the vlan 7 ... but I cannot ping the PA IP (
If I remove the subinterface and the vlan tagging in the Hyper-V Host I can ping


Any help would be appreciated,

Best Regards

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