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PA 3430 is not detecting DAC cable

L4 Transporter



We have a lab with two PA3440 ina cluster. We are connecting the interface HA with a DAC cable. The Palo detects the SFP but not the cable. If we take these SFPs and DAC cables in a PA 5220 everything is being detected. So is there any incompatibility in DAC cables in model 3430??? is there any document to check what cables support PA3440?


This is the cable:

vendor-name': Amphenol        , 'vendor-part-number': NDCCDD-0005     , 'vendor-part-rev': A   , 'vendor-serial-number': APE23390050FE1 , }, 'type': Ethernet, }


This is the PN: PAN-SFP-PLUS-CU-5M



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