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Can't get syslog to work via data port

L1 Bithead

Hello folks,


Maybe someone has seen this before. I've got my syslog profile, log forwarding and policy setup the way they should be configured but the only exception is that I'm using a data port and UDP 1514. I've configured a service route and also allowed the syslog server on my interface management profile. The connection between the firewall and the syslog is via a VPN tunnel. I can ping both ways and see traffic for syslog on both firewalls for both IP addresses (syslog and firewall) and there the logs are not getting to my syslog server. The logs are forwarded to Panorama and also using templates so I know the log forwarding profile works. It works for other firewalls. Not sure what I'm missing. Is there log file I can check outside of traffic logs?



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