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Problem with PANOS UserID Agent and client probing using WMI.

L1 Bithead

I am having some difficulty configuring our PAN environment to take advantage of the User-ID feature.

The current configuration is as follows:

  • "Enable User Identification" has been selected on all zones where user identification is required
  • A PAN200 device is configured as a User-ID Agent and redistribution point (only the Mgt interface is being used on this device)
  • The receiving firewalls have been configured with the details of the PAN200 UID Agent

I can manually update the PAN200 with user / IP data using the vb scripts provided by PAN (nickp) and via the RESTful API and the data is distributed to the receiving firewalls. However, I would like to use the WMI client probing feature and was under the impression that if the receiving firewall doesn't have a mapping for a given IP address it would request the UID Agent to collect it on it's behalf. This doesn't seem to work. I have entered appropriate credentials within the WMI configuration page on the PAN200 and have enabled 'Client Probing'. I have run the command "wmic /node:remotecomputer computersystem get username" from my desktop with the credentials entered in the WMI section for a given remotecomputer and I get a result so I am confident the user permissions are correct.

Where have I gone wrong? What changes are necessary? Which logs should I investigate?

Any assistance would be welcome.

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