Hello~ I am looking around for custom URL Limit in support site I got information each box entries is different Refer to Information Max number of custom URL categories (PAN OS 4.1): PA-5060 PA-5050 PA-5020 PA-4060 PA-4050 PA-4020 PA-2050 PA-2020 PA-500 PA-200 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Max total entries - allow/block list and custom categories (PAN OS 4.1): PA-5060 PA-5050 PA-5020 PA-4060 PA-4050 PA-4020 PA-2050 PA-2020 PA-500 PA-200 100,000 50,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 Custom Category is 50 number and Custom URL Max total entries - allow/block list and custom categories (PAN OS 4.1): I am testing from PA-3020 I guess that PA-3020 is same total entries as the others ones except PA-5000 series but I haven't understood about MAX Total entries Is there limit max url entries[sites] into each category? (Objects[TAB] - Custom Objects - URL Category)
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