Next-Generation CASB Discussions
This forum is to discuss Palo Alto Networks' Next-Generation CASB, an integrated, multi-faceted CASB solution that helps security teams meet the security challenges of today.
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Next-Generation CASB Discussions
This forum is to discuss Palo Alto Networks' Next-Generation CASB, an integrated, multi-faceted CASB solution that helps security teams meet the security challenges of today.
About Next-Generation CASB Discussions
This forum is to discuss Palo Alto Networks' Next-Generation CASB, an integrated, multi-faceted CASB solution that helps security teams meet the security challenges of today.


Tenant Provisioning

Hello, can someone tell me if a new tenant would need to be provisioned if the CDL for SaaS Inline usage is associated with another license type? For example, commercial to FedRamp or vice versa? 

Need for Global Admin level rights



While reviewing the documentation for Prisma SaaS API, I noticed that it doesn't easily spell out why a Global Admin level account is required for the configuration. Specifically what if any functionality are you losing by not having that pe


Free SaaS Security training!

Hello to all on the youtube channel for the live community there is a 2 hour free training for SaaS Security API  and probably in the future also a  training for the SaaS Security Inline will be added. You can also see the SaaS Security in a workshop


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