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Automation/API Discussions

Threads in this discussion area are now read-only. If you have a question about Automation/API products please visit our product discussions.

About Automation/API Discussions

Threads in this discussion area are now read-only. If you have a question about Automation/API products please visit our product discussions.


Expire API Keys via the API



Is there any way to tell the PAN to expire all current API keys via the API? I am following this


golariu by L1 Bithead
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Resolved! Creating Security Profiles/Groups with Terraform

Is it possible to create new security profiles and security profile groups via terraform? I've seen many examples where you can associate profiles or a group to a security rule, but none where you actually define the profiles themselves.


If not, is t


Resolved! Python XML API Create policy issue

My PA3020 version is 7.0.3, when i use python xml api create a policy return(<response status="error" code="5"><msg>Could not copy parent object in set handler</msg></response>)

can someone help me?

I know version 9.0 can use json api,but now can not u


xxddpac by L1 Bithead
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Resolved! Is the API key included in the Configuration file?

I just successfully finished migrating a pair of PA-500 to a pair of PA-3020, exporting and loading the configuration file.


I have checked the configuration file and I couldn't find the API key. Is someone able to confirm if the API key is included i


Lesgall by L1 Bithead
  • 4 replies




I'm trying to seach for an IP address with panos_object, I remember it was working, but for some reason it doesn't now.

I'm using Role and ansible 2.4.3 with python 3.6.4, PA 8.0.8.

Tested with ansible 2.5.0rc1 without role - same


- name: PaloAlto


Tag Color to API Color Value Mapping

When you retrieve the color of a tag using the API it returns a color number, not the pretty name of the color.  The table below maps all of these color values in PanOS 9.0.

Tag ColorAPI ValueAzure Bluecolor24Blackcolor14Bluecolor3Blue Graycolor12Blue...

ntravis by L2 Linker
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How to set av profile using XML API

Hi guys, I'm trying to change a created av profile. Everything was created as "alert" and I`d like to change it to "reset-both". Different from URL filtering, I don`t populate the members, I have to set based on some options from PA and I`m really lo


API to create Address Group

I am trying to create a new address group using API but I always end up getting


<response status="error" code="12">

Invalid target object in set handler



Can someone help me with the correct xpath to create a new shar


PA API, User not authorized


Well just like the subject says I am having issues making a device state backup. Every time I try to backup my device via the api, I get a 403 error response saying "User not authorized to perform this operation". What is strange and has me puzzl


jmgarcia by L0 Member
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