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Automation/API Discussions

Threads in this discussion area are now read-only. If you have a question about Automation/API products please visit our product discussions.

About Automation/API Discussions

Threads in this discussion area are now read-only. If you have a question about Automation/API products please visit our product discussions.


Resolved! Question about PAN::XAPI module


I was trying to use the PAN::XAPI module provided in the PAN-perl-20120107.tar.gz package and I ran into an issue. When I try to use PAN::XAPI to make request using the API key specified in my .panrc I recieve "User not authorized to perform th


rsolomon by Not applicable
  • 2 replies

API install


having a problem. Install ubuntu but can't figure out the last bit

On the install_webservice_SDK.docx

step 14 on i am having problems

pvenema by Not applicable
  • 7 replies

Siteminder Authentication Application

I was wondering, If there are any plans on adding siteminder authentication to be added in PA appliction objects, I see that radius and other authentication apps are listed, would appreciate if there is a way to add siteminder authentication as custo


Detecting VNC without a password

Has anybody tried to create a custom siganture, (or has it been discussed as a native signature by Palo Alto), for detecting a VNC session initiated without a password challenge/response? It seems like this would be a useful audit notification to pro


tdck63 by Not applicable
  • 4 replies

Correct syntax for a vsys level commit

I'm having troubles committing out 4.1.4 device for a particular vsys using the XML-API. I'm wondering if I have the syntax correct:

https://{some ip}/api/?type=commit&action=set&cmd=<commit><partial><vsys>vsys1</vsys></partial></commit>&key={somekey}


mjessee by Not applicable
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Getting PAN-OS version from XML-API

I was wondering how you can get the current version of the PAN-OS thru the XML-API? I can see the <config version="4.0.0"> when I use the show command but I know that we are really on 4.0.8. How do I get this version number, rather than the 4.0.0?

mjessee by Not applicable
  • 3 replies

Detecting the Nmap Scanning Engine User Agent

Nmap is an open source utility used to scan map networks, and scan for open ports on workstations and servers. During the scripting stage of the network scan, Nmap will attempt to connect using HTTP, and has it's own user agent.

User-Agent: Mozilla/5....

mharding by L4 Transporter
  • 1 replies

Setting address attributes via API

I am using the REST API to create address records and adding them to an address group.  I would like to keep track of when each address was created, and I noticed that there is an attribute of "time" on both the entry and the elements in the entry fo


panxapi -C fails with error on PanOS 4.1

panxapi -C used to work for me. Now that I've upgraded to 4.1 I get

commit: File does not exist: Illegal value for parameter "action" [commit]. Should be one of : [clone, complete, delete, edit, get, rename, set, show]. at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8


Use panxapi and place rule

I've successfully created a rule on my firewall using panxapi, but it puts the rule at the bottom.  How can I use panxapi to put a rule in a location other than the bottom (last) rule?

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