Prisma Access 1.5.1 and Traps Agent 5.0.9 Updates

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Prisma Access 1.5.1 and Traps Agent 5.0.9 UpdatesPrisma Access 1.5.1 and Traps Agent 5.0.9 Updates

Palo Alto Networks releases new updates in Prisma Access 1.5.1 and Traps Agent 5.0.9. Find out what changed, what is new, and how these updates can help you keep your network secure. Join the discussion. Get answers on LIVEcommunity!



Prisma Access 1.5.1 has a couple of new features that I would like to let you know about. Not just that, but I also included the new features that have been introduced with Traps Agent 5.0.9.


Prisma Access 1.5.1 Updates

The Prisma Access updates have to deal with new compute regions for Bahrain. You don't need to upgrade your plugin from 1.5.0 to 1.5.1 in order to take advantage of the new features in Prisma Access. There is no Cloud Services plugin version 1.5.1, and the 1.5.0 plugin supports the new features.


The following table describes the new features introduced in Prisma Access version 1.5.1. *

New Prisma Access location and compute location

As part of continuous improvements to the Prisma Access service, a new location and new compute region, Bahrain, has been added. This new location displays automatically as a choice in the Prisma Access web interface.


New compute locations for Belgium and Switzerland Prisma Access has also added new compute locations for the following locations:
  • Belgium – Moved from Netherlands to Belgium compute location.
  • Switzerland – Moved from Germany to Switzerland compute location.

There is no change to existing deployments. If you have already onboarded Belgium and Switzerland, they use the existing compute locations. To use the new compute locations with an existing deployment, delete the existing location, perform a commit operation, then re-add the location.


* – Information originally published in the Prisma Access release notes: Features Introduced in Prisma Access


NOTE: You must upgrade your Panorama to a minimum version of 9.0.3-h3. However, Panorama 9.0.4 is recommended before installing the Cloud Services 1.5 plugin. The Cloud Services 1.5 plugin and later require Panorama version 9.0.3-h3 or later. Installing the 1.5 plugin with a Panorama running 8.1 or lower will result in an unsupported configuration and data loss.



Traps Agent 5.0.9 Updates

Traps Agent 5.0.9 includes new endpoint installation options with WPAD and new Agent Proxy settings. Traps Agent 5.0.9 is a Windows release supported only by the Cortex XDR app, and cannot be installed or supported using the Traps management service.


The following table describes the new features introduced in Traps Agent 5.0.9 release.**

Agent Proxy Settings in WPAD Environments

You can now install the Traps agent on endpoints that acquire their proxy settings through Web Proxy Auto-Discovery (WPAD) protocol. When the endpoint is set to Automatically detect settings in its network configuration (either manually or scripted), the Traps agent is now able to use the settings as automatically received through the defined PAC file. No additional Trap agent settings are required for this use case.


Extending Configurable Agent Proxy Settings to Traps 5.0.9

In environments where Traps agents communicate with Cortex XDR through a wide-system proxy, you can now set an app-specific proxy for the Traps agent without affecting the communication of other applications on the endpoint. You can assign set the proxy in one of three ways:

  1. during the Traps agent installation
  2. later on using Cytool on the endpoint
  3. from Endpoints Management in Cortex XDR

You can assign up to five different proxies per agent, and the proxy for communication is selected randomly with equal probability. If the communication through the app-specific proxies fails, the Traps agent tries to use the system-wide proxy defined on the endpoint. If that fails as well, the Traps agent will try to communicate with Cortex XDR directly.


** - Information originally published in the Prisma Access release notes: Features Introduced in Traps Agent 5.0


More Information on Prisma Access and Traps Agent

More information about Prisma Access can be found in the release notes:

Prisma Access Release Notes (Panorama Managed) 


More information about Traps Agent can be found in the release notes:

Traps™ Agent Release Notes


For additional information on how to use the new features for Traps Agent, refer to the Traps Agent 5.0 Administrator’s Guide.


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Stay Secure,
Joe Delio
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