Cortex XDR Discussions
Cortex XDR allows you to rapidly detect and respond to threats across your networks, endpoints, and clouds. It assists SOC analysts by allowing them to view ALL the alerts from all PANW products in one place, telling the full story of what actually happened in seconds and allows seamless response.
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Cortex XDR Discussions
Cortex XDR allows you to rapidly detect and respond to threats across your networks, endpoints, and clouds. It assists SOC analysts by allowing them to view ALL the alerts from all PANW products in one place, telling the full story of what actually happened in seconds and allows seamless response.
About Cortex XDR Discussions

Cortex XDR allows you to rapidly detect and respond to threats across your networks, endpoints, and clouds. It assists SOC analysts by allowing them to view ALL the alerts from all PANW products in one place, telling the full story of what actually happened in seconds and allows seamless response.

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Resolved! XQL query for locked AD account

Dear LIVEcommunity,


I've been wondering about using XQL query to locate locked AD accounts. Been looking at the dataset "msft_azure_ad_raw" which contained Azure AD Authentication Logs and have no success so far. FYI, We also ingest data via Cloud


Kandji MDM

Hello everyone,

Over the last two months we are having constant issues with Cortex and Kandji playing nice together. Before that everything was working without any issue for at least half a year, if not longer.

What happens is the following: Kandji g


JosipS by L0 Member
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Question about XQL to make a BIOC



I'm trying to make a BIOC to inform when a SSH conection is made in some critical assets, but I'm not able to do it in XQL, I have done it using the interface.


Network Connections AND Destination [ Remote port = 22 ] AND Host [ Host Name =


Resolved! Cortext XDR exclude alert functionality


on the alert page:
For the right-click / manage alert / exclude alert

what is the function of the "exclude alert"
is it based on the alert name ? host name ? process?

what are the way to look at all the previous "exclude alert" 
and how to undo


SHAIKHR by L0 Member
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