Next-Generation Firewall Discussions
Palo Alto Networks Next-Generation Firewalls provide true, complete visibility everywhere, along with precise policy control. Ask your questions or provide insightful answers in the discussion forum specific to NGFW.
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Next-Generation Firewall Discussions
Palo Alto Networks Next-Generation Firewalls provide true, complete visibility everywhere, along with precise policy control. Ask your questions or provide insightful answers in the discussion forum specific to NGFW.
About Next-Generation Firewall Discussions
Palo Alto Networks Next-Generation Firewalls provide true, complete visibility everywhere, along with precise policy control. Ask your questions or provide insightful answers in the discussion forum specific to NGFW.


Resolved! Flat Network across PA-415

Hello All,

I have spent ages and days and a few weeks setting up a PA-415 to work with a group of LAN ports into one network set into a VLAN configuration using the on-board DHCP server. One of the engineers in this forum assisted me extensively and


Ghost session after VPN down/up



I have an issue with many sites working with PA440 series. When the tunnel VPN fail down and comes up, some devices like printers, phones and access point can't connect normally to the network until that we clear old session related to the a


Mamoudou by L2 Linker
  • 2 replies

Question about REST API in PAN OS

Hi everyone,


I have a question about REST API in PAN OS.


1. When a query is generated using rest api in pan os, what is the process/daemon that handles this task? And how can I check it (from CLI or GUI)?


2. How many CPU/memory resources are co


Custom URL filtering policy

we created two custom policies where some listed URLs or domains will allow on specific workstations and others will be denied. After implementing these policies we found that listed allow list URLs or websites can be accessible but end users only ca


a_Islam by L0 Member
  • 3 replies

System Alert opaque: failed authentication for user ''. Reason: User is not in allowlist. auth profile 'GP', vsys 'vsys1', From: "public IP"


I've been receiving many system alerts with the message:


opaque: failed authentication for user ''. Reason: User is not in allowlist. auth profile '', vsys 'vsys1', From" "Public IP"


eventid: auth-fail


It looks like these public IP's are tr


roma by L2 Linker
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