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GlobalProtect portal client configuration failed

L2 Linker



I am facing an issue with Global Protect. I have users coming in from 2 different domains and after an upgrade from PAN OS 7.0.5-h2 to 7.0.9, users from the second domain are no longer able to connect.

The error message is that: You are not authorized to connect to the Global Protect Portal.

I have verified that the user is part of the group which is configured in the Portal configuration and that even the authenciation is succeeding.


In the client logs, I see (username masked):

	<error>You are not authorized to connect to GlobalProtect Portal.</error>
	<portal-status>No portal configuration</portal-status>

In the Palo Alto System logs, I see (IP and username masked):

Event: globalprotectportal-config-fail 
Description: GlobalProtect portal client configuration failed. Login from:, User name: xxxxxx

Maybe I am hitting a bug on PA?



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