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Confused About User-ID and User Mapping

L3 Networker

Regarding the User-ID Agent (Active Directory) feature of the firewall, I’m confused as to the difference and need for either the User Mapping and/or User-ID Agent. Is the User Mapping feature replacing the User-ID agent?

The units we have were setup prior to my employment as we 6 office locations and two data centers each data center with a 3050 unit which have 11 MS AD monitors (an AD server or two at each site and in the data centers), 3 Exchange monitors, and 1 User-ID agent. All Internet traffic from the office locations will go thru a 3050 unit at either data center using our MPLS infrastructure.


I’ve read the User-ID best practices etc… but still confused as to what is needed and how each works.

Appreciate any help and insight.


Passionate about network infrastructure and all things Palo Alto Networks.
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