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I agree with the point about some (basic) things. Some of them are silly bugs and some of them features that would be nice. 

PA and Gpogle have some sort relationship with the deployment of paloalto firewalls in the google cloud, but with Quic I think Google simply does not really care. Their goal is to make browsing fast and secure. A Man-in-the-middle per definition isn't that 😛

But about Quic itself, I personally don't think this will rapidly grow (it made 0.2% in the last 8 months). Yes, quic does speed up browsing and adds also some other features, but almost the same you will get with http/2 (official benchmarks show that browsing with http/2 AND TLS encryption is faster than http 1.1 without encryption). And http/2 is already at 28.9%.

One really big thing(/problem) for Paloalto will be TLS1.3 ...

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