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Crednetial Phishing Agent Permissions

L4 Transporter

Does anyone know if the credential phishing agent requires different\additional permissions to the base User agent?


I have installed with our 'standard' account and I get this in the logs:-


 09/03/18 18:05:33:996 [ Info 2036]: ------------Service is being started------------
 09/03/18 18:05:33:996 [ Info 2043]: Os version is 6.2.0.
 09/03/18 18:05:33:996 [ Info  389]: Load debug log level Info.
 09/03/18 18:05:33:996 [ Info  247]: Service version is
 09/03/18 18:05:33:996 [ Info  392]: Product version is 8.
 09/03/18 18:05:33:996 [ Info  313]: Named pipe for UaService created.
 09/03/18 18:05:34:028 [Error  716]: Unable to extract credentials.
 09/03/18 18:05:39:028 [Error  716]: Unable to extract credentials.


It is also possible this is due to a security setting on the server itself I assume.



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