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Commit fails from Panorama to Firewall for migrated configuration.

L2 Linker



I am preparing to migrate configuration from cisco FWSM to Palo Alto 5250 which is managed by Panorama. The converted configuration gets exported to Panorama but while attempting to commit to the firewall, i get the following error. I have done "re-mapping" of Vlan interfaces in Cisco FWSM to Palo Alto aggregate interface sub-interfaces. Please help. 

I am using expedition tool. My Panorama version is 8.1.2


Error Message:
. Validation Error:
. vsys -> vsys2 -> import -> network -> interface 'ae1.251' is not a valid reference
. vsys -> vsys2 -> import -> network -> interface is invalid
. Can't get interface ae1.516 id(Module: routed)
. Error: unknown interface ae1.516
. Error: virtual router configuration error
. (Module: device)
. Commit failed

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