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PAN-OS 9 - Wildfire Updates skipping; claiming that a newer version already is installed

L2 Linker

I have upgraded to PAN-OS 9 yesterday, so far without 'bigger' issues, except:


  • EDL updates keep failing, claiming that the downloaded file is not a ext file thus using the old version
    -> interim fix was to remove the checkmark "block unknown certificate status" on the certificate profile for the EDLs
  • NTP updates keep failing without further info, just a log entry notifying about the fact
  • and the worst bit: Wildfire updates always have to be installed manually now. I have not found a solution to this.

See attached pics re Wildfire.


Bildschirmfoto 2019-02-13 um 19.38.33.png


Bildschirmfoto 2019-02-13 um 19.38.12.png


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