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5000 Series not supported on PanOS 9

L2 Linker

I'm quite disappointed in Palo Alto's approch to not make 9.0 supported on the 5000 (i.e 5020, 5060, etc.)  For a customer that purchased their equipment right before th 5200s came out it seems we (and probably many others) were screwed over on this deal.  Palo's approch when I discussed this was "you'll have to upgrade."  Ya that's all fine and good if you want to fork out another $250K for a pair fully licensed.  As an enterprise customer I would hope to get 5 years out of them but that dones't look to be possible IF we need some of the featuers in 9.  Now I'll admit that we wouldn't go to it until at least 9.0.6 or .7 so maybe a year out but that still is less than what we're hoping to get out of them.  I can see maybe not doing this on a 200 or 3000 but the 5000 should have more than enough power to handle it.  Just a major downer by PAN on this one.

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