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Palo Alto Networks Certification Exam Registration Process

L4 Transporter

Palo Alto Networks formal certification exams are hosted and proctored by Pearson VUE, a third-party testing company.  Please see the exam registration process below:


1.  Go to the Pearson VUE website and select a user login option.


Pearson VUE - Login Portal.jpg




Click “Sign in” for the returning user login page. Next, enter your Pearson VUE credentials to access the Learning Center.


Pearson VUE - Returning User Login.jpg


Select “Create account” and then click “Create a web account” to begin the account creation process.


Pearson VUE - Create new account.jpg


Provide the required user information to complete the new account registration.


Pearson VUE - Create new account 2.jpg



2.  Once you have access to the Pearson VUE Home page, locate the Exam Catalog and select a title to continue with the exam registration process.


Pearson VUE - Select Exam.jpg


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