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Global Protect Azure SAML authentication

L0 Member

PAN OS 8.1.6 currently

GP Client 4.1.13-2  and  5.0.7-2 (testing)


Attempting to use Azure SAML authentication

went through standard procedures..

import fed metadata xml from azure.

validate IDP cert unchecked.

Azure cert imports automatically and is valid.

auth profile with saml created (no message signing)


when Browsing to GP portal URL, redirection and Microsoft auth works fine and continues to Portal site.


From logs..


     SAML Assertion: signature is validated against IdP certificate (subject \'crt.azure_SAML_profile.shared\') for user           \'



     'SAML SSO authenticated for user \'\'. auth profile \'azure-saml-auth\', vsys \'vsys4\', server              profile \'azure_SAML_profile\', IdP entityID \'\', Fro




When I attempt to use the SAML auth profile with the GP gateway (different hostname/IP from Portal)



The initial saml auth to the portal is successful in the logs...but then auth to the gateway fails with the below information.


from Logs..


saml-certificate error:

       Failure while validating the signature of SAML message received from the IdP "         767-461f-b625-8903327872/", because the certificate in the SAML Message doesn\'t match the IDP certificate               configured on the IdP Server Profile "azure_SAML_profile". (SP: "Global Protect"), (Client IP:,                   (vsys:         shared), (authd id: 6705119835185905969), (user:' )  



       SAML SSO authentication failed for user \'\'. Reason: SAML web single-sign-on failed. auth pr......


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