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User-id error after commit

L1 Bithead

I have setup user-id mapping using the instruction here:


I have 2 servers with the user-id agent and 2 servers with the terminal server agent all set up and working. If I go into monitoring, i can see logs populating just fine and if I go into the cli and run 

show user ip-user-mapping all

All the users show up mapped correctly.


Initially, we were trying to do user mapping by implementing User Mapping Using the PAN-OS Integrated User-ID Agent. We didn't like this solution and backed it all out.  In the 2 weeks since, the only thing we did was upgrade the Pan-Os to version 9.0.8 and now when we run a commit, we intermittently receive the following error:


user-id-service is enabled, but no user-id-agent is configured for ntlm-auth


I think this may be left over from when we were trying to implement the integrated user-id agent. I have searched for a similar error but can't find anything close.


In the firewall, in device>user identification> user-ID agents, in the properties of the server, do I need to check the "Use for NTLM Authentication" check box since we are still using NTLM authentication to clear the error?


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