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RDP Freeze Fix - GlobalProtect

L1 Bithead



We struggled with the RDP freezing issue with GlobalProtect for a long time.  The initial "fix" was to disable UDP for RDP in the registry.  This fixed the issue for many users but also slowed down the RDP performance.  We thought the issue was with GlobalProtect but after troubleshooting with Palo Alto we were able to see that at some point the remote PC just simply stopped sending RDP packets.

We opened a case with Microsoft and they gave us a registry fix to try that fixed all our RDP freeze issues and allowed us to re-enable UDP for RDP.


Important: This regedit goes on the machine you are remoting into, not the machine you are remoting from.


HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client

UseURCP (Create this new DWORD with value of 0)


You can use this from a command prompt as long as you have admin privileges on the box:

REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client" /v UseURCP /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f


If you previously disabled UDP for RDP you can re-enable it.


Hope this helps someone as this was a real pain for us and our users for a long time.

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