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Cortex XDR blocks visual studio codes everytime

L1 Bithead

We have observed that cortex XDR always blocks the code written in microsoft visual studio. General codes in C language like Hello world and addtion of two numbers is also geeting blocked in local analysis and it takes a lot of time to get verdict from wildfire to allow it. Usually whenever developer is running in debug mode this issue is faced and in debug they need to frequently change codes and debug it. When i discussed with one of palo alto support techinicial he suggested to whitelist the workspace folders or add signature and allow it which is not feasible solution as workspace paths keep changing per systems and users.  Similar issue we observred for python codes also and after wildfire check that code shows as malware (false positive as many time when we report it as incorrect verdict gets changed).

Is there anyone who also faces same issue and found solution on this please help on this. 
Thanks in advance.

Cortex XDR 

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