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New Activation, onboarding and upgrade processes for AIOps as of 2023-02-09

L2 Linker



Starting February 9, 2023, AIOps has new activation processes.


The processes are not only made more flexible, and easier, it adds a new licensing option for AIOps Premium (ELA), as well as TSG capabilities. That's right, starting on that date, if you activate AIOps, your new AIOps tenant will be available in the tenant-centric view of the Hub.


For those of you not familiar with TSGs and Tenants, extensive documentation is available here.


All the documentation will be updated soon, but in the meantime, here are walkthrough videos for each of the possible activation flows in the new process:


Scenario 1: AIOps Free activation for a customer who does not already have any TSGs:



How to associate NGFWs and Panorama devices to a TSG:




Scenario 2: AIOps Free activation for a customer who already has TSGs:



Scenario 3/4: AIOps Premium activation for "a-la-carte" Premium purchases (and AIOps Premium Trials):



Scenario 5: AIOps Premium activation for ELA customers:


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