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GlobalProtect 6.0.0-44 GUI on Ubuntu Linux - starts multiple times, cannot close, general usability problems

L0 Member

So I just changed companies and they use this VPN client.



  • It starts up multiple times (I currently have 3(!) instances in my task bar)
    • This was due to saving sessions in KDE; adding the process to a blacklist fixed this.  Still, the GUI should be programmed to detect other instances and only start once.
  • There's no way to close the GUI or shutdown the VPN service  (without using the command line to kill -9 the task)  - and no, I don't use the VPN all the time (such as when I'm on the company LAN) , so it's just intrusive for when I don't.
  • The GUI often hangs/becomes unresponsive
  • The GUI starts open when logging in to my desktop environment
  • Fonts are not scaled appropriately to fit the window size/screen resolution
  • Window can't be resized to view all the information


I'm hoping that some/all of these are just issues with my environment as I can't believe a commercially released product would exhibit such behaviour or be released at this quality level; it doesn't instill a great deal of confidence in the actual VPN product underlying it.


My environment:

  • Ubuntu 20.04LTS (using KDE desktop)
  • GlobalProtect 6.0.0-44
  • Linux kernel 5.14.0-1058
  • ThinkPad T14 (official Linux support)


Appreciate any hints as to how to fix/mitigate these issues.



 - Micha.

(Edit 1: cross-out multiple start issue; formatting)

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