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Requesting for sending the test completion certificate and remove the lock on the test in beacon

L0 Member

Hello to all my dear friends and Palo Alto network team members   

 I am doing the AICTE-EduSkills Virtual Internship (Cohort -5).

On the Domain of - Cyber Security Virtual Internship. 

  At first I was completed the fundamentals of cloud computing and

the fundamentals of  network security succesfully on beacon but 

When I was start the module of the fundamentals of the cloud security

There is an issue that at I was writing the test due to the network conditions I will not pass the test later I was retake the test the I was passed with 88% but I didn't get the certificate from the beacon 

And also there is the lock for the assessment too 

    So please help me to overcome these issues 

      Thank you to 

            All my friends &Palo Alto network team 

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