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brdagent restarted unexpectedly

L2 Linker

Dear Team!

Hi once again.

The system goes into maintenance mode. But before the system goes maintenance mode, I faced that all traffic is in "Incomplete status."
After that, the firewall goes into maintenance mode. 
After rebooting, all works correctly. But, the main question: What was that? The root cause of the problem.

I checked the resource monitored, and all was correct, with no stuck deamons\process.
By TSF I found a crash info file of brdagent, and this kind of critical alerts

Does somebody face this problem? For more information please pin me. Thank you!

1 (2023-06-16 07:16:13) Critical System brdagent         brdagent restarted unexpectedly however no known issue was identified. Please open a case if further assistance is required.  
1 (2023-06-16 07:32:12) Critical System dssd         dssd restarted unexpectedly however no known issue was identified. Please open a case if further assistance is required.


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