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Old KB nomenclator in new live community portal

L2 Linker



Would it be possible to restore the old KB nomenclator (DOC-XXXX) as a more visible attribute of the article in this new lithium-based Live Community portal ? I noticed that the old article name is included as a tag for some of KB entries, but not for all.


Thank you for your time,




P. S. I bet there are [now broken] cross-referencies in messages or even KB articles to old URL.


I noticed that some of the old links to KB articles ( are correctly redirected to new locations.


P. P. S. An extensive article and a video were published by jdelio on Aug 27th: Live>Live Knowledge Base>Learning Knowledge Base>Articles>How do I use the new Community? Walkthrough. The article covers also the old nomenclator bookmarks and searching. Searching by tag is still tricky (e. g. what will return an advanced search for doc-6 ? Nada!), even though all KB articles I checked do have old doc-xxxx tag.

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