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Imported Check Point config shows objects and nats, but no rules - Migration tool v3.1.1

L3 Networker

I'm importing a Check Point config into the Migration tool, v3.1.1


I see the imported objects and nat's ok, but the rules page is empty and says "no data to display" in the bottom right.


I chose the files objects_5_0.C,, rulebases_5_0.fws, and the routes.txt (output of netstat -nr).

I've tried it with Option A both checked and unchecked, and get the same results. I'm sure that rules.C is not in use for option B. (Shouldn't those be radio buttons, since it's one or the other?)


I am pretty sure I'm importing the right files, but not 100% sure since the doc that explains exactly what files to import has no is not available. (I posted about that here).


Am I using the right files, or is there some other problem?


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