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Device Capacity Planning

L1 Bithead

I am trying to get my head around device throughput maximums. As an example the 3020 is speced as such:

  • 2 Gbps firewall throughput
    (App-ID enabled1)
  • 1 Gbps threat prevention throughput
  • 500 Mbps IPSec VPN throughput

Are these throughputs simultaneous? In other words, can I have 2Gbps of Firewall through put and 500Mpbs of IPsec traffic, or if I have 500Mbps of IPsec traffic, am essentially depleted at that point?

The onset of more affordable high bandwidth is starting to cause concerns for some of our exisitng deployment; as well there is more need to have strict DMZ deployments where internal to server zone policies could see pretty heavy bandwidth demands.


Any thoughts or experience would be appreicated.

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