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PAN response to: Attacking Next-Generation Firewalls: Breaking PAN-OS ?

L6 Presenter

So are there any response available from PAN regarding the topic which you can read below?


Like when are updates scheduled to be released, any mitigations you can perform before updates are available etc?


Or are they already disclosed (and fixed) over at ?


Im thinking of:


Attacking Next-Generation Firewalls: Breaking PAN-OS


MARCH 16, 2016 (AT 11:30 A.M.) IN ATTACK & RESEARCH


"Next-Generation" firewalls provide functionality well beyond the traditional filtering capabilities. They offer deep protocol inspection, application identification, user based filtering, VPN functionality and more.


While this significantly increases the attack surface of these devices, little public research is available. In this talk I will present an in-depth analysis of one of the leading NGFW solutions: Palo Alto’s PAN-OS. Besides describing the overall system architecture, I will discuss and demonstrate several critical vulnerabilities in the different components that can result in a full remote compromise of the appliance. To go beyond 2015 & the pure bashing of security appliances, I’ll also present some positive insights.


All vulnerabilities in this talk were disclosed to the vendor in 2015. The vendor is providing patches. The vulnerabilities will be demonstrated live during the talk, but if there is no patch available by the time of the talk, we will not show exploit code.



Felix is a security researcher working for ERNW GmbH. His main interests are application security, reverse engineering and virtualization security. Felix has disclosed critical vulnerabilities in popular software such as Hyper-V, Xen, Typo3 or IBM GPFS and has presented his work at international conferences like PHDays, Hack in the Box, Infiltrate and Troopers.

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