Hello I had tested to connect global protect with client cert successful in my lab.(PANOS-5.0.x) I am installing global protect on my custom device.(PANOS-5.0.x) But I don't connect with 'client cert invalid' message. I had installed the following in my lab at old days. 1. self generated certificate. 2. subject > common-name. profile name is 'test' 3. Portal configuration (authentication profile : local DB , client certificate : none , certificate profile : none) 4. Gateway configuration (authentication profile : none , certificate profile : 'test') 5. import certificate into my laptop. 6. connecting GP -> portal auth localdb(id/pw) successful -> gateway auth client cert(username : uquest) successful I am installing the following in my custom device. 1. FW is imported certificate issuer by window CA server. subject : /C=KR/ST=Seoul/O=paloalto/OU=paloalto/CN=pa.paloalto.co.kr issuer : /DC=local/DC=paloalto/CN=paloalto-CA 2. certificate profile : name 'test01' username field - subject - common name domain : pa.paloalto.co.kr 3. Portal configuration (authentication profile local DB , client certificate : none , certificate profile : none) 4. Gateway configuration (authentication profile : none , certificate profile : 'test01') 5. import certificate into my laptop. 6. connecting GP -> portal auth localdb(id/pw) successful -> gateway auth client cert(username : none) fail. Error message is client cert invalid. I don't know what missed configuration and problem. Please let me know resolved way. Thanks.
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