From PAN-EDU-201 v.5 rev A MOD 4 APP-Id slide 26
PAN-OS implicitly allows parent applications for a set of commonly used applications
Requiring that dependencies be allowed in order to enable an application can often allow more traffic than intended. For example, enabling access to web-browsing just to allow facebook-base allows users to browse other sites, requiring the administrator to configure other policies to regulate this access.
PAN-OS addresses this concern by implicitly allowing dependencies for a set of commonly used applications to streamline the security policy process. Implicit permissions of a parent application are only handled if there is no match with an explicit rule.
The complete list of implicitly allowed applications can be found in Appendix B of this manual.
Appendix B
Allowed Application
• software-update apps
• business-systems apps (e.g., erp-crm, storage-backup, sharepoint)
• web-mail apps, IMs, social-networking
Implicit >> web-browsing
Apps identified in rpc decoder with a specific program ID (e.g., mount, nfs, portmapper, ibm-clearcase)
Implicit >> rpc
Apps identified in msrpc decoder with specific UUID (e.g., ms-exchange, active-directory, arcserve)
Implicit >> msrpc
Implicit >> ms-ds-smb
Implicit >> netbios-ss
Apps identified in rtsp decoder based on uri path in first request message (including custom apps)
Implicit >> rtsp
Apps identified in rtmp decoder based on uri path in the first request packet (e.g., bbc-iplayer)
Implicit >> rtmp, rtmpt
Media streaming apps (e.g., napster, megavideo)
Implicit >> flash
ms-rdp, msn-remote-desktop
Implicit >> t.120
Apps identified based on SSL hello or certificate in the response.
Ssh can remain in both uses-apps and implicit-uses-apps
Implicit >> ssl
yahoo-voice, gtalk-voice, msn-voice, msn-video, facetime
Implicit >> stun
several IM apps
Implicit >> jabber
gotomeeting, gotomypc, gotoassist
Customer is not expected to understand internals about Citrix ICA/Jedi
Implicit >> citrix/citrix-jedi
Never allowed unknown udp/tcp, I hope this could hlep
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