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Check out LIVEcommunity discussions to find answers, get support, and share knowledge related to Palo Alto Networks tools and products.

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General Topics

Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.

23700 Posts

Custom Signatures

The Custom Signatures discussion is a resource for security professionals to discuss the creation process of custom signatures in their PAN-OS appliance.

165 Posts


Have you encountered a false positive verdict for Palo Alto Networks (Known Signatures) on VirusTotal? Use this forum to submit a verdict change request. Change requests should include the File Hash, Link to VirusTotal report, current VirusTotal verdict, and description.

730 Posts

Network Security

Post questions, provide answers, share best practices, and connect with peers and experts in this area dedicated to all things Network Security.

4730 Posts

Cloud Delivered Security Services

Post questions, provide answers, share best practices, and connect with peers and experts in this area dedicated to Palo Alto Networks’ Cloud Delivered Security Services.

582 Posts

Secure Access Service Edge

Post questions, provide answers, share best practices, and connect with peers and experts in this area dedicated to Prisma Access and Prisma SD-WAN.

443 Posts

Cloud Native Application Protection

Post questions, provide answers, share best practices, and connect with peers and experts in this area dedicated to Prisma Cloud and Cloud Identity Engine discussions.

463 Posts

Security Operations

Post questions, provide answers, share best practices, and connect with peers and experts in this area dedicated to Cortex XDR, XSOAR, and Xpanse discussions.

3251 Posts

Activity in Discussions

sc3cachange logs back up success

Hello! Could you kindly let me know who can assist with this matter? sc3cachange logs back up success
Also I can only see the traffic from the CN firewall in Panorama after restarting the process management-server.


Prisma sd wan

Hi can any open please guide me , how to get material regarding prisma sd wan , i wan t to learn but i can't any material on internet regarding this 

re: false positive on virus total

I have a videogame I've developed coming up positive on virustotal from you. The offending exe is a simple game runner. Infection indicated is Generic.ml. Escape From Briarwood Hospital.exe and the batch code it was compiled from is attached.



Can VM-FW in Azure provide IPv6?



I would like use VM-FW on Azure for IPv6?
I looked at the following document.



It seems to provide IPv6 only on A


Deep Packet Inspection and SSL Certificate

Hello, newbie here. One of our clients asked me: 


"We have an exchange server which is on site.  We need to renew the ssl certificate, I was told that if the Palo Alto firewall performs deep packet inspection, we need to supply the ssl certificate


Resolved! no alerts no incident

Hi everyone, i have an issue. Cortex receives data from data sources (endpoints, servers etc) but i can not see alerts and incidents. My dashbord shows 0 alert and 0 incident. Who could help to me?

upgrading PAN-OS



I want to upgrade the 8.1.x to the latest version , after two upgrade stay on 8.1.24. I tried to move to 9.0.X but failed. Could you please let me know how I can upgrade to 9.x? (As information that I have find need the Preferred release It mea


XQL Query for a Correlation Rules

I am trying to write a xql query for a correlation rule in which alert or incident will trigger for below condition.

Threshold: Only once on match 2

Detect on unique values of: hostname

So, my question is. how to write "Detect on unique valu


Template query

Hi All,


I have integrated 2 palo alto in HA and accordinly template has been created like such

1). PA_FW_1

2). PA_FW_2

3). PA_FW_1_Stack


Now client told me to delete PA_FW_1 and PA_FW_2 and keep PA_FW_1_Stack which contains both devices. Can anyo
