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Check out LIVEcommunity discussions to find answers, get support, and share knowledge related to Palo Alto Networks tools and products.

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General Topics

Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.

24128 Posts

Custom Signatures

The Custom Signatures discussion is a resource for security professionals to discuss the creation process of custom signatures in their PAN-OS appliance.

159 Posts


Have you encountered a false positive verdict for Palo Alto Networks (Known Signatures) on VirusTotal? Use this forum to submit a verdict change request. Change requests should include the File Hash, Link to VirusTotal report, current VirusTotal verdict, and description.

719 Posts

Network Security

Post questions, provide answers, share best practices, and connect with peers and experts in this area dedicated to all things Network Security.

4175 Posts

Cloud Delivered Security Services

Post questions, provide answers, share best practices, and connect with peers and experts in this area dedicated to Palo Alto Networks’ Cloud Delivered Security Services.

562 Posts

Secure Access Service Edge

Post questions, provide answers, share best practices, and connect with peers and experts in this area dedicated to Prisma Access and Prisma SD-WAN.

398 Posts

Cloud Native Application Protection

Post questions, provide answers, share best practices, and connect with peers and experts in this area dedicated to Prisma Cloud and Cloud Identity Engine discussions.

416 Posts

Security Operations

Post questions, provide answers, share best practices, and connect with peers and experts in this area dedicated to Cortex XDR, XSOAR, and Xpanse discussions.

2893 Posts

Activity in Discussions

Create a PDF File

Hi everyone


What is the best way to create a PDF within a Playboook? What are you all using?

Data format doesn't matter but some customisation about the pdf format would be nice.




micomi by L2 Linker
  • 1 replies

Prefered PANOS version

Dear Friends,


One of my customer is facing issue with inbound connection traffic after upgrading firewall from 11.0.4-h1 to 11.1.2-h3.

Where inbound traffic was not reaching to firewall although 11.1.2-h3 is the prefered version.

Additionally, we c


Palo Alto to Sonicwall



I have a  new SonicWALL and I'm configuring the SonicWALL with the same config as the palo alto.


I'm confused with the Interface  1/2 setup.  It has no IP and it says assign interface to vlan: Office-Lan.


How do I set up this on the SonicW


Cortex XDR CE version

How to know if Cortex XDR version is CE.


Will it show on the table when I go to Endpoints ----> All Endpoints and on the Agent Version Field it should have for example 7.9.102CE, if it shows 7.9.102 only then it is a standard version? 


Thank you.

Resolved! Device - certificate based authentication

I am attempting to implement this in my home lab. Has anyone done this?

Basically the situation where if a device connects to the network, it should have a certificate installed from my CA. If it does not, then a security policy (or other policy) sho


Global Protect on Mac OS 14.5



I downloaded GlobalProtect app on my Macbook with Mac OS 14.5, but after allowing access from privacy and security, the application doesn't work.

When I click on it to open the application, nothing happens. I don't have it on my menu bar eit


DHCP Realy



I have an issue related to DHCP Relay, I configured it on my Palo Alto to allow users to get IP from the DHCP server behind the Palo Alto but it not working can anyone help me how can I troubleshoot this issue to check if this issue from Pal


amr.ali by L0 Member
  • 1 replies

Global Protect Failed Service Running

User got a problem when running global protect vpn at home, and i trying to reinstall, but service could not connect global protect service, I am trying update  OS Windows driver but nothing  happen, I need your support ho to fix it, thank you.



Yapet_ID by L1 Bithead
  • 5 replies

SSO Palo Alto Support Portal

Hi everyone,

is it possible to have SSO Accounts (Azure AD) and non SSO Accounts simultaneously in the Palo Alto Customer Support Portal (CSP)?

In the future, we want to have one set of SSO Accounts and a pair of Emergency Accounts (non SSO), if the IS


Cortex XSOAR community edition

Hi all,


I signed up via this link (https://start.paloaltonetworks.com/sign-up-for-community-edition.html) for Cortex XSOAR community edition about 1-2 hours. But still did not receive any mail or link to download. How long should I wait for mail or
