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Automation/API Discussions

Threads in this discussion area are now read-only. If you have a question about Automation/API products please visit our product discussions.

About Automation/API Discussions

Threads in this discussion area are now read-only. If you have a question about Automation/API products please visit our product discussions.


script not working for mapping a network drive.

Hi Team,


I have a case: 00573844


The customer wants that a particular script should run before connecting to the GP.

This script will help to map the network drives on his network by chaning few  window registry setting.


The script is attached to the


Resolved! API usage vs. load on FW

So, in general, are API calls considered a threat to the FW performance?  

Specifically, with this API call:


Should I worry if I run it every second, or 5 seconds, or minute....?



dberber1 by L2 Linker
  • 2 replies

Update MOTD banner message

Does anybody know how to actually set this with the API? Whenever I try to run the set command it's just throwing an invlaid set object handler message.

BPry by Cyber Elite
  • 0 replies

Need script to kill a session

I need to kill a session automatically for one appplication when this application appears on one egress interface.

We have PBF rule for forcing some application to one ISP and virtual router for other ISP.

once the PBF ISP is down, it goes to second IS


PAN sessioninfo version 2 - Snap Telemetry


I released version 2 of my PAN sessioninfo plugin. This is plugin in Go for Intel SDI telemetry Snap framework (see my post here). It allows to quickly create graphs i.e. in Grafana, see below. There are 33 metrics avail.

Examples of PAN sessioninfo


niuk by L3 Networker
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Resolved! Wildcards in rest api configuration query?



I'm trying to write a reporting tool that will go throguh various device groups and identify rules that have certain keywords (change numbers in my case) in the description.


I'm querying panorama configuration and using rest api directly from pyt


KostiM by L2 Linker
  • 13 replies

XML API: show merged config

I am using the XML API on firewalls managed by a Panorama system.  I would like to retrieve the merged configuration containing the firewalls configuration, plus any configuration gained from Panorama templates.  I believe this is what the show confi


ebentley by L0 Member
  • 1 replies

API for security groups and dynamic tags



I'm trying to work with NSX's security groups and panorama DAGs.


I would like to ask if there a Rest API call which retruns the security groups ?

Another question, Is there a Rest API to get  the dynamic tags ?




USER-ID agnet get API by VBscript

I have an idea hit my head today


I'm thinking to schedule a task (let say each half hour) to run a vbscript in user machines to send IP and username to the userid agent.


Is it possible and can someone help me with code as I'm not that good in coding 

Upload XML to another vPAN via PowerShell etc?

Palo Alto newbie so please excuse the nature of the question:


I would like to know if there is a way use PowerShell, Panorama and/or the CLI to distribute and configure the XML file that can be pulled down via. . .  


(Invoke-WebRequest -outfile c:\sc...

xapi Post Security Rule Order

Looking into automating security rule input into a pandevice but need to allow end users to change the order of which the security rules are currently laid out. Looking into this it does not appear that there is any built in function to say I want to


Resolved! Using the REST interface for XML API


I have been using the REST interface for pulling reporting and config data using constructed URLs in scripts.  All that works well.  What I have been unable to do is use the set action for config.  I am using a key generated for a sysadmin user


Programmatic API Discovery Method?



I'm working on a Powershell module to interact with the XML API. I can get the syntax for the various commands just fine via the API browser and CLI/GUI debug, however I was wondering if there is a command or some way to get something like a W


jgrote by L1 Bithead
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