By Terri Chen, Program Manager
Figure 1: New_TechDocs_Palo-Alto-Networks
What's new in Techdocs
Discover collections, use cases, release notes, and more in the improved left navigation.
New content collections that include conceptual and workflow details.
In-page anchors, light/dark mode, and enhanced web layout for better reading.
4 New Sections
Use cases in Operationalize
Enterprise Edition Documentation
Compute Edition Documentation
Enterprise Edition—Classic Documentation
Figure 2: New_TechDocs_Homepage_Palo-Alto-Networks
Use Cases in Operationalize
3 Phases to Operationalized
Secure the Infrastructure
Figure 3: Operationalize_Palo-Alto-Networks
Enterprise Edition Documentation
Access all the Enterprise Edition documentation
Expand the arrow to view content in each category
Figure 4: Enterprise_Edition_Documentation_Palo-Alto-Networks
See Runtime Security for Compute content
Select Classic Releases to see all previous release notes
Figure 5: Release_Notes_Palo-Alto-Networks
Compute Edition Documentation
Select the arrow for the list of supported Compute versions
Figure 6: Compute_Edition_Documentation_Palo-Alto-Networks
Enterprise Edition—Classic Documentation
Select Classic Releases to see all previous release notes
Figure 7: Enterprise_Edition—Classic_Documentation_Palo-Alto-Networks
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