Global protect VPN disconnecting multiple times

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Global protect VPN disconnecting multiple times

L0 Member

Has anyone experienced the same issue as me? From what I've noticed, GlobalProtect VPN has disconnected multiple times, mostly for Microsoft Windows 10 Home
model: PA-850
sw-version: 9.0.9-h1
global-protect-client-package-version: 6.0.5
Example -- PanGPS.log --
(P5752-T19644)Info ( 246): 02/17/23 22:50:42:026 HipCheckThread: got check hip event or time out.
(P5752-T19644)Debug( 258): 02/17/23 22:50:42:026 HipCheckThread: WAIT_TIMEOUT
(P5752-T19644)Debug( 750): 02/17/23 22:50:42:026 SetNextScheduledHipCheckTime to 1676652642
(P5752-T19644)Debug( 276): 02/17/23 22:50:42:026 Last hip check event wakeup tick is 1676649042
(P5752-T19644)Debug( 278): 02/17/23 22:50:42:026 HipCheckThread: check hip in other process.
(P5752-T19644)Debug( 306): 02/17/23 22:50:42:026 CheckHipInOtherProcess()
(P5752-T19644)Debug( 310): 02/17/23 22:50:42:026 Need to collect hip data
(P5752-T19644)Debug( 118): 02/17/23 22:50:42:026 Starting process PanGpHip.exe
(P5752-T19644)Debug( 136): 02/17/23 22:50:42:037 Wait for the ready event of hip report generated in other process.
(P5752-T19644)Debug( 140): 02/17/23 22:50:51:341 Got hip report in other process ready event.
(P5752-T19644)Debug( 159): 02/17/23 22:50:51:341 Read output from PanGpHip.exe
(P5752-T19644)Debug( 170): 02/17/23 22:50:51:341 >>>CheckHip: hip report head size 11089
(P5752-T19644)Debug( 188): 02/17/23 22:50:51:341 >>>CheckHip: total bytes read: 11089
(P5752-T19644)Debug( 198): 02/17/23 22:50:51:341 write hip file now
(P5752-T19644)Debug( 216): 02/17/23 22:50:51:341 CheckHipInOtherProcess() sets hip report ready event.
(P5752-T19644)Debug( 136): 02/17/23 22:50:51:341 Wait for the ready event of hip report generated in other process.
(P5752-T528)Debug(6338): 02/17/23 22:50:51:341 HipReportThread: got HIP report ready event.
(P5752-T528)Debug(6354): 02/17/23 22:50:51:341 HipReportThread: wait for network discover ready event.
(P5752-T528)Debug(6359): 02/17/23 22:50:51:341 HipReportThread: got network discover ready event.
(P5752-T528)Debug(8612): 02/17/23 22:50:51:349 use cached deviceSN
(P5752-T528)Debug(6431): 02/17/23 22:50:51:349 Sending hip report delay max registry setting is -1 seconds
(P5752-T528)Debug(6433): 02/17/23 22:50:51:349 Set max sending hip report delay to default 1800 seconds
(P5752-T528)Debug(6449): 02/17/23 22:50:51:349 v4 hip report is encoded
(P5752-T528)Debug(6472): 02/17/23 22:50:51:349 HIP report v4 md5 digest is 2c9ab58e8db434ae2670367a697796a1
(P5752-T528)Debug(6500): 02/17/23 22:50:51:349 HipReportThread: network type is external network.
(P5752-T528)Debug(1675): 02/17/23 22:50:51:349 Send hip report to gateway
(P5752-T528)Debug(4818): 02/17/23 22:50:51:349 Entering SendHipReportToGateway(). Gateway:
(P5752-T528)Debug( 762): 02/17/23 22:50:51:349 m_bScheduleFlag is 1
(P5752-T528)Debug( 772): 02/17/23 22:50:51:349 m_bScheduleFlag is set to 1
(P5752-T528)Debug(4843): 02/17/23 22:50:51:349 Gateway now is 1676649051, next hip checking is 1676652642, next hip report check sending time is 1676649039, last hip report check sending time is 1676645439, sending hip delay is 0 ms
(P5752-T528)Debug(4860): 02/17/23 22:50:51:349 Wait for 0 ms to send hip report check to gateway
(P5752-T528)Debug(4873): 02/17/23 22:50:51:349 Time to send hip report to gateway
(P5752-T528)Debug(2989): 02/17/23 22:50:51:349 Gateway:, client IP:
(P5752-T528)Debug(4890): 02/17/23 22:50:51:349 Hip report head to gateway is
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
(P5752-T528)Debug(5069): 02/17/23 22:50:51:349 SendHipReportNReceive()
(P5752-T528)Debug(5091): 02/17/23 22:50:51:349 bUseCCUser=0, ccUserName=, m_userName=phimpreeya
(P5752-T528)Debug(5100): 02/17/23 22:50:51:349 latency report data=&pretunnellatency=6ms&posttunnellatency=1ms
(P5752-T528)Debug(5105): 02/17/23 22:50:51:349 using https to send hip report check to gateway
(P5752-T528)Debug(8612): 02/17/23 22:50:51:349 use cached deviceSN
(P5752-T528)Debug(5147): 02/17/23 22:50:51:349 Network discover SN 27 remains same.
(P5752-T528)Debug( 788): 02/17/23 22:50:51:350 SSL connecting to
(P5752-T528)Debug( 564): 02/17/23 22:50:51:356 Network is reachable
(P5752-T528)Debug(4976): 02/17/23 22:50:51:370 SSL verify succeed
(P5752-T528)Debug(1346): 02/17/23 22:50:51:423 OpenSSL alert write⚠️close notify
(P5752-T528)Debug(5160): 02/17/23 22:50:51:423 Gateway, response to the hip report check:

<response status="success">

(P5752-T528)Info (5162): 02/17/23 22:50:51:423 sent HIP report check to
(P5752-T528)Debug(5190): 02/17/23 22:50:51:423 Response status of HIP report check is success, gateway
(P5752-T528)Debug(5192): 02/17/23 22:50:51:423 Hip report check returns success.
(P5752-T528)Debug(4904): 02/17/23 22:50:51:423 SendHipReportNReceive returns TRUE for gateway
(P5752-T528)Debug(4918): 02/17/23 22:50:51:423 Hip notification is empty in the HIP report check response from gateway
(P5752-T528)Info (4940): 02/17/23 22:50:51:423 Hip report is not needed for gateway
(P5752-T528)Debug(4977): 02/17/23 22:50:51:423 SSL is disconnected. Returns TRUE.
(P5752-T528)Debug(1677): 02/17/23 22:50:51:423 SendHipReportToGateway returns TRUE.
(P5752-T7344)Debug(2530): 02/17/23 22:50:51:423 Setting debug level to 5
(P5752-T528)Debug(1231): 02/17/23 22:50:51:431 Hip report changed. Include it in status message to client.
(P5752-T528)Debug(6333): 02/17/23 22:50:51:432 HipReportThread: wait for HIP report ready event.
(P5752-T19644)Debug( 144): 02/17/23 22:50:53:445 Got event for PanGpHip process has quited.
(P5752-T19644)Debug( 335): 02/17/23 22:50:53:445 CheckHip over
(P5752-T19644)Debug( 282): 02/17/23 22:50:53:445 Hip checking is not initiated by clicking resubmit host profile.
(P5752-T19644)Debug( 216): 02/17/23 22:50:53:445 HipCheckThread: wait for hip check event for 3600000 ms);
(P5752-T6912)Debug( 439): 02/17/23 22:50:57:207 HipMissingPatchThread: now is 1676649057, last hip check is 1676649042, hip check interval is 3600000
(P5752-T6912)Debug( 444): 02/17/23 22:50:57:207 HipMissingPatchThread: wait 3531000 ms
(P5752-T7348)Info ( 531): 02/17/23 23:37:08:499 msgtype = disconnect
(P5752-T7348)Debug(2168): 02/17/23 23:37:08:499 ----Tunnel User Diconnecting starts----
(P5752-T7348)Debug(1441): 02/17/23 23:37:08:499 m_msp->IsVPNConnected() is 1, CControlManager::GetInstance()->IsInRetry() is 0
(P5752-T7348)Debug(7095): 02/17/23 23:37:08:500 --Set state to Disconnecting...
(P5752-T7348)Info (2681): 02/17/23 23:37:08:501 Disconnect(no reason) called
(P5752-T21176)Debug(4560): 02/17/23 23:37:08:501 LifeTimeThread receives m_hExitLifeTimeThreadEvent
(P5752-T21176)Debug(4588): 02/17/23 23:37:08:501 LifeTimeThread quits
(P5752-T7348)Debug( 822): 02/17/23 23:37:08:501 vpn disconnect
(P5752-T7348)Debug( 823): 02/17/23 23:37:08:501 Delete m_vpn in CControlManager::DisconnectVPN()
(P5752-T10212)Info ( 552): 02/17/23 23:37:08:501 PktProcess: VPN disconnect event, get out of ProcMonitor
(P5752-T10212)Debug( 646): 02/17/23 23:37:08:501 Tunnel downtime is 1843 miliseconds
(P5752-T17072)Info (1005): 02/17/23 23:37:08:501 ProDrv: VPN disconnect event, get out of ProcDrv
(P5752-T17072)Info (1034): 02/17/23 23:37:08:501 ProcDrv thread dies
(P5752-T10212)Info ( 968): 02/17/23 23:37:08:501 ProcDrv quit
(P5752-T22164)Info (1085): 02/17/23 23:37:08:501 ProTunnel: VPN disconnect event, get out of ProcTunnel
(P5752-T22164)Info (1101): 02/17/23 23:37:08:501 ProcTunnel thread dies
(P5752-T10212)Info (1049): 02/17/23 23:37:08:501 ProcTunnel quit
(P5752-T10212)Info ( 954): 02/17/23 23:37:08:501 ProcMonitor thread dies
(P5752-T7348)Debug( 336): 02/17/23 23:37:08:608 tunnel statistics: send bytes(9198967) packets(103990) errors(0) drops(0) queue-size(36), recv bytes(146500103) packets(168778) errors(0) drops(0) queue-size(14)
(P5752-T7348)Debug( 338): 02/17/23 23:37:08:608 do_disconnect is called in VPN stop
(P5752-T7348)Debug( 229): 02/17/23 23:37:08:608 IPSec anti-replay statistics: outside window count 0, replay count 0
(P5752-T7348)Debug( 231): 02/17/23 23:37:08:608 Disconnect udp socket
(P5752-T7348)Debug( 612): 02/17/23 23:37:08:608 unset network
(P5752-T7348)Debug(4326): 02/17/23 23:37:08:609 UpdatePrelogonStateForSSO() - tunnel state = Connecting
(P5752-T7348)Debug(3117): 02/17/23 23:37:08:609 Unset 9 routes
(P5752-T7348)Debug(3137): 02/17/23 23:37:08:609 UnsetRoutes: DeleteIpForwardEntry[0] (
(P5752-T7348)Debug(3137): 02/17/23 23:37:08:609 UnsetRoutes: DeleteIpForwardEntry[1] (
(P5752-T7348)Debug(3137): 02/17/23 23:37:08:609 UnsetRoutes: DeleteIpForwardEntry[2] (
(P5752-T7348)Debug(3137): 02/17/23 23:37:08:609 UnsetRoutes: DeleteIpForwardEntry[3] (
(P5752-T7348)Debug(3137): 02/17/23 23:37:08:609 UnsetRoutes: DeleteIpForwardEntry[4] (
(P5752-T7348)Debug(3137): 02/17/23 23:37:08:609 UnsetRoutes: DeleteIpForwardEntry[5] (
(P5752-T7348)Debug(3137): 02/17/23 23:37:08:609 UnsetRoutes: DeleteIpForwardEntry[6] (
(P5752-T7348)Debug(3137): 02/17/23 23:37:08:609 UnsetRoutes: DeleteIpForwardEntry[7] (
(P5752-T7348)Debug(3137): 02/17/23 23:37:08:609 UnsetRoutes: DeleteIpForwardEntry[8] (
(P5752-T7348)Debug(7381): 02/17/23 23:37:08:609 UnsetGatewayRoutes: DeleteIpForwardEntry(
(P5752-T7348)Info (5817): 02/17/23 23:37:08:609 RemoveGatewayInRouteTable(vnicIdx=19)
(P5752-T7348)Info (5865): 02/17/23 23:37:08:610 delete 1 ip forward entry:
(P5752-T7348)Info (5865): 02/17/23 23:37:08:611 delete 2 ip forward entry:
(P5752-T7348)Info (5865): 02/17/23 23:37:08:611 delete 3 ip forward entry:
(P5752-T7348)Debug(3076): 02/17/23 23:37:08:611 UnsetRoutesV6: No route installed before
(P5752-T7348)Debug(1555): 02/17/23 23:37:08:611 Disconnect virtual interface
(P5752-T21164)Debug(6627): 02/17/23 23:37:08:630 NetworkConnectionMonitorThread: route change detected. Wait for 3 seconds.
(P5752-T7348)Debug( 25): 02/17/23 23:37:08:713 create thread 0x6e4 with thread ID 6256
(P5752-T7348)Debug(1571): 02/17/23 23:37:08:713 Start FlushDNSCache thread 0x6e4
(P5752-T6256)Debug(2578): 02/17/23 23:37:08:714 FlushDNSCache thread: run cmd: cmd /C ipconfig /flushdns > "C:\Program Files\Palo Alto Networks\GlobalProtect\14"
(P5752-T20856)Debug( 674): 02/17/23 23:37:08:715 ST,exit reader set!!!!(P5752-T20856)Debug(3296): 02/17/23 23:37:08:715 ST,End gp filter reader
(P5752-T7348)Debug(2654): 02/17/23 23:37:08:756 ST,service status is 00000004
(P5752-T7348)Debug(2659): 02/17/23 23:37:08:756 ST,service already started
(P5752-T7348)Debug(2662): 02/17/23 23:37:08:802 ST,Service stop send, current status = 00000001.
(P5752-T7348)Debug(2668): 02/17/23 23:37:08:802 ST,filter service stopped
(P5752-T7348)Debug(1348): 02/17/23 23:37:08:802 SPStop is called
(P5752-T7348)Debug( 986): 02/17/23 23:37:08:808 PreviousDNSInfo doesn't exist, no need to restore
(P5752-T7348)Debug(6895): 02/17/23 23:37:08:809 DLSA, savedMetric1Routes not present, do not need to restore
(P5752-T7348)Debug(6235): 02/17/23 23:37:08:809 Proxy is not disabled before, no need to restore
(P5752-T7348)Debug(1987): 02/17/23 23:37:08:809 wmi index is -1, GP DNS suffix num 0.
(P5752-T7348)Info ( 102): 02/17/23 23:37:08:809 VPN is deleted
(P5752-T7348)Debug( 661): 02/17/23 23:37:08:809 DisconnectVPN called
(P5752-T7348)Debug(3422): 02/17/23 23:37:08:809 set driver connected as false
(P5752-T7348)Debug(7095): 02/17/23 23:37:08:809 --Set state to Disconnected
(P5752-T7348)Info (2295): 02/17/23 23:37:08:809 logout: user=phimpreeya, portal=Chin_Gateway-N, gateway=, domain=chin, computerName=SUIGINTOU-MAIDE
(P5752-T7348)Debug(2329): 02/17/23 23:37:08:809 Logout parameter is
(P5752-T7348)Debug( 788): 02/17/23 23:37:08:809 SSL connecting to
(P5752-T7348)Debug( 564): 02/17/23 23:37:08:812 Network is reachable
(P5752-T7348)Debug(4976): 02/17/23 23:37:08:827 SSL verify succeed
(P5752-T7348)Debug(1346): 02/17/23 23:37:08:867 OpenSSL alert write⚠️close notify
(P5752-T7344)Debug(2530): 02/17/23 23:37:08:867 Setting debug level to 5
(P5752-T7348)Debug(2377): 02/17/23 23:37:08:867 Logged out gateway
(P5752-T7348)Debug(7095): 02/17/23 23:37:08:867 --Set state to Disconnected
(P5752-T7348)Debug(11527): 02/17/23 23:37:08:868 SetVpnStatus called with new status=0, Previous Status=1
(P5752-T7348)Debug(4326): 02/17/23 23:37:08:868 UpdatePrelogonStateForSSO() - tunnel state = Disconnected
(P5752-T21164)Debug(5890): 02/17/23 23:37:08:868 No need to check gateway route since no tunnel.
(P5752-T7348)Debug(1898): 02/17/23 23:37:08:869 Send response to client for request disconnect
(P5752-T21164)Debug(6688): 02/17/23 23:37:11:886 NetworkConnectionMonitorThread: m_state = 0, m_bOnDemand=1, m_bAgentEnabled=1, m_bJustResumed is 0,
m_bHibernate is 0, m_bAgentEnabled is 1, m_bDisconnect is 0, IsConnected() is 0, IsVPNInRetry() is 0.
(P5752-T21164)Debug(5890): 02/17/23 23:37:11:886 No need to check gateway route since no tunnel.
(P5752-T21164)Debug(6723): 02/17/23 23:37:11:886 NetworkConnectionMonitorThread: Detected route change, but skip network discovery.
(P5752-T7348)Error( 370): 02/17/23 23:37:14:644 read() failed: 10054
(P5752-T7348)Info ( 219): 02/17/23 23:37:14:644 Error processing receive data from client
(P5752-T7348)Info ( 228): 02/17/23 23:37:14:644 close client socket
(P5752-T5224)Debug( 143): 02/17/23 23:37:14:716 CheckPanGpAgentThread: PanGPA process 11320 exits, ret is 00001468.
(P5752-T5224)Debug( 151): 02/17/23 23:37:14:716 GlobalProtect agent terminates unexpectedly. Skip StopThreads().
(P5752-T5224)Debug( 25): 02/17/23 23:37:19:722 create thread 0x55c with thread ID 10180
(P5752-T5224)Debug( 244): 02/17/23 23:37:19:722 StartPanGPA thread 0x55c is created.
(P5752-T5224)Info ( 210): 02/17/23 23:37:19:722 CheckPanGpAgentThread exits
(P5752-T10180)Debug( 260): 02/17/23 23:37:19:722 start PanGPA in session 1, logged in user count is 1
(P5752-T10180)Debug( 183): 02/17/23 23:37:19:722 Run cmd C:\Program Files\Palo Alto Networks\GlobalProtect\PanGPA.exe fromGPS in session 1 as user
(P5752-T10180)Debug( 298): 02/17/23 23:37:19:728 start C:\Program Files\Palo Alto Networks\GlobalProtect\PanGPA.exe with returned ID 3136
(P5752-T10180)Debug( 25): 02/17/23 23:37:19:728 create thread 0x6e8 with thread ID 16304
(P5752-T10180)Debug( 107): 02/17/23 23:37:19:728 start CheckPanGpAgentThread 0x6e8 with client pid 3136
(P5752-T16304)Info ( 127): 02/17/23 23:37:19:728 CheckPanGpAgentThread: started.
(P5752-T16304)Debug( 143): 02/17/23 23:37:19:744 CheckPanGpAgentThread: PanGPA process 3136 exits, ret is 00003fb0.
(P5752-T16304)Debug( 151): 02/17/23 23:37:19:744 GlobalProtect agent terminates unexpectedly. Skip StopThreads().
(P5752-T5756)Debug( 348): 02/17/23 23:37:21:009 Received session change, event type 6, session 1
(P5752-T5756)Info (1580): 02/17/23 23:37:21:009 User suigintou-maide\~suigintou maiden~ logs off on session 1
(P5752-T5756)Debug(4741): 02/17/23 23:37:21:009 User controlled prelogon is not enabled
(P5752-T5756)Debug(1599): 02/17/23 23:37:21:009 User logs off. ResetServer.
(P5752-T5756)Info (10982): 02/17/23 23:37:21:009 Reset server.
(P5752-T5756)Debug(6967): 02/17/23 23:37:21:009 StopThreads starts:
(P5752-T5756)Debug(6974): 02/17/23 23:37:21:009 There are 5 threads running...
(P5752-T21164)Debug(6738): 02/17/23 23:37:21:009 NetworkConnectionMonitorThread: got exit event.
(P5752-T21164)Debug(6753): 02/17/23 23:37:21:009 NetworkConnectionMonitorThread: quits.
(P5752-T18516)Debug(5443): 02/17/23 23:37:21:009 CaptivePortalDetectionThread: got exit event.
(P5752-T22820)Debug(5696): 02/17/23 23:37:21:009 NetworkDiscoverThread: got exit event.
(P5752-T18516)Debug(5611): 02/17/23 23:37:21:009 CaptivePortalDetectionThread: captive portal detection thread exit status is (successful).
(P5752-T22820)Debug(6215): 02/17/23 23:37:21:009 NetworkDiscoverThread: quits.
(P5752-T528)Debug(6341): 02/17/23 23:37:21:009 HipReportThread: got exit event.
(P5752-T4292)Debug(5241): 02/17/23 23:37:21:009 NotificationTimerThread: got exit event.
(P5752-T528)Debug(6581): 02/17/23 23:37:21:009 HipReportThread: HipReportThread quits.
(P5752-T5756)Debug(1390): 02/17/23 23:37:21:009 Logging out gateway, reason is StopThreads
(P5752-T5756)Debug(1429): 02/17/23 23:37:21:009 Logging out gateway over
(P5752-T5756)Debug(6984): 02/17/23 23:37:21:009 Going to wait all threads exit...
(P5752-T5756)Debug(6988): 02/17/23 23:37:21:009 threads are gracefully stopped, counter=600.
(P5752-T5756)Debug(7001): 02/17/23 23:37:21:009 Double check all threads.
(P5752-T5756)Debug(7052): 02/17/23 23:37:21:009 To reset thread quit event.
(P5752-T19644)Debug( 242): 02/17/23 23:37:21:009 HipCheckThread: got thread exit event.
(P5752-T11496)Debug( 413): 02/17/23 23:37:21:009 HipMonitor gets quit event.
(P5752-T11496)Debug( 430): 02/17/23 23:37:21:009 Unregister -- WscUnRegisterChanges
(P5752-T19644)Debug( 287): 02/17/23 23:37:21:009 HipCheckThread: Hip check thread quits.
(P5752-T6912)Debug( 530): 02/17/23 23:37:21:009 HipMissingPatchThread: Hip check missiing patch thread quits.
(P5752-T11496)Debug( 726): 02/17/23 23:37:21:025 HipMonitorThread quits.
(P5752-T5756)Debug( 132): 02/17/23 23:37:21:025 All hip collect threads quit gracefully.
(P5752-T5756)Debug(7062): 02/17/23 23:37:21:025 StopThreads ends.
(P5752-T5756)Debug(7095): 02/17/23 23:37:21:025 --Set state to User logs off
(P5752-T5756)Error(1888): 02/17/23 23:37:21:026 Failed to send 816 bytes to client
(P5752-T5756)Debug(1390): 02/17/23 23:37:21:026 Logging out gateway, reason is User logs off
(P5752-T5756)Debug(1429): 02/17/23 23:37:21:026 Logging out gateway over
(P5752-T5756)Debug(1608): 02/17/23 23:37:21:026 User log off, and old SSO removed.
(P5752-T5756)Info ( 357): 02/17/23 23:37:22:467 Received shutdown message
(P5752-T6140)Info ( 297): 02/17/23 23:37:22:467 PanGPS service exits
(P5752-T6140)Info ( 183): 02/17/23 23:37:22:467 Stop PanGPS
(P5752-T7348)Error( 239): 02/17/23 23:37:22:467 accept failed: 10004(A blocking operation was interrupted by a call to WSACancelBlockingCall.)
(P5752-T7348)Info ( 244): 02/17/23 23:37:22:467 ServerThread exited
(P5752-T16304)Info ( 210): 02/17/23 23:37:22:467 CheckPanGpAgentThread exits
(P5752-T6140)Debug(4640): 02/17/23 23:37:22:467 StopServer() called
(P5752-T6140)Debug(4650): 02/17/23 23:37:22:467 StopServer() SetVpnStatus to GP_VPN_STATUS_DISCONNECTED
(P5752-T6140)Debug(11527): 02/17/23 23:37:22:467 SetVpnStatus called with new status=0, Previous Status=0
(P5752-T6140)Debug(4326): 02/17/23 23:37:22:467 UpdatePrelogonStateForSSO() - tunnel state = Disconnected
(P5752-T6140)Debug( 230): 02/17/23 23:37:22:467 set virtual interface driver started as no
(P5752-T6140)Debug(4661): 02/17/23 23:37:22:467 psv stop called
(P5752-T6140)Debug(6967): 02/17/23 23:37:22:467 StopThreads starts:
(P5752-T6140)Debug(6970): 02/17/23 23:37:22:467 threads have already stopped, StopThreads ends.
(P5752-T6140)Info (4669): 02/17/23 23:37:22:467 Wait until all threads exit
(P5752-T6140)Debug(4685): 02/17/23 23:37:22:467 wait for threads:lifeTime(FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF),
NetworkDiscover(0000000000000000), m_hHipReport(0000000000000000), NetworkMonitor(0000000000000000)
(P5752-T6140)Info (4688): 02/17/23 23:37:22:467 All threads exit
(P5752-T7340)Debug(4866): 02/17/23 23:37:22:467 Event log thread received quit event.
(P5752-T7340)Debug(4795): 02/17/23 23:37:22:467 event log thread quit.
(P5752-T6140)Debug(4695): 02/17/23 23:37:22:467 Event log thread ended
(P5752-T6140)Debug(4701): 02/17/23 23:37:22:467 To stop Debug thread.
(P5752-T7344)Debug(2536): 02/17/23 23:37:22:467 get m_hDebugLevelThreadEvent, return now
(P5752-T6140)Debug(4705): 02/17/23 23:37:22:467 Waiting for debug thread exit is done.
(P5752-T6140)Debug( 329): 02/17/23 23:37:22:467 ClearHipCustomCheckInfo(): pHipCustomCheckInfo is NULL.
(P5752-T6140)Debug( 85): 02/17/23 23:37:22:467 ClearHipCustomCheckRegKeyInfo(): pHipCustomCheckRegKeyInfo is NULL.
(P5668-T5672)Info (1790): 02/18/23 09:34:13:986 Old registry setting Prelogon is copied to new location. Old setting is deleted.
(P5668-T6332)Info ( 156): 02/18/23 09:34:14:415 DRBG selftest: PASSED
(P5668-T6332)Info ( 158): 02/18/23 09:34:14:920 ####################### Start PanGPS service (ver: 5.2.12-26) #######################
(P5668-T6332)Debug( 986): 02/18/23 09:34:15:061 PreviousDNSInfo doesn't exist, no need to restore
(P5668-T6332)Debug(6235): 02/18/23 09:34:15:081 Proxy is not disabled before, no need to restore
(P5668-T6332)Debug( 64): 02/18/23 09:34:15:358 Virtual interface driver is initialized
(P5668-T6332)Debug( 115): 02/18/23 09:34:15:361 Get shared translate length 24
(P5668-T6332)Info ( 911): 02/18/23 09:34:15:362 Computer name is SUIGINTOU-MAIDE, OS version is Microsoft Windows 10 Home Single Language , 64-bit
(P5668-T6332)Debug( 330): 02/18/23 09:34:15:363 PanIsSSORegisted: did not find CP.
(P5668-T6332)Info (5979): 02/18/23 09:34:15:365 CPanMSServiceWin::findJoinDomain: domain is :
(P5668-T6332)Debug( 945): 02/18/23 09:34:15:365 m_szJoinDomain , m_szJoinDomainRaw
(P5668-T6332)Debug( 659): 02/18/23 09:34:15:365 Service-only is no
(P5668-T6332)Debug( 711): 02/18/23 09:34:15:365 Kerberos auth, stopOnKerberosFail=0(yes)
(P5668-T6332)Debug( 716): 02/18/23 09:34:15:365 Prefer ipv6 is yes.
(P5668-T6332)Debug( 739): 02/18/23 09:34:15:365 CPanMSService::Init connect timeout 60, received timeout 30, portal timeout 30
(P5668-T6332)Debug(1861): 02/18/23 09:34:15:365 pan_get_gp_user_agent szGpUserAgent ua is PAN GlobalProtect/5.2.12-26 (Microsoft Windows 10 Home Single Language , 64-bit).
(P5668-T6332)Info (10319): 02/18/23 09:34:15:365 CheckPrelogon: Portal is, PrelogonEnabled is no
(P5668-T6332)Debug( 831): 02/18/23 09:34:15:366 override-cc-username is no
(P5668-T6332)Debug(4819): 02/18/23 09:34:15:366 event log file is C:\Program Files\Palo Alto Networks\GlobalProtect\pan_gp_event.log
(P5668-T6332)Debug( 25): 02/18/23 09:34:15:366 create thread 0x4a4 with thread ID 7264
(P5668-T6332)Debug( 841): 02/18/23 09:34:15:366 Event log thread started
(P5668-T7264)Debug(4788): 02/18/23 09:34:15:366 event log thread started.
(P5668-T6332)Debug( 156): 02/18/23 09:34:15:366 Time zone GMT offset is 480
(P5668-T6332)Info (10208): 02/18/23 09:34:15:366 Portal config does not exist, try registry/plist
(P5668-T6332)Debug( 25): 02/18/23 09:34:15:366 create thread 0x4ac with thread ID 7268
(P5668-T6332)Debug(2425): 02/18/23 09:34:15:366 debug thread 0x4ac is created
(P5668-T6332)Debug( 230): 02/18/23 09:34:15:366 set virtual interface driver started as yes
(P5668-T6332)Debug( 25): 02/18/23 09:34:15:366 create thread 0x4c4 with thread ID 7272
(P5668-T7272)Info ( 102): 02/18/23 09:34:15:366 Start ServerThread
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 25): 02/18/23 09:34:15:374 create thread 0x4d8 with thread ID 7276
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 244): 02/18/23 09:34:15:374 StartPanGPA thread 0x4d8 is created.
(P5668-T7272)Debug(10346): 02/18/23 09:34:15:374 CPanMSService::StartPrelogonThread DaemonProcess: yes, InPrelogon: no
(P5668-T7272)Debug(12899): 02/18/23 09:34:15:374 Enforcer is not enabled
(P5668-T7276)Debug( 260): 02/18/23 09:34:15:377 start PanGPA in session 4294967295, logged in user count is 0
(P5668-T7276)Debug( 264): 02/18/23 09:34:15:377 Logged in user count is 0. Skip to start PanGPA.
(P5668-T7272)Debug(1956): 02/18/23 09:34:15:384 Enforcer,found 0 filter object belonging to us.
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 41): 02/18/23 09:34:15:384 Roaming profile is false
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 222): 02/18/23 09:34:15:384 Do not impersonate in prelogon.
(P5668-T7272)Info (3979): 02/18/23 09:34:15:384 CPanMSServiceWin::IsGpDisabledForCurUser() Failed to open sub key
(P5668-T5672)Debug( 348): 02/18/23 09:34:20:857 Received session change, event type 5, session 1
(P5668-T5672)Debug(1470): 02/18/23 09:34:20:857 Previous user count is 0
(P5668-T5672)Debug(1472): 02/18/23 09:34:20:857 First logon user.
(P5668-T5672)Debug(1526): 02/18/23 09:34:20:859 Session 1, username ~SUIGINTOU MAIDEN~.
(P5668-T5672)Debug(1535): 02/18/23 09:34:20:860 Session 1, domain name SUIGINTOU-MAIDE.
(P5668-T5672)Debug( 41): 02/18/23 09:34:20:860 Roaming profile is false
(P5668-T5672)Debug( 235): 02/18/23 09:34:20:878 Failed to get active PanGPA or explorer pid.
(P5668-T5672)Debug( 242): 02/18/23 09:34:21:773 get impersonate explorer pid.
(P5668-T5672)Debug( 167): 02/18/23 09:34:21:819 profileInfo username ~SUIGINTOU MAIDEN~, profile path (null), server (null)
(P5668-T5672)Debug(3991): 02/18/23 09:34:21:870 CPanMSServiceWin::IsGpDisabledForCurUser() - bGpIsDisabled=0.
(P5668-T5672)Debug(12966): 02/18/23 09:34:21:871 IsGpDisabledForCurUser returns no
(P5668-T5672)Info (1570): 02/18/23 09:34:21:871 User suigintou-maide\~suigintou maiden~ logs in on session 1
(P5668-T5672)Debug( 348): 02/18/23 09:34:22:159 Received session change, event type 7, session 1
(P5668-T5672)Info (1615): 02/18/23 09:34:22:159 lock off session 1
(P5668-T5672)Debug( 348): 02/18/23 09:34:25:810 Received session change, event type 8, session 1
(P5668-T7272)Info ( 202): 02/18/23 09:34:45:710 New Connection( with socket(1340)
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 349): 02/18/23 09:34:45:710 Socket is connected by C:\Program Files\Palo Alto Networks\GlobalProtect\PanGPA.exe
(P5668-T7272)Debug(2582): 02/18/23 09:34:46:365 User just logs in
(P5668-T7272)Info ( 531): 02/18/23 09:34:46:365 msgtype = hello
(P5668-T7272)Debug(1898): 02/18/23 09:34:46:366 Send response to client for request hello
(P5668-T7272)Info ( 531): 02/18/23 09:34:46:910 msgtype = portal
(P5668-T7272)Debug(2561): 02/18/23 09:34:46:910 ----portal processing starts----
(P5668-T7272)Debug(2591): 02/18/23 09:34:46:910 User profile type is 0(not roaming)
(P5668-T7272)Debug(2624): 02/18/23 09:34:46:910 pg, source = 0, old source is 0
(P5668-T7272)Debug(2646): 02/18/23 09:34:46:910 pg, preferred gateway not set in message, old prefergateway=:)
(P5668-T7272)Debug(2703): 02/18/23 09:34:46:910 CheckUpdate is false.
)(P5668-T7272)Debug(2718): 02/18/23 09:34:46:910 portal-certificate-verification is yes
(P5668-T7272)Debug(2758): 02/18/23 09:34:46:910 No saml-load-cache tag.
(P5668-T7272)Debug(2781): 02/18/23 09:34:46:910 no saml-auth-error tag.
(P5668-T7272)Debug(2794): 02/18/23 09:34:46:910 allow-cached-portal is yes
(P5668-T7272)Debug(2838): 02/18/23 09:34:46:910 NewWinUser is ~SUIGINTOU MAIDEN~, WinUser is , PreviousSwitchOffMsg is false
(P5668-T7272)Debug(2839): 02/18/23 09:34:46:910 GetPrelogonStatus() 0, m_userName , m_preUsername
(P5668-T7272)Debug(3664): 02/18/23 09:34:46:910 Grace period is 0
(P5668-T7272)Debug(6967): 02/18/23 09:34:46:910 StopThreads starts:
(P5668-T7272)Debug(6970): 02/18/23 09:34:46:910 threads have already stopped, StopThreads ends.
(P5668-T7272)Debug(6931): 02/18/23 09:34:46:911 StartThreads starts:
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 25): 02/18/23 09:34:46:911 create thread 0x4ec with thread ID 14136
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 25): 02/18/23 09:34:46:911 create thread 0x540 with thread ID 14104
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 25): 02/18/23 09:34:46:911 create thread 0x500 with thread ID 14100
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 25): 02/18/23 09:34:46:911 create thread 0x544 with thread ID 14096
(P5668-T14104)Debug(5280): 02/18/23 09:34:46:911 CaptivePortalDetectionThread: captive portal detection thread starts.
(P5668-T14104)Debug(5440): 02/18/23 09:34:46:911 CaptivePortalDetectionThread: wait (-1 ms) for captive portal detection event.
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 25): 02/18/23 09:34:46:911 create thread 0x548 with thread ID 14060
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 25): 02/18/23 09:34:46:911 create thread 0x54c with thread ID 14056
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 25): 02/18/23 09:34:46:911 create thread 0x550 with thread ID 14052
(P5668-T14096)Debug(6307): 02/18/23 09:34:46:911 HipReportThread: HipReportThread starts up.
(P5668-T14096)Debug(6333): 02/18/23 09:34:46:911 HipReportThread: wait for HIP report ready event.
(P5668-T14136)Debug(5084): 02/18/23 09:34:46:911 NotificationTimerThread: notification timer thread starts.
(P5668-T14136)Debug(5234): 02/18/23 09:34:46:911 NotificationTimerThread: wait (-1 ms) for notification timer event.
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 25): 02/18/23 09:34:46:911 create thread 0x554 with thread ID 14064
(P5668-T14060)Debug(6589): 02/18/23 09:34:46:911 NetworkConnectionMonitorThread: network connection monitor thread starts.
(P5668-T7272)Debug(2869): 02/18/23 09:34:46:911 Update GP disable status to false
(P5668-T14100)Debug(5621): 02/18/23 09:34:46:911 NetworkDiscoverThread: network discover thread starts.
(P5668-T14100)Debug(5686): 02/18/23 09:34:46:911 NetworkDiscoverThread: wait for network discover event.
(P5668-T14052)Debug( 176): 02/18/23 09:34:46:911 Start HipMissingPatchThread
(P5668-T14052)Debug( 406): 02/18/23 09:34:46:911 HipMissingPatchThread started...
(P5668-T14056)Debug( 167): 02/18/23 09:34:46:911 Start HipCheckThread
(P5668-T14056)Debug( 210): 02/18/23 09:34:46:911 HipCheckThread started...
(P5668-T14056)Debug( 216): 02/18/23 09:34:46:911 HipCheckThread: wait for hip check event for 3600000 ms);
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 222): 02/18/23 09:34:46:911 m_dwPanGpAgentPid is set to 1604
(P5668-T14064)Debug( 186): 02/18/23 09:34:46:911 Start HipMonitorThread
(P5668-T14064)Info ( 722): 02/18/23 09:34:46:911 HipMonitorThread starts
(P5668-T14068)Info ( 127): 02/18/23 09:34:46:911 CheckPanGpAgentThread: started.
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 25): 02/18/23 09:34:46:911 create thread 0x55c with thread ID 14068
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 107): 02/18/23 09:34:46:911 start CheckPanGpAgentThread 0x55c with client pid 1604
(P5668-T7272)Debug(3044): 02/18/23 09:34:46:911 Portal, user phimpreeya, logonDomain SUIGINTOU-MAIDE, saved user phimpreeya, path C:\Users\~SUIGINTOU MAIDEN~\AppData\Local\Palo Alto Networks\GlobalProtect\
(P5668-T7272)Debug(3110): 02/18/23 09:34:46:911 use proxy is 1
(P5668-T7272)Debug(3168): 02/18/23 09:34:46:911 Pre-logon-then-on-demand value is no
(P5668-T7272)Debug(1689): 02/18/23 09:34:46:911 SSO GetSsoCredential starts.
(P5668-T7272)Info (1719): 02/18/23 09:34:46:912 SSO ----- PanCredGet failed with error Element not found.

(P5668-T7272)Debug(10970): 02/18/23 09:34:46:912 SSO password is empty
(P5668-T7272)Debug(3306): 02/18/23 09:34:46:912 m_preUsername
(P5668-T7272)Debug(8153): 02/18/23 09:34:46:912 User name for cached portal confg: phimpreeya
(P5668-T7272)Debug(3327): 02/18/23 09:34:46:912 CheckCachedPortalForPrelogon 0, PrelogonNeedTimeout 0, RenameTimeout -1, userName phimpreeya, preUsername
(P5668-T7272)Info (3362): 02/18/23 09:34:46:912 Received retrieve cache only portal message
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 41): 02/18/23 09:34:46:913 Roaming profile is false
(P5668-T14064)Debug( 408): 02/18/23 09:34:46:915 HipMonitorThread wait for exit event.
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 167): 02/18/23 09:34:46:917 profileInfo username ~SUIGINTOU MAIDEN~, profile path (null), server (null)
(P5668-T7272)Debug(14014): 02/18/23 09:34:46:923 Cached portal is validated
(P5668-T7272)Debug(3387): 02/18/23 09:34:46:923 last portal config is restored from file C:\Users\~SUIGINTOU MAIDEN~\AppData\Local\Palo Alto Networks\GlobalProtect\PanPortalCfg_a22f438034fb5eb078e59281b7e4e74.dat.
(P5668-T7272)Debug(13369): 02/18/23 09:34:46:923 REGION-PRIO, cached region code is TH
(P5668-T7272)Debug(1201): 02/18/23 09:34:46:924 No exclusion in the hip policy collection
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 721): 02/18/23 09:34:46:924 enforcer exception: FQDN is
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 740): 02/18/23 09:34:46:924 enforcer exception: no app list defined.
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 802): 02/18/23 09:34:46:924 No internal host detection defined
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 995): 02/18/23 09:34:46:924 No internal gateway defined
(P5668-T7272)Debug(1022): 02/18/23 09:34:46:924 CDL log is disabled
(P5668-T7272)Debug(1047): 02/18/23 09:34:46:924 Optional client-cert does not exist
(P5668-T7272)Debug(1061): 02/18/23 09:34:46:924 Diagnostic servers list is
(P5668-T7272)Debug(9925): 02/18/23 09:34:46:924 CPanMSService::ProcessPortalConfig portal default-browser value is 0.
(P5668-T7272)Debug(9934): 02/18/23 09:34:46:924 Use proxy is true
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 41): 02/18/23 09:34:46:924 Roaming profile is false
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 167): 02/18/23 09:34:46:929 profileInfo username ~SUIGINTOU MAIDEN~, profile path (null), server (null)
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 41): 02/18/23 09:34:46:933 Roaming profile is false
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 167): 02/18/23 09:34:46:938 profileInfo username ~SUIGINTOU MAIDEN~, profile path (null), server (null)
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 98): 02/18/23 09:34:46:941 Saved portal config to file C:\Users\~SUIGINTOU MAIDEN~\AppData\Local\Palo Alto Networks\GlobalProtect\PanPortalCfg_a22f438034fb5eb078e59281b7e4e74.dat.
(P5668-T7272)Debug(1732): 02/18/23 09:34:46:941 Proxy auto detect is not needed
(P5668-T7272)Debug(10027): 02/18/23 09:34:46:941 RefreshPortalConfig is yes, RefreshPortalConfigInterval is 24 hours
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 41): 02/18/23 09:34:46:941 Roaming profile is false
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 167): 02/18/23 09:34:46:946 profileInfo username ~SUIGINTOU MAIDEN~, profile path (null), server (null)
(P5668-T7272)Debug(2508): 02/18/23 09:34:46:949 SerializePortalConfigDigest to file C:\Users\~SUIGINTOU MAIDEN~\AppData\Local\Palo Alto Networks\GlobalProtect\PanPCD_a22f438034fb5eb078e59281b7e4e74.dat
(P5668-T7272)Debug(2509): 02/18/23 09:34:46:949 Portal config digest is 5d3d39294151796dece3cfb0c6b605d3
(P5668-T7272)Debug(12536): 02/18/23 09:34:46:949 kerberos, dynamic config value is yes, m_stopOnKerberosFail=0
(P5668-T7272)Debug(12566): 02/18/23 09:34:46:949 Timeout value: portal 30, connect 60, receive 30, retry 5
(P5668-T7272)Debug(12569): 02/18/23 09:34:46:949 Tunnel retry grace period is 1800 seconds
(P5668-T7272)Debug(12572): 02/18/23 09:34:46:950 override-cc-username is no
(P5668-T7272)Debug(12575): 02/18/23 09:34:46:950 split-tunnel-option is network-traffic
(P5668-T7272)Debug(10066): 02/18/23 09:34:46:950 Scep certificate renew period is 7 days. Scep cert auth cookie length is 0
(P5668-T7272)Debug(10077): 02/18/23 09:34:46:950 Otp portal 0, otp internal gateway 0, otp auto external gateway 0, otp manual only external gateway 0
(P5668-T7272)Debug(10082): 02/18/23 09:34:46:950 Prefer ipv6 is 1 after processing portal configuration.
(P5668-T7272)Debug(10093): 02/18/23 09:34:46:950 Quarantine add message is
(P5668-T7272)Debug(10094): 02/18/23 09:34:46:950 Quarantine remove message is
(P5668-T7272)Debug(10135): 02/18/23 09:34:46:950 The number of configured diagnostic servers is 0
(P5668-T7272)Error(5191): 02/18/23 09:34:46:950 DEM Agent: GetDemProductVersion - failed to open DEM agent version string on key 'SOFTWARE\Palo Alto Networks\DEM'
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 330): 02/18/23 09:34:46:953 Parse gateway list for user phimpreeya
(P5668-T7272)Debug(13236): 02/18/23 09:34:46:953 RetrieveClientIpByRemoteHost() - invalid remote host: .
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 190): 02/18/23 09:34:46:953 SelectInternalGateways - failed to retrieve client source ip!
(P5668-T7272)Debug(13236): 02/18/23 09:34:46:953 RetrieveClientIpByRemoteHost() - invalid remote host: .
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 196): 02/18/23 09:34:46:953 SelectInternalGateways - failed to retrieve client source ipv6!
(P5668-T7272)Debug(2094): 02/18/23 09:34:46:953 use ssl version OpenSSL 1.0.2g-fips 1 Mar 2016
(P5668-T7272)Debug(5418): 02/18/23 09:34:46:953 getaddrinfo host.GetString()
(P5668-T7272)Debug(5540): 02/18/23 09:34:46:953 Gateway ipv4, ipv6 , FQDN no
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 488): 02/18/23 09:34:46:953 Write HIP policy: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

(P5668-T7272)Debug( 490): 02/18/23 09:34:46:954 Saved hip policy to file HipPolicy.dat.
(P5668-T7272)Debug(3418): 02/18/23 09:34:46:954 Set check hip event
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 772): 02/18/23 09:34:46:954 m_bScheduleFlag is set to 0
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 297): 02/18/23 09:34:46:954 Set hip check event.
(P5668-T7272)Debug(7095): 02/18/23 09:34:46:954 --Set state to OnDemand mode.
(P5668-T14056)Info ( 246): 02/18/23 09:34:46:954 HipCheckThread: got check hip event or time out.
(P5668-T14056)Debug( 255): 02/18/23 09:34:46:954 HipCheckThread: Got CheckHipEvent.
(P5668-T14056)Debug( 750): 02/18/23 09:34:46:954 SetNextScheduledHipCheckTime to 1676691286
(P5668-T14056)Debug( 276): 02/18/23 09:34:46:954 Last hip check event wakeup tick is 1676687686
(P5668-T14056)Debug( 278): 02/18/23 09:34:46:954 HipCheckThread: check hip in other process.
(P5668-T14056)Debug( 306): 02/18/23 09:34:46:954 CheckHipInOtherProcess()
(P5668-T14056)Debug( 310): 02/18/23 09:34:46:954 Need to collect hip data
(P5668-T14056)Debug( 118): 02/18/23 09:34:46:954 Starting process PanGpHip.exe
(P5668-T7272)Debug(3433): 02/18/23 09:34:46:954 Send success response for cache only portal message
(P5668-T14056)Debug( 136): 02/18/23 09:34:47:030 Wait for the ready event of hip report generated in other process.
(P5668-T14052)Debug( 439): 02/18/23 09:34:48:923 HipMissingPatchThread: now is 1676687688, last hip check is 1676687686, hip check interval is 3600000
(P5668-T14052)Debug( 444): 02/18/23 09:34:48:923 HipMissingPatchThread: wait 3598000 ms
(P5668-T14056)Debug( 140): 02/18/23 09:34:57:881 Got hip report in other process ready event.
(P5668-T14056)Debug( 159): 02/18/23 09:34:57:881 Read output from PanGpHip.exe
(P5668-T14056)Debug( 170): 02/18/23 09:34:57:881 >>>CheckHip: hip report head size 10474
(P5668-T14056)Debug( 188): 02/18/23 09:34:57:881 >>>CheckHip: total bytes read: 10474
(P5668-T14056)Debug( 198): 02/18/23 09:34:57:881 write hip file now
(P5668-T14056)Debug( 216): 02/18/23 09:34:57:881 CheckHipInOtherProcess() sets hip report ready event.
(P5668-T14056)Debug( 136): 02/18/23 09:34:57:881 Wait for the ready event of hip report generated in other process.
(P5668-T14096)Debug(6338): 02/18/23 09:34:57:882 HipReportThread: got HIP report ready event.
(P5668-T14096)Debug(6354): 02/18/23 09:34:57:882 HipReportThread: wait for network discover ready event.
(P5668-T14056)Debug( 144): 02/18/23 09:35:00:038 Got event for PanGpHip process has quited.
(P5668-T14056)Debug( 335): 02/18/23 09:35:00:038 CheckHip over
(P5668-T14056)Debug( 282): 02/18/23 09:35:00:038 Hip checking is not initiated by clicking resubmit host profile.
(P5668-T14056)Debug( 216): 02/18/23 09:35:00:038 HipCheckThread: wait for hip check event for 3600000 ms);
(P5668-T7272)Info ( 531): 02/18/23 09:35:03:732 msgtype = portal
(P5668-T7272)Debug(2561): 02/18/23 09:35:03:732 ----portal processing starts----
(P5668-T7272)Debug(2591): 02/18/23 09:35:03:732 User profile type is 0(not roaming)
(P5668-T7272)Debug(2624): 02/18/23 09:35:03:732 pg, source = 0, old source is 0
(P5668-T7272)Debug(2646): 02/18/23 09:35:03:732 pg, preferred gateway not set in message, old prefergateway=:)
(P5668-T7272)Debug(2703): 02/18/23 09:35:03:732 CheckUpdate is false.
)(P5668-T7272)Debug(2718): 02/18/23 09:35:03:732 portal-certificate-verification is yes
(P5668-T7272)Debug(2758): 02/18/23 09:35:03:732 No saml-load-cache tag.
(P5668-T7272)Debug(2781): 02/18/23 09:35:03:732 no saml-auth-error tag.
(P5668-T7272)Debug(2794): 02/18/23 09:35:03:732 allow-cached-portal is yes
(P5668-T7272)Debug(2838): 02/18/23 09:35:03:732 NewWinUser is ~SUIGINTOU MAIDEN~, WinUser is , PreviousSwitchOffMsg is false
(P5668-T7272)Debug(2839): 02/18/23 09:35:03:732 GetPrelogonStatus() 0, m_userName phimpreeya, m_preUsername
(P5668-T7272)Debug(3664): 02/18/23 09:35:03:732 Grace period is 0
(P5668-T7272)Debug(6967): 02/18/23 09:35:03:732 StopThreads starts:
(P5668-T7272)Debug(6974): 02/18/23 09:35:03:732 There are 5 threads running...
(P5668-T14100)Debug(5696): 02/18/23 09:35:03:732 NetworkDiscoverThread: got exit event.
(P5668-T14060)Debug(6738): 02/18/23 09:35:03:732 NetworkConnectionMonitorThread: got exit event.
(P5668-T14100)Debug(6215): 02/18/23 09:35:03:732 NetworkDiscoverThread: quits.
(P5668-T7272)Debug(1390): 02/18/23 09:35:03:732 Logging out gateway, reason is StopThreads
(P5668-T14096)Debug(6362): 02/18/23 09:35:03:732 HipReportThread: got exit event.
(P5668-T7272)Debug(1429): 02/18/23 09:35:03:732 Logging out gateway over
(P5668-T14096)Debug(6581): 02/18/23 09:35:03:732 HipReportThread: HipReportThread quits.
(P5668-T14060)Debug(6753): 02/18/23 09:35:03:732 NetworkConnectionMonitorThread: quits.
(P5668-T7272)Debug(6984): 02/18/23 09:35:03:732 Going to wait all threads exit...
(P5668-T14104)Debug(5443): 02/18/23 09:35:03:732 CaptivePortalDetectionThread: got exit event.
(P5668-T14104)Debug(5611): 02/18/23 09:35:03:732 CaptivePortalDetectionThread: captive portal detection thread exit status is (successful).
(P5668-T14136)Debug(5241): 02/18/23 09:35:03:732 NotificationTimerThread: got exit event.
(P5668-T7272)Debug(6988): 02/18/23 09:35:03:842 threads are gracefully stopped, counter=599.
(P5668-T7272)Debug(7001): 02/18/23 09:35:03:842 Double check all threads.
(P5668-T7272)Debug(7052): 02/18/23 09:35:03:842 To reset thread quit event.
(P5668-T14056)Debug( 242): 02/18/23 09:35:03:842 HipCheckThread: got thread exit event.
(P5668-T14064)Debug( 413): 02/18/23 09:35:03:842 HipMonitor gets quit event.
(P5668-T14064)Debug( 430): 02/18/23 09:35:03:842 Unregister -- WscUnRegisterChanges
(P5668-T14056)Debug( 287): 02/18/23 09:35:03:849 HipCheckThread: Hip check thread quits.
(P5668-T14052)Debug( 530): 02/18/23 09:35:03:855 HipMissingPatchThread: Hip check missiing patch thread quits.
(P5668-T14064)Debug( 726): 02/18/23 09:35:03:857 HipMonitorThread quits.
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 132): 02/18/23 09:35:03:857 All hip collect threads quit gracefully.
(P5668-T7272)Debug(7062): 02/18/23 09:35:03:857 StopThreads ends.
(P5668-T7272)Debug(6931): 02/18/23 09:35:03:857 StartThreads starts:
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 25): 02/18/23 09:35:03:857 create thread 0x5c4 with thread ID 17752
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 25): 02/18/23 09:35:03:857 create thread 0x5c8 with thread ID 17756
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 25): 02/18/23 09:35:03:857 create thread 0x554 with thread ID 17760
(P5668-T17752)Debug(5084): 02/18/23 09:35:03:857 NotificationTimerThread: notification timer thread starts.
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 25): 02/18/23 09:35:03:857 create thread 0x500 with thread ID 17764
(P5668-T17752)Debug(5234): 02/18/23 09:35:03:857 NotificationTimerThread: wait (-1 ms) for notification timer event.
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 25): 02/18/23 09:35:03:857 create thread 0x540 with thread ID 17768
(P5668-T17756)Debug(5280): 02/18/23 09:35:03:857 CaptivePortalDetectionThread: captive portal detection thread starts.
(P5668-T17756)Debug(5440): 02/18/23 09:35:03:857 CaptivePortalDetectionThread: wait (-1 ms) for captive portal detection event.
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 25): 02/18/23 09:35:03:857 create thread 0x660 with thread ID 17772
(P5668-T17768)Debug(6589): 02/18/23 09:35:03:857 NetworkConnectionMonitorThread: network connection monitor thread starts.
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 25): 02/18/23 09:35:03:857 create thread 0x664 with thread ID 17776
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 25): 02/18/23 09:35:03:857 create thread 0x668 with thread ID 17780
(P5668-T7272)Debug(2869): 02/18/23 09:35:03:857 Update GP disable status to false
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 167): 02/18/23 09:35:03:857 Start HipCheckThread
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 210): 02/18/23 09:35:03:857 HipCheckThread started...
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 216): 02/18/23 09:35:03:857 HipCheckThread: wait for hip check event for 3600000 ms);
(P5668-T7272)Debug(3044): 02/18/23 09:35:03:857 Portal, user phimpreeya, logonDomain SUIGINTOU-MAIDE, saved user phimpreeya, path C:\Users\~SUIGINTOU MAIDEN~\AppData\Local\Palo Alto Networks\GlobalProtect\
(P5668-T7272)Debug(3110): 02/18/23 09:35:03:857 use proxy is 1
(P5668-T7272)Debug(3168): 02/18/23 09:35:03:857 Pre-logon-then-on-demand value is no
(P5668-T7272)Debug(1689): 02/18/23 09:35:03:857 SSO GetSsoCredential starts.
(P5668-T17760)Debug(5621): 02/18/23 09:35:03:857 NetworkDiscoverThread: network discover thread starts.
(P5668-T17760)Debug(5686): 02/18/23 09:35:03:857 NetworkDiscoverThread: wait for network discover event.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6307): 02/18/23 09:35:03:857 HipReportThread: HipReportThread starts up.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6333): 02/18/23 09:35:03:857 HipReportThread: wait for HIP report ready event.
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 176): 02/18/23 09:35:03:857 Start HipMissingPatchThread
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 406): 02/18/23 09:35:03:857 HipMissingPatchThread started...
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 439): 02/18/23 09:35:03:857 HipMissingPatchThread: now is 1676687703, last hip check is 1676687686, hip check interval is 3600000
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 444): 02/18/23 09:35:03:857 HipMissingPatchThread: wait 3583000 ms
(P5668-T17780)Debug( 186): 02/18/23 09:35:03:857 Start HipMonitorThread
(P5668-T17780)Info ( 722): 02/18/23 09:35:03:857 HipMonitorThread starts
(P5668-T7272)Info (1719): 02/18/23 09:35:03:857 SSO ----- PanCredGet failed with error Element not found.

(P5668-T7272)Debug(10970): 02/18/23 09:35:03:857 SSO password is empty
(P5668-T7272)Debug(3306): 02/18/23 09:35:03:857 m_preUsername phimpreeya
(P5668-T7272)Debug(8153): 02/18/23 09:35:03:857 User name for cached portal confg: phimpreeya
(P5668-T7272)Debug(3327): 02/18/23 09:35:03:857 CheckCachedPortalForPrelogon 0, PrelogonNeedTimeout 0, RenameTimeout -1, userName phimpreeya, preUsername phimpreeya
(P5668-T7272)Debug(3505): 02/18/23 09:35:03:857 Use ssl tunnel is no
(P5668-T7272)Debug(3515): 02/18/23 09:35:03:857 bCheckCachedPortalForPrelogon: 0, m_bOnDemand: 1
(P5668-T7272)Debug(7095): 02/18/23 09:35:03:857 --Set state to Retrieving configuration...
(P5668-T17780)Debug( 408): 02/18/23 09:35:03:858 HipMonitorThread wait for exit event.
(P5668-T7272)Debug(1231): 02/18/23 09:35:03:865 Hip report changed. Include it in status message to client.
(P5668-T7272)Debug(8250): 02/18/23 09:35:03:867 SSO enable status is 0, user name is phimpreeya, domain name is .
(P5668-T7272)Debug(1861): 02/18/23 09:35:03:867 pan_get_gp_user_agent szGpUserAgent ua is PAN GlobalProtect/5.2.12-26 (Microsoft Windows 10 Home Single Language , 64-bit).
(P5668-T7272)Debug(2363): 02/18/23 09:35:03:867 open http session. agent is PAN GlobalProtect/5.2.12-26 (Microsoft Windows 10 Home Single Language , 64-bit)
(P5668-T7272)Debug(1861): 02/18/23 09:35:03:867 pan_get_gp_user_agent szGpUserAgent ua is PAN GlobalProtect/5.2.12-26 (Microsoft Windows 10 Home Single Language , 64-bit).
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 469): 02/18/23 09:35:03:869 winhttp SetSecureProtocol, hSession=9bd6b1c0, bAllProtocol=0, gbFips=0
(P5668-T7272)Debug(1861): 02/18/23 09:35:03:869 pan_get_gp_user_agent szGpUserAgent ua is PAN GlobalProtect/5.2.12-26 (Microsoft Windows 10 Home Single Language , 64-bit).
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 469): 02/18/23 09:35:03:869 winhttp SetSecureProtocol, hSession=9bddd770, bAllProtocol=0, gbFips=0
(P5668-T7272)Debug(1784): 02/18/23 09:35:03:870 SetProxyForHost(😞 timeout:60 AutoDetect:1 url: proxy: bypass: proxystr:
(P5668-T7272)Debug(7143): 02/18/23 09:35:03:870 ----Portal Pre-login starts----
(P5668-T17756)Debug(5463): 02/18/23 09:35:03:870 CaptivePortalDetectionThread: IsDetectingCaptivePortal=1, PreLoginIsDone=0
(P5668-T17756)Debug(5440): 02/18/23 09:35:03:870 CaptivePortalDetectionThread: wait (2000 ms) for captive portal detection event.
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 564): 02/18/23 09:35:03:875 Network is reachable
(P5668-T7272)Debug(7177): 02/18/23 09:35:03:876 Pre-login...,verifyportalcert=yes
(P5668-T7272)Debug(11367): 02/18/23 09:35:03:876 Check cert of server
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 788): 02/18/23 09:35:03:884 SSL connecting to
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 564): 02/18/23 09:35:03:888 Network is reachable
(P5668-T7272)Debug(11421): 02/18/23 09:35:03:914 CheckServerCert: certificate of server is signed by trusted root ca.
(P5668-T7272)Debug(1014): 02/18/23 09:35:03:915 Hostname matches sub alt name
(P5668-T7272)Debug(1346): 02/18/23 09:35:03:915 OpenSSL alert write⚠️close notify
(P5668-T7272)Debug(2821): 02/18/23 09:35:03:915 encpostdata, encpostdata=000002B79C88EA00, encpostdatalen=192
(P5668-T7272)Debug(1898): 02/18/23 09:35:03:915 Send response to client for request https_request
(P5668-T7272)Debug(3108): 02/18/23 09:35:04:179 receive pan_msg_ping, 3
(P5668-T7272)Debug(7301): 02/18/23 09:35:04:209 prelogin to portal result is
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<authentication-message>Enter login credentials</authentication-message>
(P5668-T7272)Debug(11629): 02/18/23 09:35:04:209 StopCaptivePortalDetection() captive portal detection is in progress
(P5668-T17756)Debug(5463): 02/18/23 09:35:04:209 CaptivePortalDetectionThread: IsDetectingCaptivePortal=0, PreLoginIsDone=1
(P5668-T17756)Debug(5440): 02/18/23 09:35:04:209 CaptivePortalDetectionThread: wait (-1 ms) for captive portal detection event.
(P5668-T7272)Debug(7342): 02/18/23 09:35:04:209 REGION-PRIO, region code is TH
(P5668-T7272)Debug(13349): 02/18/23 09:35:04:209 REGION-PRIO, save region code TH
(P5668-T7272)Debug(7429): 02/18/23 09:35:04:209 Portal authentication-message is Enter login credentials
(P5668-T7272)Debug(7445): 02/18/23 09:35:04:209 autosubmit is false
(P5668-T7272)Debug(9119): 02/18/23 09:35:04:209 ----Portal Login starts----
(P5668-T7272)Debug(8153): 02/18/23 09:35:04:209 User name for cached portal confg: phimpreeya
(P5668-T7272)Debug(2482): 02/18/23 09:35:04:209 Portal config digest is retrieved from file C:\Users\~SUIGINTOU MAIDEN~\AppData\Local\Palo Alto Networks\GlobalProtect\PanPCD_a22f438034fb5eb078e59281b7e4e74.dat.
(P5668-T7272)Debug(2483): 02/18/23 09:35:04:209 Portal config digest is 5d3d39294151796dece3cfb0c6b605d3
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 41): 02/18/23 09:35:04:210 Roaming profile is false
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 167): 02/18/23 09:35:04:217 profileInfo username ~SUIGINTOU MAIDEN~, profile path (null), server (null)
(P5668-T7272)Debug(2342): 02/18/23 09:35:04:221 Unserialized empty cookie for portal and user phimpreeya
(P5668-T7272)Debug(2271): 02/18/23 09:35:04:221 Unserialized empty cookie for portal and pre-logon user.
(P5668-T7272)Debug(9185): 02/18/23 09:35:04:221 IsInPrelogon() 0, GetPrelogonStatus() 0
(P5668-T7272)Debug(8651): 02/18/23 09:35:04:231 got serial number
(P5668-T7272)Debug(8612): 02/18/23 09:35:04:232 use cached deviceSN
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 329): 02/18/23 09:35:04:232 ClearHipCustomCheckInfo(): pHipCustomCheckInfo is NULL.
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 85): 02/18/23 09:35:04:232 ClearHipCustomCheckRegKeyInfo(): pHipCustomCheckRegKeyInfo is NULL.
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 582): 02/18/23 09:35:04:232 pan_read_text_from_file(): File does not exist. File: C:\Program Files\Palo Alto Networks\GlobalProtect\PanPortalCfgCriteria_a22f438034fb5eb078e59281b7e4e74.dat
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 77): 02/18/23 09:35:04:232 Portal config criteria is restored.
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 582): 02/18/23 09:35:04:232 pan_read_text_from_file(): File does not exist. File: C:\Program Files\Palo Alto Networks\GlobalProtect\PanPortalCfgCriteria_a22f438034fb5eb078e59281b7e4e74.dat
(P5668-T7272)Debug(9262): 02/18/23 09:35:04:232 m_szDomainAndUsername is phimpreeya
(P5668-T7272)Debug(13694): 02/18/23 09:35:04:232 Portal auth method: credential, auth src: saved credential
(P5668-T7272)Debug(2821): 02/18/23 09:35:04:232 encpostdata, encpostdata=000002B79BDADA20, encpostdatalen=448
(P5668-T7272)Debug(1898): 02/18/23 09:35:04:232 Send response to client for request https_request
(P5668-T7272)Debug(3108): 02/18/23 09:35:04:349 receive pan_msg_ping, 3
(P5668-T7272)Debug(9396): 02/18/23 09:35:04:413 Portal config digest matched
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 41): 02/18/23 09:35:04:414 Roaming profile is false
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 167): 02/18/23 09:35:04:419 profileInfo username ~SUIGINTOU MAIDEN~, profile path (null), server (null)
(P5668-T7272)Debug(14014): 02/18/23 09:35:04:424 Cached portal is validated
(P5668-T7272)Debug(9399): 02/18/23 09:35:04:424 Restored cached portal config
(P5668-T7272)Debug(13962): 02/18/23 09:35:04:424 Updated pszXmlConfig2 for tag portal-userauthcookie length 29
(P5668-T7272)Debug(2356): 02/18/23 09:35:04:424 Serialize empty cookie for portal and user phimpreeya
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 41): 02/18/23 09:35:04:424 Roaming profile is false
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 167): 02/18/23 09:35:04:430 profileInfo username ~SUIGINTOU MAIDEN~, profile path (null), server (null)
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 41): 02/18/23 09:35:04:434 Roaming profile is false
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 167): 02/18/23 09:35:04:439 profileInfo username ~SUIGINTOU MAIDEN~, profile path (null), server (null)
(P5668-T7272)Debug(2454): 02/18/23 09:35:04:442 Serialized portal user auth cookie to file C:\Users\~SUIGINTOU MAIDEN~\AppData\Local\Palo Alto Networks\GlobalProtect\PanPUAC_a22f438034fb5eb078e59281b7e4e74.dat. 246 bytes.
(P5668-T7272)Debug(13981): 02/18/23 09:35:04:443 Updated portal-prelogonuserauthcookie
(P5668-T7272)Debug(13935): 02/18/23 09:35:04:443 New xml does not contain scep-cert-auth-cookie
(P5668-T7272)Debug(1201): 02/18/23 09:35:04:443 No exclusion in the hip policy collection
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 721): 02/18/23 09:35:04:443 enforcer exception: FQDN is
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 740): 02/18/23 09:35:04:443 enforcer exception: no app list defined.
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 802): 02/18/23 09:35:04:443 No internal host detection defined
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 995): 02/18/23 09:35:04:443 No internal gateway defined
(P5668-T7272)Debug(1022): 02/18/23 09:35:04:443 CDL log is disabled
(P5668-T7272)Debug(1047): 02/18/23 09:35:04:443 Optional client-cert does not exist
(P5668-T7272)Debug(1061): 02/18/23 09:35:04:443 Diagnostic servers list is
(P5668-T7272)Debug(9925): 02/18/23 09:35:04:443 CPanMSService::ProcessPortalConfig portal default-browser value is 0.
(P5668-T7272)Debug(9934): 02/18/23 09:35:04:443 Use proxy is true
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 41): 02/18/23 09:35:04:444 Roaming profile is false
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 167): 02/18/23 09:35:04:450 profileInfo username ~SUIGINTOU MAIDEN~, profile path (null), server (null)
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 41): 02/18/23 09:35:04:455 Roaming profile is false
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 167): 02/18/23 09:35:04:460 profileInfo username ~SUIGINTOU MAIDEN~, profile path (null), server (null)
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 98): 02/18/23 09:35:04:464 Saved portal config to file C:\Users\~SUIGINTOU MAIDEN~\AppData\Local\Palo Alto Networks\GlobalProtect\PanPortalCfg_a22f438034fb5eb078e59281b7e4e74.dat.
(P5668-T7272)Debug(1732): 02/18/23 09:35:04:464 Proxy auto detect is not needed
(P5668-T7272)Debug(10027): 02/18/23 09:35:04:464 RefreshPortalConfig is yes, RefreshPortalConfigInterval is 24 hours
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 41): 02/18/23 09:35:04:464 Roaming profile is false
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 167): 02/18/23 09:35:04:470 profileInfo username ~SUIGINTOU MAIDEN~, profile path (null), server (null)
(P5668-T7272)Debug(2508): 02/18/23 09:35:04:474 SerializePortalConfigDigest to file C:\Users\~SUIGINTOU MAIDEN~\AppData\Local\Palo Alto Networks\GlobalProtect\PanPCD_a22f438034fb5eb078e59281b7e4e74.dat
(P5668-T7272)Debug(2509): 02/18/23 09:35:04:474 Portal config digest is 5d3d39294151796dece3cfb0c6b605d3
(P5668-T7272)Debug(12536): 02/18/23 09:35:04:474 kerberos, dynamic config value is yes, m_stopOnKerberosFail=0
(P5668-T7272)Debug(12566): 02/18/23 09:35:04:474 Timeout value: portal 30, connect 60, receive 30, retry 5
(P5668-T7272)Debug(12569): 02/18/23 09:35:04:474 Tunnel retry grace period is 1800 seconds
(P5668-T7272)Debug(12572): 02/18/23 09:35:04:474 override-cc-username is no
(P5668-T7272)Debug(12575): 02/18/23 09:35:04:474 split-tunnel-option is network-traffic
(P5668-T7272)Debug(10066): 02/18/23 09:35:04:475 Scep certificate renew period is 7 days. Scep cert auth cookie length is 0
(P5668-T7272)Debug(10077): 02/18/23 09:35:04:475 Otp portal 0, otp internal gateway 0, otp auto external gateway 0, otp manual only external gateway 0
(P5668-T7272)Debug(10082): 02/18/23 09:35:04:475 Prefer ipv6 is 1 after processing portal configuration.
(P5668-T7272)Debug(10093): 02/18/23 09:35:04:475 Quarantine add message is
(P5668-T7272)Debug(10094): 02/18/23 09:35:04:475 Quarantine remove message is
(P5668-T7272)Debug(10135): 02/18/23 09:35:04:475 The number of configured diagnostic servers is 0
(P5668-T7272)Error(5191): 02/18/23 09:35:04:475 DEM Agent: GetDemProductVersion - failed to open DEM agent version string on key 'SOFTWARE\Palo Alto Networks\DEM'
(P5668-T7272)Debug(9427): 02/18/23 09:35:04:478 Skip parsing password expiration days because portal config digest matched
(P5668-T7272)Debug(9457): 02/18/23 09:35:04:478 No scep profile
(P5668-T7272)Debug(8481): 02/18/23 09:35:04:479 portal status is Connected.
(P5668-T7272)Debug(12899): 02/18/23 09:35:04:480 Enforcer is not enabled
(P5668-T7272)Debug(1956): 02/18/23 09:35:04:488 Enforcer,found 0 filter object belonging to us.
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 41): 02/18/23 09:35:04:489 Roaming profile is false
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 167): 02/18/23 09:35:04:494 profileInfo username ~SUIGINTOU MAIDEN~, profile path (null), server (null)
(P5668-T7272)Debug(3991): 02/18/23 09:35:04:496 CPanMSServiceWin::IsGpDisabledForCurUser() - bGpIsDisabled=0.
(P5668-T7272)Debug(9543): 02/18/23 09:35:04:497 Delete the previous trusted root ca file C:\Program Files\Palo Alto Networks\GlobalProtect\tca.cer
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 82): 02/18/23 09:35:04:498 Saved root CA(1099 bytes) into file C:\Program Files\Palo Alto Networks\GlobalProtect\tca.cer.
(P5668-T7272)Debug(9575): 02/18/23 09:35:04:498 Skip importing trusted root CA to store because portal's server certificate is not verified
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 82): 02/18/23 09:35:04:498 Saved root CA(1103 bytes) into file C:\Program Files\Palo Alto Networks\GlobalProtect\tca.cer.
(P5668-T7272)Debug(9575): 02/18/23 09:35:04:498 Skip importing trusted root CA to store because portal's server certificate is not verified
(P5668-T7272)Debug(9670): 02/18/23 09:35:04:498 client cert is empty in portal config
(P5668-T7272)Debug(2616): 02/18/23 09:35:04:498 Client cert is empty, no need to import to store
(P5668-T7272)Debug(8686): 02/18/23 09:35:04:498 CPanMSService::GetPolicyForClient portal default-browser value is 0.
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 330): 02/18/23 09:35:04:498 PanIsSSORegisted: did not find CP.
(P5668-T7272)Info (8774): 02/18/23 09:35:04:498 Connect method is On-Demand
(P5668-T7272)Debug(8794): 02/18/23 09:35:04:498 On-demand mode is true.
(P5668-T7272)Debug(10334): 02/18/23 09:35:04:499 SavePrelogon: Portal is, PrelogonEnabled is 0
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 488): 02/18/23 09:35:04:499 Write HIP policy: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

(P5668-T7272)Debug( 490): 02/18/23 09:35:04:499 Saved hip policy to file HipPolicy.dat.
(P5668-T7272)Debug(8827): 02/18/23 09:35:04:499 Hip check interval is 3600000 ms.
(P5668-T7272)Debug(8831): 02/18/23 09:35:04:499 Set check hip event
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 772): 02/18/23 09:35:04:499 m_bScheduleFlag is set to 0
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 297): 02/18/23 09:35:04:499 Set hip check event.
(P5668-T7272)Debug(8833): 02/18/23 09:35:04:499 Set hip missing patch check event.
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 449): 02/18/23 09:35:04:499 HipMissingPatchThread: Got CheckHipMissingPatchEvent.
(P5668-T7272)Debug(8894): 02/18/23 09:35:04:499 Skip serialize portal user auth cookie for matched portal config digest
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 383): 02/18/23 09:35:04:499 CheckHipMissingPatchInOtherProcess()
(P5668-T7272)Debug(2239): 02/18/23 09:35:04:499 Serialize empty cookie for portal and pre-logon user
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 386): 02/18/23 09:35:04:499 Need to check missing patch.
(P5668-T17772)Info ( 246): 02/18/23 09:35:04:499 HipCheckThread: got check hip event or time out.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 255): 02/18/23 09:35:04:499 HipCheckThread: Got CheckHipEvent.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 750): 02/18/23 09:35:04:499 SetNextScheduledHipCheckTime to 1676691304
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 276): 02/18/23 09:35:04:499 Last hip check event wakeup tick is 1676687704
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 305): 02/18/23 09:35:04:499 CheckHipMissingPatchInOtherProcess(): Starting process PanGpHipMp.exe
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 278): 02/18/23 09:35:04:499 HipCheckThread: check hip in other process.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 306): 02/18/23 09:35:04:499 CheckHipInOtherProcess()
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 310): 02/18/23 09:35:04:499 Need to collect hip data
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 118): 02/18/23 09:35:04:499 Starting process PanGpHip.exe
(P5668-T7272)Debug(2246): 02/18/23 09:35:04:499 SerializePortalPrelogonAuthCookie to file PanPPAC_6ef0543c2a7e5323e1a544ab421d8018.dat
(P5668-T7272)Debug(8919): 02/18/23 09:35:04:499 Retrieved pre-logon-tunnel-rename-timeout value -1
(P5668-T7272)Debug(8927): 02/18/23 09:35:04:499 Retrieved user-switch-tunnel-rename-timeout value 0
(P5668-T7272)Debug(8941): 02/18/23 09:35:04:499 Tag display-tunnel-fallback-notification value yes.
(P5668-T7272)Debug(8950): 02/18/23 09:35:04:499 Retrieved preserve-tunnel-upon-user-logoff-timeout value 0
(P5668-T7272)Debug(8963): 02/18/23 09:35:04:499 Set preserver tunnel timeout to 0
(P5668-T7272)Debug(8975): 02/18/23 09:35:04:499 The value of can-continue-if-portal-cert-invalid is yes
(P5668-T7272)Debug(8990): 02/18/23 09:35:04:499 Got Uninstallation method
(P5668-T7272)Debug(4587): 02/18/23 09:35:04:499 SaveUninstallConfig(P5668-T7272)Debug(7901): 02/18/23 09:35:04:501 prelogon status is 0
(P5668-T7272)Debug(3664): 02/18/23 09:35:04:501 Grace period is 0
(P5668-T7272)Debug(8045): 02/18/23 09:35:04:501 Force discovery, set NetworkDiscoverEvent
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 581): 02/18/23 09:35:04:501 Set hip report quit event
(P5668-T17760)Debug(5702): 02/18/23 09:35:04:501 NetworkDiscoverThread: got network discover event.
(P5668-T17760)Debug(5709): 02/18/23 09:35:04:501 ----Network Discover starts----
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 750): 02/18/23 09:35:04:501 SetNextScheduledHipCheckTime to 0
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 772): 02/18/23 09:35:04:501 m_bScheduleFlag is set to 0
(P5668-T17760)Debug(5723): 02/18/23 09:35:04:501 UpdatePrelogonStateForSSO to GP_VPN_STATUS_DISCONNECTED
(P5668-T17760)Debug(4326): 02/18/23 09:35:04:501 UpdatePrelogonStateForSSO() - tunnel state = Disconnected
(P5668-T7272)Debug(1898): 02/18/23 09:35:04:502 Send response to client for request hip
(P5668-T7272)Error(5191): 02/18/23 09:35:04:502 DEM Agent: GetDemProductVersion - failed to open DEM agent version string on key 'SOFTWARE\Palo Alto Networks\DEM'
(P5668-T7272)Debug(15727): 02/18/23 09:35:04:502 DEM Agent: No tenant ID, disable dem agent by GP admin
(P5668-T7272)Info (1019): 02/18/23 09:35:04:502 DEM Agent: no prisma access portal, Dem agent disabled by GP admin.
(P5668-T7272)Info (1659): 02/18/23 09:35:04:502 DEM Agent: Dem agent disabled by admin
(P5668-T7272)Debug(1898): 02/18/23 09:35:04:502 Send response to client for request dem-admin-disable
(P5668-T7268)Debug(2530): 02/18/23 09:35:04:502 Setting debug level to 5
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 564): 02/18/23 09:35:04:505 Network is reachable
(P5668-T17760)Debug(2057): 02/18/23 09:35:04:506 bNetworkAvailable is 1
(P5668-T17760)Debug(2065): 02/18/23 09:35:04:506 Network is available
(P5668-T17760)Debug(5753): 02/18/23 09:35:04:506 finish check host reachable
(P5668-T17760)Debug(7095): 02/18/23 09:35:04:506 --Set state to Discovering network...
(P5668-T17756)Debug(5463): 02/18/23 09:35:04:506 CaptivePortalDetectionThread: IsDetectingCaptivePortal=1, PreLoginIsDone=0
(P5668-T17756)Debug(5440): 02/18/23 09:35:04:506 CaptivePortalDetectionThread: wait (2000 ms) for captive portal detection event.
(P5668-T17760)Debug(5791): 02/18/23 09:35:04:506 Logout gateways before network discover..., bJustResumed=0
(P5668-T17760)Debug(1390): 02/18/23 09:35:04:506 Logging out gateway, reason is Network discover
(P5668-T17760)Debug(1429): 02/18/23 09:35:04:506 Logging out gateway over
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 330): 02/18/23 09:35:04:506 Parse gateway list for user phimpreeya
(P5668-T17760)Debug(13236): 02/18/23 09:35:04:506 RetrieveClientIpByRemoteHost() - invalid remote host: .
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 196): 02/18/23 09:35:04:506 SelectInternalGateways - failed to retrieve client source ipv6!
(P5668-T17760)Debug(5418): 02/18/23 09:35:04:506 getaddrinfo host.GetString()
(P5668-T17760)Debug(5540): 02/18/23 09:35:04:506 Gateway ipv4, ipv6 , FQDN no
(P5668-T17760)Debug(5814): 02/18/23 09:35:04:506 Set network discover in progress
(P5668-T17760)Debug(4326): 02/18/23 09:35:04:506 UpdatePrelogonStateForSSO() - tunnel state = Connecting
(P5668-T17760)Debug(5881): 02/18/23 09:35:04:507 NetworkDiscoverThread: network type is external.
(P5668-T17760)Debug(5967): 02/18/23 09:35:04:507 NetworkDiscoverThread: Discover external network.
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 528): 02/18/23 09:35:04:507 Discover external gateway: gateway count is 1, cutoff time is 5, bJustResumed=0
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 548): 02/18/23 09:35:04:507 One external gateway, priority=1, manual is 0
(P5668-T17760)Debug(2989): 02/18/23 09:35:04:507 Gateway:, client IP:
(P5668-T17760)Debug(2582): 02/18/23 09:35:04:509 retrieve info of gateway
(P5668-T17760)Debug(1861): 02/18/23 09:35:04:509 pan_get_gp_user_agent szGpUserAgent ua is PAN GlobalProtect/5.2.12-26 (Microsoft Windows 10 Home Single Language , 64-bit).
(P5668-T17760)Debug(2363): 02/18/23 09:35:04:509 open http session. agent is PAN GlobalProtect/5.2.12-26 (Microsoft Windows 10 Home Single Language , 64-bit)
(P5668-T17760)Debug(1861): 02/18/23 09:35:04:509 pan_get_gp_user_agent szGpUserAgent ua is PAN GlobalProtect/5.2.12-26 (Microsoft Windows 10 Home Single Language , 64-bit).
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 469): 02/18/23 09:35:04:509 winhttp SetSecureProtocol, hSession=9bdb21f0, bAllProtocol=0, gbFips=0
(P5668-T17760)Debug(2593): 02/18/23 09:35:04:509 Skip setting proxy for creating tunnel to gateway
(P5668-T17760)Debug(3439): 02/18/23 09:35:04:509 m_msp->IsInPreserveTunnel() 0, m_msp->IsPrelogonRenameAuthFail() 0
(P5668-T17760)Debug(13916): 02/18/23 09:35:04:509 Set m_bPrelogonRenameAuthFail to 0
(P5668-T17760)Debug(3469): 02/18/23 09:35:04:509 CPanGateway::RetrieveGatewayInfo portal default-browser value is 0, support
(P5668-T17760)Debug(3484): 02/18/23 09:35:04:509 ----Gateway Pre-login starts----
(P5668-T17760)Debug(11367): 02/18/23 09:35:04:509 Check cert of server
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 788): 02/18/23 09:35:04:510 SSL connecting to
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 564): 02/18/23 09:35:04:514 Network is reachable
(P5668-T17760)Debug(11421): 02/18/23 09:35:04:540 CheckServerCert: certificate of server is signed by trusted root ca.
(P5668-T17760)Debug(1014): 02/18/23 09:35:04:540 Hostname matches sub alt name
(P5668-T17760)Debug(1346): 02/18/23 09:35:04:540 OpenSSL alert write⚠️close notify
(P5668-T17760)Debug(6226): 02/18/23 09:35:04:540 pretunnel latency (manual gateway) is 5
(P5668-T17760)Debug(3530): 02/18/23 09:35:04:540 Server cert is verified for gateway
(P5668-T17760)Debug(3552): 02/18/23 09:35:04:540 m_msp->GetGwSamlAuthStatus() -2, m_msp->IsUserJustLoginInPrelogon() 0, m_msp->IsPrelogonRenameAuthFail() 0
(P5668-T17760)Debug(3573): 02/18/23 09:35:04:540 IsSamlAuth() 0, IsManualGatewayChallenge() 0, pwszConnectedIP null
(P5668-T17760)Debug(11597): 02/18/23 09:35:04:540 Need to check gateway cert for
(P5668-T17760)Debug(2821): 02/18/23 09:35:04:541 encpostdata, encpostdata=000002B79C88EA00, encpostdatalen=192
(P5668-T17760)Debug(1898): 02/18/23 09:35:04:541 Send response to client for request https_request
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 136): 02/18/23 09:35:04:572 Wait for the ready event of hip report generated in other process.
(P5668-T17760)Debug(3108): 02/18/23 09:35:04:633 receive pan_msg_ping, 1
(P5668-T17760)Debug(3616): 02/18/23 09:35:04:634 Login to gateway without ipv6
(P5668-T17760)Debug(11629): 02/18/23 09:35:04:634 StopCaptivePortalDetection() captive portal detection is in progress
(P5668-T17760)Debug(3646): 02/18/23 09:35:04:634 Pre-login response is <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<authentication-message>Enter login credentials</authentication-message>
(P5668-T17760)Debug(3662): 02/18/23 09:35:04:634 REGION-PRIO, gateway region code is TH
(P5668-T17760)Debug(3694): 02/18/23 09:35:04:634 REGION-PRIO, portal and gateway have same region code!
(P5668-T17760)Debug(6530): 02/18/23 09:35:04:634 Auth message is Enter login credentials for gateway
(P5668-T17760)Debug(6558): 02/18/23 09:35:04:634 Gateway license no, license-v6 yes
(P5668-T17760)Debug(3897): 02/18/23 09:35:04:634 ----Gateway Login starts----
(P5668-T17756)Debug(5463): 02/18/23 09:35:04:634 CaptivePortalDetectionThread: IsDetectingCaptivePortal=0, PreLoginIsDone=1
(P5668-T17760)Debug(11783): 02/18/23 09:35:04:634 Set to service bUseCCUserGateway 0 and ccUserNameGateway
(P5668-T17756)Debug(5440): 02/18/23 09:35:04:634 CaptivePortalDetectionThread: wait (-1 ms) for captive portal detection event.
(P5668-T17760)Debug(2148): 02/18/23 09:35:04:634 Update user name from to phimpreeya
(P5668-T17760)Debug(6065): 02/18/23 09:35:04:634 OtpSaveCredential is save_credential
(P5668-T17760)Debug(6103): 02/18/23 09:35:04:634 External network gateway without OTP authentication
(P5668-T17760)Debug(6136): 02/18/23 09:35:04:634 Can save user and password. Use saved user credential
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 41): 02/18/23 09:35:04:635 Roaming profile is false
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 167): 02/18/23 09:35:04:642 profileInfo username ~SUIGINTOU MAIDEN~, profile path (null), server (null)
(P5668-T17760)Debug(2342): 02/18/23 09:35:04:646 Unserialized empty cookie for portal and user phimpreeya
(P5668-T17760)Debug(2271): 02/18/23 09:35:04:647 Unserialized empty cookie for portal and pre-logon user.
(P5668-T17760)Debug(3957): 02/18/23 09:35:04:647 bIsEmptyUser is 0, bDPGCforManualOnlyGateway is 0, bDPGCNotforManualOnlyGateway is 0
(P5668-T17760)Debug(6480): 02/18/23 09:35:04:647 Gateway auth method: credential, auth src: saved credential
(P5668-T17760)Debug(11783): 02/18/23 09:35:04:647 Set to service bUseCCUserGateway 0 and ccUserNameGateway
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 41): 02/18/23 09:35:04:647 Roaming profile is false
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 167): 02/18/23 09:35:04:653 profileInfo username ~SUIGINTOU MAIDEN~, profile path (null), server (null)
(P5668-T17760)Debug(2342): 02/18/23 09:35:04:656 Unserialized empty cookie for portal and user phimpreeya
(P5668-T17760)Debug(2271): 02/18/23 09:35:04:657 Unserialized empty cookie for portal and pre-logon user.
(P5668-T17760)Debug(8612): 02/18/23 09:35:04:657 use cached deviceSN
(P5668-T17760)Debug(5865): 02/18/23 09:35:04:657 Get preferred IPv4 for gateway and user phimpreeya
(P5668-T17760)Debug(5896): 02/18/23 09:35:04:657 Get preferred IPv6 for gateway and user phimpreeya
(P5668-T17760)Debug(4112): 02/18/23 09:35:04:657 Actual user for gateway login is phimpreeya
(P5668-T17760)Debug(4116): 02/18/23 09:35:04:657 Gateway selection type is auto
(P5668-T17760)Debug(8612): 02/18/23 09:35:04:657 use cached deviceSN
(P5668-T17760)Debug(11597): 02/18/23 09:35:04:657 Need to check gateway cert for
(P5668-T17760)Debug(2821): 02/18/23 09:35:04:657 encpostdata, encpostdata=000002B79BDADA20, encpostdatalen=576
(P5668-T17760)Debug(1898): 02/18/23 09:35:04:739 Send response to client for request https_request
(P5668-T17760)Debug(3108): 02/18/23 09:35:04:824 receive pan_msg_ping, 1
(P5668-T17760)Debug(2356): 02/18/23 09:35:04:825 Serialize empty cookie for portal and user phimpreeya
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 41): 02/18/23 09:35:04:825 Roaming profile is false
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 167): 02/18/23 09:35:04:831 profileInfo username ~SUIGINTOU MAIDEN~, profile path (null), server (null)
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 41): 02/18/23 09:35:04:834 Roaming profile is false
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 167): 02/18/23 09:35:04:840 profileInfo username ~SUIGINTOU MAIDEN~, profile path (null), server (null)
(P5668-T17760)Debug(2454): 02/18/23 09:35:04:842 Serialized portal user auth cookie to file C:\Users\~SUIGINTOU MAIDEN~\AppData\Local\Palo Alto Networks\GlobalProtect\PanPUAC_a22f438034fb5eb078e59281b7e4e74.dat. 246 bytes.
(P5668-T17760)Debug(2239): 02/18/23 09:35:04:843 Serialize empty cookie for portal and pre-logon user
(P5668-T17760)Debug(2246): 02/18/23 09:35:04:843 SerializePortalPrelogonAuthCookie to file PanPPAC_6ef0543c2a7e5323e1a544ab421d8018.dat
(P5668-T17760)Debug(4557): 02/18/23 09:35:04:843 Managed is unknown
(P5668-T17760)Debug(4561): 02/18/23 09:35:04:843 Gateway's location is
(P5668-T17760)Debug(11769): 02/18/23 09:35:04:843 NetworkDisoverEventSet is no, RedoNetworkDiscovery is no
(P5668-T17760)Debug(2605): 02/18/23 09:35:04:843 ----Tunnel creation starts----
(P5668-T17760)Debug(2606): 02/18/23 09:35:04:843 Try to create tunnel with gateway
(P5668-T17760)Debug(7095): 02/18/23 09:35:04:843 --Set state to Connecting...
(P5668-T17760)Debug(2422): 02/18/23 09:35:04:844 proxy , proxyuser , domain chin, user phimpreeya, remotehost
(P5668-T17760)Debug(8612): 02/18/23 09:35:04:844 use cached deviceSN
(P5668-T17760)Debug(2762): 02/18/23 09:35:04:850 Get gateway config.
(P5668-T17760)Debug(11597): 02/18/23 09:35:04:850 Need to check gateway cert for
(P5668-T17760)Debug(2821): 02/18/23 09:35:04:850 encpostdata, encpostdata=000002B79BDADA20, encpostdatalen=480
(P5668-T17760)Debug(1898): 02/18/23 09:35:04:955 Send response to client for request https_request
(P5668-T17760)Debug(3108): 02/18/23 09:35:04:984 receive pan_msg_ping, 1
(P5668-T17760)Debug(2830): 02/18/23 09:35:04:986 gateway's config is
<response status="success">
(P5668-T17760)Debug(2857): 02/18/23 09:35:04:986 There is no connected-gw-ip
(P5668-T17760)Debug(5749): 02/18/23 09:35:04:986 In SetGatewayRoute: The original route table:
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 138): 02/18/23 09:35:04:986 Destination NetMask Gateway Inf Metric
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 153): 02/18/23 09:35:04:986 9 25
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 153): 02/18/23 09:35:04:986 1 331
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 153): 02/18/23 09:35:04:986 1 331
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 153): 02/18/23 09:35:04:986 1 331
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 153): 02/18/23 09:35:04:986 9 281
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 153): 02/18/23 09:35:04:986 9 281
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 153): 02/18/23 09:35:04:986 9 281
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 153): 02/18/23 09:35:04:986 1 331
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 153): 02/18/23 09:35:04:986 9 281
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 153): 02/18/23 09:35:04:986 1 331
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 153): 02/18/23 09:35:04:986 9 281
(P5668-T17760)Debug(5759): 02/18/23 09:35:04:986 SetGatewayRoute: GetBestRoute() returns Dest: Mask: if_index=9 metric1=25
(P5668-T17760)Debug(5780): 02/18/23 09:35:04:987 Created gateway route ( succeeds
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 230): 02/18/23 09:35:04:987 set virtual interface driver started as yes
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 276): 02/18/23 09:35:04:987 Ipv6-connection is NULL
(P5668-T17760)Debug(14057): 02/18/23 09:35:04:987 Quarantine status is already no
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 336): 02/18/23 09:35:04:987 gw-address-v6 is not specified
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 342): 02/18/23 09:35:04:987 remoteHostV6 is not specified
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 367): 02/18/23 09:35:04:987 ip-address-preferred value is yes
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 392): 02/18/23 09:35:04:987 ip-address-v6-preferred not found.
(P5668-T17760)Debug(11287): 02/18/23 09:35:04:987 Set preferred IP for gateway user phimpreeya
(P5668-T17760)Debug(11296): 02/18/23 09:35:04:987 Set preferred IPv6 for gateway user phimpreeya
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 450): 02/18/23 09:35:04:987 Configured MTU is 1400
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 555): 02/18/23 09:35:04:987 DLSA, found no-direct-access-to-local-network tag, b_IsDLSASet set to false
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 792): 02/18/23 09:35:04:987 Encryption method is aes-128-cbc
(P5668-T17760)Debug(3422): 02/18/23 09:35:04:987 set driver connected as true
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 706): 02/18/23 09:35:04:987 use-ssl-only-tunnel is not configured and user cannnot change
(P5668-T17760)Debug(4326): 02/18/23 09:35:04:987 UpdatePrelogonStateForSSO() - tunnel state = Connecting
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 161): 02/18/23 09:35:04:987 disconnect-on-idle timeout is 10800
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 171): 02/18/23 09:35:04:987 VPN idle timeout is 10800; config timeout is 10800
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 72): 02/18/23 09:35:04:988 c2s-spi is 0x57D14AB5, s2c-spi is 0x20CC5416
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 219): 02/18/23 09:35:04:988 EnforceDns is enabled, set 1 GP pushed DNS servers
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 166): 02/18/23 09:35:04:988 Trying to do ipsec connection to[4501]
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 487): 02/18/23 09:35:04:988 socket send buffer old size is 65536
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 511): 02/18/23 09:35:04:988 socket send buffer new size is 3145728
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 564): 02/18/23 09:35:04:991 Network is reachable
(P5668-T17760)Info ( 178): 02/18/23 09:35:04:992 Connected to:[4501], Sending keep alive to ipsec socket...
(P5668-T17760)Info ( 216): 02/18/23 09:35:04:998 Connected ipsec to
(P5668-T17760)Info ( 374): 02/18/23 09:35:04:998 tunnel to connected
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 394): 02/18/23 09:35:05:045 PsvRegister done
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 25): 02/18/23 09:35:05:045 create thread 0x538 with thread ID 14836
(P5668-T14836)Debug( 443): 02/18/23 09:35:05:045 VpnProcMonitor thread starts
(P5668-T14836)Debug( 507): 02/18/23 09:35:05:045 New ProcMon thread priority 2
(P5668-T17760)Debug(2989): 02/18/23 09:35:05:045 Gateway:, client IP:
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 115): 02/18/23 09:35:05:045 SPInit
(P5668-T17760)Debug(1609): 02/18/23 09:35:05:045 ST,got install-driver
(P5668-T17760)Debug(2933): 02/18/23 09:35:05:045 ST,CreateCommandCache, gCachedCommands = 0000000000000000, gCachedCommandsNumber=0
(P5668-T14836)Debug( 25): 02/18/23 09:35:05:045 create thread 0x728 with thread ID 14844
(P5668-T14844)Debug( 454): 02/18/23 09:35:05:045 VpnProcDrv thread starts
(P5668-T14844)Debug( 996): 02/18/23 09:35:05:045 New ProcDrv thread priority 2
(P5668-T14836)Debug( 25): 02/18/23 09:35:05:045 create thread 0x77c with thread ID 14848
(P5668-T14848)Debug( 468): 02/18/23 09:35:05:045 VpnProcTunnel thread starts
(P5668-T14848)Debug(1076): 02/18/23 09:35:05:045 New ProcTunnel thread priority 2
(P5668-T17760)Debug(2630): 02/18/23 09:35:05:045 ST,OpenServiceW return valid value, driver already installed
(P5668-T17760)Debug(2640): 02/18/23 09:35:05:045 ST,IsDriverInstalled return 1
(P5668-T17760)Debug(2351): 02/18/23 09:35:05:045 ST,service status is 00000001, ret = 1
(P5668-T14836)Debug(1448): 02/18/23 09:35:05:051 Received keep-alive response, latency is 0
(P5668-T17760)Debug(2361): 02/18/23 09:35:05:056 ST,Service started status = 1.
(P5668-T17760)Debug(1008): 02/18/23 09:35:05:056 CControlManager::SPInit is entered
(P5668-T17760)Debug(1463): 02/18/23 09:35:05:056 ST,ipv4 and ipv6 address is NULL, do not set ipv4 and ipv6 address
(P5668-T14856)Debug(4070): 02/18/23 09:35:05:056 ST,read dnsBlockMethod = 0x0003, dnsBlockNoSOA = false, dnsBlockBypassSRV = false, dnsKernelChecksum = true, dnsBlockOldReject = false, gbDelayNameNotFound=0, gDelayNameNotFoundTime=300
(P5668-T14856)Debug(3293): 02/18/23 09:35:05:056 ST,start gp filter reader
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 203): 02/18/23 09:35:05:062 number of entries processed in hosts file: 21
(P5668-T17760)Debug(1255): 02/18/23 09:35:05:062 SPInit parsed 0 entries from hosts file
(P5668-T17760)Debug(1263): 02/18/23 09:35:05:062 CControlManager::SPInit is called (tunnel is not in retry mode)
(P5668-T17760)Debug(1273): 02/18/23 09:35:05:062 get ipv6 local address.
(P5668-T17760)Debug(1656): 02/18/23 09:35:05:063 Cannot get local ipv6: No error
(P5668-T17760)Debug(1690): 02/18/23 09:35:05:063 No need to set DNS suffix if gateway doesn't configure it.
(P5668-T17760)Debug(2696): 02/18/23 09:35:05:063 PrepareExcludeRoutes: there is no route to set
(P5668-T17760)Debug(4263): 02/18/23 09:35:05:067 cur mtu 1400, cfg_mtu 1400.
(P5668-T17760)Debug(3469): 02/18/23 09:35:05:072 Virtual adapter friendly name is: Ethernet 2, adapter_name {F93B2602-AA9F-466A-95D7-BBE54D62F0E7}, mtu is 1400, idx 19, DHCPv4 is 0
(P5668-T17760)Debug(4283): 02/18/23 09:35:05:072 Get GP adapter {F93B2602-AA9F-466A-95D7-BBE54D62F0E7} idx 19.
(P5668-T17760)Debug(3887): 02/18/23 09:35:05:077 Set interfaceMetric to 1.
(P5668-T17760)Info (4052): 02/18/23 09:35:05:077 ipv4 address nochange, DNS address nochange.
(P5668-T17760)Debug(4056): 02/18/23 09:35:05:077 route, install callback now
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 258): 02/18/23 09:35:05:109 Start tunnel driver.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(6627): 02/18/23 09:35:05:114 NetworkConnectionMonitorThread: route change detected. Wait for 3 seconds.
(P5668-T7912)Debug(8509): 02/18/23 09:35:05:114 route, NotifyUnicastIpAddressChange received an Add instance
(P5668-T7912)Debug(8515): 02/18/23 09:35:05:114 IPv4 address:
(P5668-T7912)Debug(8833): 02/18/23 09:35:05:114 route, IpCompletedAction, isIpv4=1
(P5668-T7912)Error(8854): 02/18/23 09:35:05:114 route, set default route in callback
(P5668-T7912)Debug(2264): 02/18/23 09:35:05:114 route, create default route, metric=1
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 231): 02/18/23 09:35:05:117 Wait for ip change callback to finish.
(P5668-T7912)Debug(4929): 02/18/23 09:35:05:140 Wait for virtual interface IP route entry
(P5668-T7912)Debug(4954): 02/18/23 09:35:05:140 virtual IP route entry is not found, use self created reference route
(P5668-T7912)Debug(4878): 02/18/23 09:35:05:140 des=, mask=, nextHop=, ifidx=19, forwardType=3, forwardProto=3, age=0, nextHopAs=0, matrix=1,-1,-1,-1,-1
(P5668-T7912)Debug(2242): 02/18/23 09:35:05:155 CreateCustomRoute: create default ipv4 route successfully: ForwardDest =, metric 1.
(P5668-T7912)Debug(8519): 02/18/23 09:35:05:155 route, AddressFamily: AF_INET
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 271): 02/18/23 09:35:05:155 Task completed successfully
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 412): 02/18/23 09:35:05:156 SetIpManually takes 94ms.
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 132): 02/18/23 09:35:05:167 sp start called, do nothing beacuse service will be start on demand
(P5668-T17760)Debug(1317): 02/18/23 09:35:05:167 SPStart is called (tunnel is not in retry mode)
(P5668-T17760)Debug(1338): 02/18/23 09:35:05:167 call SPSetParameters to set interface addresses, physical: virtual:
(P5668-T17760)Debug(2695): 02/18/23 09:35:05:167 ST,phyIp =, vaIp =, phyIpV6 = 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000, vaIpV6 = 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000
(P5668-T17760)Debug(4576): 02/18/23 09:35:05:183 Try to set VA idx 19 MTU to 1400.
(P5668-T17760)Debug(4595): 02/18/23 09:35:05:184 set MTU: Found VA 19-IPv4-1400, set MTU to 1400.
(P5668-T17760)Debug(4605): 02/18/23 09:35:05:184 set VA MTU IPv4 to 1400 success
(P5668-T17760)Debug(4595): 02/18/23 09:35:05:184 set MTU: Found VA 19-IPv6-1400, set MTU to 1400.
(P5668-T17760)Debug(4605): 02/18/23 09:35:05:184 set VA MTU IPv6 to 1400 success
(P5668-T17760)Debug(4508): 02/18/23 09:35:05:184 Try to enable VA idx 19 WeakHostReceive.
(P5668-T17760)Debug(4527): 02/18/23 09:35:05:184 Found VA 19-IPv4.
(P5668-T17760)Debug(4553): 02/18/23 09:35:05:184 enable VA WeakHostReceive IPv4 vif weak host mode
(P5668-T17760)Debug(4527): 02/18/23 09:35:05:184 Found VA 19-IPv6.
(P5668-T17760)Debug(4553): 02/18/23 09:35:05:184 enable VA WeakHostReceive IPv6 vif weak host mode
(P5668-T17760)Debug(2802): 02/18/23 09:35:05:184 SetExcludeRoutesV6: there is no route to set
(P5668-T17760)Debug(5048): 02/18/23 09:35:05:184 Wait for virtual interface IP route entry
(P5668-T17760)Debug(5062): 02/18/23 09:35:08:302 Found virtual interface IP route entry.
(P5668-T17760)Debug(4878): 02/18/23 09:35:08:302 des=, mask=, nextHop=, ifidx=19, forwardType=3, forwardProto=3, age=0, nextHopAs=0, matrix=1,0,0,0,0
(P5668-T17760)Debug(2497): 02/18/23 09:35:08:312 Set access route: ForwardDest =, metric 1.
(P5668-T17760)Debug(2497): 02/18/23 09:35:08:320 Set access route: ForwardDest =, metric 1.
(P5668-T17760)Debug(2497): 02/18/23 09:35:08:327 Set access route: ForwardDest =, metric 1.
(P5668-T17760)Debug(2497): 02/18/23 09:35:08:334 Set access route: ForwardDest =, metric 1.
(P5668-T17760)Debug(2497): 02/18/23 09:35:08:340 Set access route: ForwardDest =, metric 1.
(P5668-T17760)Debug(2497): 02/18/23 09:35:08:347 Set access route: ForwardDest =, metric 1.
(P5668-T17760)Debug(2497): 02/18/23 09:35:08:354 Set access route: ForwardDest =, metric 1.
(P5668-T17760)Debug(2497): 02/18/23 09:35:08:361 Set access route: ForwardDest =, metric 1.
(P5668-T17760)Debug(2507): 02/18/23 09:35:08:368 route, Reset ipv4 route:ForwardDest =, forwardtype 3 metric 1.
(P5668-T17760)Debug(2534): 02/18/23 09:35:08:368 clear tempory added routes.
(P5668-T17760)Debug(6314): 02/18/23 09:35:08:368 DLSAV6, CPanNetSetup::RemoveDLSARouteV6, cfg=000002B79C86AEE0
(P5668-T17760)Debug(6339): 02/18/23 09:35:08:371 DLSAV6, our IF index=19, number of defined route is 0, number of routes is 15
(P5668-T17760)Debug(6379): 02/18/23 09:35:08:371 DLSAV6, remove previous DLSA success
(P5668-T17760)Debug(6395): 02/18/23 09:35:08:371 DLSA, RemoveDLSARoute, cfg=000002B79C86AEE0
(P5668-T17760)Debug(6416): 02/18/23 09:35:08:373 DLSA, our IF index=19
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 25): 02/18/23 09:35:08:373 create thread 0x7a4 with thread ID 14044
(P5668-T17760)Debug(2559): 02/18/23 09:35:08:373 Start FlushDNSCache thread 0x7a4
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 597): 02/18/23 09:35:08:374 Save route table snapshot...
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 733): 02/18/23 09:35:08:374 ipsec connect( succeed
(P5668-T17760)Debug(11250): 02/18/23 09:35:08:374 VPN tunnel is connected.
(P5668-T17760)Debug(11254): 02/18/23 09:35:08:374 Enable life time and create life time thread.
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 25): 02/18/23 09:35:08:374 create thread 0x7a4 with thread ID 14116
(P5668-T17760)Debug(6845): 02/18/23 09:35:08:374 CPanGateway::SendNsUpdate() try again.
(P5668-T14116)Debug(4551): 02/18/23 09:35:08:374 LifeTimeThread starts
(P5668-T17760)Info (5979): 02/18/23 09:35:08:374 CPanMSServiceWin::findJoinDomain: domain is :
(P5668-T17760)Debug(6887): 02/18/23 09:35:08:374 CPanGateway::SendNsUpdate() domain empty, not send nsupdate.
(P5668-T17760)Debug(7095): 02/18/23 09:35:08:374 --Set state to Connected
(P5668-T17760)Debug(11527): 02/18/23 09:35:08:374 SetVpnStatus called with new status=1, Previous Status=0
(P5668-T17760)Debug(4326): 02/18/23 09:35:08:374 UpdatePrelogonStateForSSO() - tunnel state = Connected
(P5668-T17760)Debug(2620): 02/18/23 09:35:08:376 Tunnel is created with the gateway
(P5668-T17760)Debug(1743): 02/18/23 09:35:08:377 Refresh proxy
(P5668-T17760)Debug(2573): 02/18/23 09:35:08:377 latency: pre=5, post=1, needToReport=1
(P5668-T17760)Debug(2649): 02/18/23 09:35:08:377 tunnel to is created.
(P5668-T17760)Debug(6057): 02/18/23 09:35:08:377 NetworkDiscoverThread: SetEvent network discover ready event for external network discovery.
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 582): 02/18/23 09:35:08:377 Reset hip report quit event
(P5668-T17760)Debug( 582): 02/18/23 09:35:08:377 pan_read_text_from_file(): File does not exist. File: C:\Program Files\Palo Alto Networks\GlobalProtect\dalog.dat
(P5668-T17760)Debug(11527): 02/18/23 09:35:08:377 SetVpnStatus called with new status=1, Previous Status=1
(P5668-T17760)Debug(4326): 02/18/23 09:35:08:377 UpdatePrelogonStateForSSO() - tunnel state = Connected
(P5668-T17760)Debug(6139): 02/18/23 09:35:08:377 NetworkDiscoverThread: PortalStatus is 1, HasLoggedOnGateway is 1
(P5668-T17760)Debug(6262): 02/18/23 09:35:08:377 Reset NetworkDiscovery waitTime to 5 seconds.
(P5668-T17760)Debug(5686): 02/18/23 09:35:08:377 NetworkDiscoverThread: wait for network discover event.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(5173): 02/18/23 09:35:08:377 Found virtual IP route entry
(P5668-T17768)Debug(5936): 02/18/23 09:35:08:377 No change for gateway route
(P5668-T14044)Debug(2578): 02/18/23 09:35:08:484 FlushDNSCache thread: run cmd: cmd /C ipconfig /flushdns > "C:\Program Files\Palo Alto Networks\GlobalProtect\2"
(P5668-T17768)Debug(6688): 02/18/23 09:35:11:411 NetworkConnectionMonitorThread: m_state = 0, m_bOnDemand=1, m_bAgentEnabled=1, m_bJustResumed is 0,
m_bHibernate is 0, m_bAgentEnabled is 1, m_bDisconnect is 0, IsConnected() is 1, IsVPNInRetry() is 0.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(5173): 02/18/23 09:35:11:412 Found virtual IP route entry
(P5668-T17768)Debug(5936): 02/18/23 09:35:11:412 No change for gateway route
(P5668-T17768)Debug(6723): 02/18/23 09:35:11:412 NetworkConnectionMonitorThread: Detected route change, but skip network discovery.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(5048): 02/18/23 09:35:11:415 Wait for virtual interface IP route entry
(P5668-T17768)Debug(5062): 02/18/23 09:35:11:415 Found virtual interface IP route entry.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(4878): 02/18/23 09:35:11:415 des=, mask=, nextHop=, ifidx=19, forwardType=3, forwardProto=3, age=0, nextHopAs=0, matrix=1,0,0,0,0
(P5668-T17768)Debug(2222): 02/18/23 09:35:11:415 number of route is 9
(P5668-T17768)Debug(2240): 02/18/23 09:35:11:499 Set route successfully. ForwardDest =, metric 1.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(2240): 02/18/23 09:35:11:616 Set route successfully. ForwardDest =, metric 1.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(2240): 02/18/23 09:35:11:665 Set route successfully. ForwardDest =, metric 1.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(2240): 02/18/23 09:35:11:728 Set route successfully. ForwardDest =, metric 1.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(2240): 02/18/23 09:35:11:758 Set route successfully. ForwardDest =, metric 1.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(2240): 02/18/23 09:35:11:836 Set route successfully. ForwardDest =, metric 1.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(2240): 02/18/23 09:35:11:855 Set route successfully. ForwardDest =, metric 1.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(2240): 02/18/23 09:35:11:884 Set route successfully. ForwardDest =, metric 1.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(2240): 02/18/23 09:35:12:027 Set route successfully. ForwardDest =, metric 1.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 140): 02/18/23 09:35:16:173 Got hip report in other process ready event.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 159): 02/18/23 09:35:16:173 Read output from PanGpHip.exe
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 170): 02/18/23 09:35:16:173 >>>CheckHip: hip report head size 10733
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 188): 02/18/23 09:35:16:173 >>>CheckHip: total bytes read: 10733
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 198): 02/18/23 09:35:16:173 write hip file now
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 216): 02/18/23 09:35:16:173 CheckHipInOtherProcess() sets hip report ready event.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 136): 02/18/23 09:35:16:173 Wait for the ready event of hip report generated in other process.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6338): 02/18/23 09:35:16:173 HipReportThread: got HIP report ready event.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6354): 02/18/23 09:35:16:173 HipReportThread: wait for network discover ready event.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6359): 02/18/23 09:35:16:173 HipReportThread: got network discover ready event.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(8612): 02/18/23 09:35:16:179 use cached deviceSN
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6431): 02/18/23 09:35:16:179 Sending hip report delay max registry setting is -1 seconds
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6433): 02/18/23 09:35:16:179 Set max sending hip report delay to default 1800 seconds
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6449): 02/18/23 09:35:16:179 v4 hip report is encoded
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6472): 02/18/23 09:35:16:179 HIP report v4 md5 digest is c1bf9f08efa998065c6cc43fa7f90a3
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6500): 02/18/23 09:35:16:179 HipReportThread: network type is external network.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(1675): 02/18/23 09:35:16:179 Send hip report to gateway
(P5668-T17764)Debug(4818): 02/18/23 09:35:16:180 Entering SendHipReportToGateway(). Gateway:
(P5668-T17764)Debug( 762): 02/18/23 09:35:16:180 m_bScheduleFlag is 0
(P5668-T17764)Debug( 772): 02/18/23 09:35:16:180 m_bScheduleFlag is set to 1
(P5668-T17764)Debug(4843): 02/18/23 09:35:16:180 Gateway now is 1676687716, next hip checking is 0, next hip report check sending time is 0, last hip report check sending time is 0, sending hip delay is 0 ms
(P5668-T17764)Debug(4860): 02/18/23 09:35:16:180 Wait for 0 ms to send hip report check to gateway
(P5668-T17764)Debug(4873): 02/18/23 09:35:16:180 Time to send hip report to gateway
(P5668-T17764)Debug(2989): 02/18/23 09:35:16:180 Gateway:, client IP:
(P5668-T17764)Debug(4890): 02/18/23 09:35:16:180 Hip report head to gateway is
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
(P5668-T17764)Debug(5069): 02/18/23 09:35:16:180 SendHipReportNReceive()
(P5668-T17764)Debug(5091): 02/18/23 09:35:16:180 bUseCCUser=0, ccUserName=, m_userName=phimpreeya
(P5668-T17764)Debug(5100): 02/18/23 09:35:16:180 latency report data=&pretunnellatency=5ms&posttunnellatency=1ms
(P5668-T17764)Debug(5105): 02/18/23 09:35:16:180 using https to send hip report check to gateway
(P5668-T17764)Debug(8612): 02/18/23 09:35:16:180 use cached deviceSN
(P5668-T17764)Debug(5147): 02/18/23 09:35:16:180 Network discover SN 8 remains same.
(P5668-T17764)Debug( 788): 02/18/23 09:35:16:180 SSL connecting to
(P5668-T17764)Debug( 564): 02/18/23 09:35:16:184 Network is reachable
(P5668-T17764)Debug(4976): 02/18/23 09:35:16:196 SSL verify succeed
(P5668-T17764)Debug(1346): 02/18/23 09:35:16:237 OpenSSL alert write⚠️close notify
(P5668-T17764)Debug(5160): 02/18/23 09:35:16:237 Gateway, response to the hip report check:

<response status="success">

(P5668-T17764)Info (5162): 02/18/23 09:35:16:237 sent HIP report check to
(P5668-T17764)Debug(5190): 02/18/23 09:35:16:238 Response status of HIP report check is success, gateway
(P5668-T17764)Debug(5192): 02/18/23 09:35:16:238 Hip report check returns success.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(4904): 02/18/23 09:35:16:238 SendHipReportNReceive returns TRUE for gateway
(P5668-T17764)Debug(4918): 02/18/23 09:35:16:238 Hip notification is empty in the HIP report check response from gateway
(P5668-T17764)Info (4940): 02/18/23 09:35:16:238 Hip report is not needed for gateway
(P5668-T7268)Debug(2530): 02/18/23 09:35:16:238 Setting debug level to 5
(P5668-T17764)Debug(4977): 02/18/23 09:35:16:238 SSL is disconnected. Returns TRUE.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(1677): 02/18/23 09:35:16:238 SendHipReportToGateway returns TRUE.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(1231): 02/18/23 09:35:16:244 Hip report changed. Include it in status message to client.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6333): 02/18/23 09:35:16:246 HipReportThread: wait for HIP report ready event.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 144): 02/18/23 09:35:18:284 Got event for PanGpHip process has quited.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 335): 02/18/23 09:35:18:285 CheckHip over
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 282): 02/18/23 09:35:18:285 Hip checking is not initiated by clicking resubmit host profile.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 216): 02/18/23 09:35:18:285 HipCheckThread: wait for hip check event for 3600000 ms);
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 329): 02/18/23 09:35:33:188 PanGpHipMp.exe exit for checking misssing patches.
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 393): 02/18/23 09:35:33:188 CheckHipMissingPatchInOtherProcess(): exits.
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 471): 02/18/23 09:35:33:188 Hip missing patch checking duration is 29
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6338): 02/18/23 09:35:33:190 HipReportThread: got HIP report ready event.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6354): 02/18/23 09:35:33:190 HipReportThread: wait for network discover ready event.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6359): 02/18/23 09:35:33:190 HipReportThread: got network discover ready event.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(8612): 02/18/23 09:35:33:197 use cached deviceSN
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6431): 02/18/23 09:35:33:197 Sending hip report delay max registry setting is -1 seconds
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6433): 02/18/23 09:35:33:197 Set max sending hip report delay to default 1800 seconds
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6449): 02/18/23 09:35:33:197 v4 hip report is encoded
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6472): 02/18/23 09:35:33:197 HIP report v4 md5 digest is 13b785c5a1aa87ae1c14b332c7c2be3
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6500): 02/18/23 09:35:33:197 HipReportThread: network type is external network.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(1675): 02/18/23 09:35:33:197 Send hip report to gateway
(P5668-T17764)Debug(4818): 02/18/23 09:35:33:197 Entering SendHipReportToGateway(). Gateway:
(P5668-T17764)Debug( 762): 02/18/23 09:35:33:197 m_bScheduleFlag is 1
(P5668-T17764)Debug( 772): 02/18/23 09:35:33:197 m_bScheduleFlag is set to 1
(P5668-T17764)Debug(4843): 02/18/23 09:35:33:197 Gateway now is 1676687733, next hip checking is 0, next hip report check sending time is 1676691316, last hip report check sending time is 1676687716, sending hip delay is 0 ms
(P5668-T17764)Debug(4860): 02/18/23 09:35:33:197 Wait for 0 ms to send hip report check to gateway
(P5668-T17764)Debug(4873): 02/18/23 09:35:33:197 Time to send hip report to gateway
(P5668-T17764)Debug(2989): 02/18/23 09:35:33:197 Gateway:, client IP:
(P5668-T17764)Debug(4890): 02/18/23 09:35:33:197 Hip report head to gateway is
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
(P5668-T17764)Debug(5069): 02/18/23 09:35:33:197 SendHipReportNReceive()
(P5668-T17764)Debug(5091): 02/18/23 09:35:33:197 bUseCCUser=0, ccUserName=, m_userName=phimpreeya
(P5668-T17764)Debug(5100): 02/18/23 09:35:33:197 latency report data=&pretunnellatency=5ms&posttunnellatency=1ms
(P5668-T17764)Debug(5105): 02/18/23 09:35:33:197 using https to send hip report check to gateway
(P5668-T17764)Debug(8612): 02/18/23 09:35:33:197 use cached deviceSN
(P5668-T17764)Debug(5147): 02/18/23 09:35:33:197 Network discover SN 8 remains same.
(P5668-T17764)Debug( 788): 02/18/23 09:35:33:197 SSL connecting to
(P5668-T17764)Debug( 564): 02/18/23 09:35:33:202 Network is reachable
(P5668-T17764)Debug(4976): 02/18/23 09:35:33:234 SSL verify succeed
(P5668-T17764)Debug(1346): 02/18/23 09:35:33:268 OpenSSL alert write⚠️close notify
(P5668-T17764)Debug(5160): 02/18/23 09:35:33:268 Gateway, response to the hip report check:

<response status="success">

(P5668-T17764)Info (5162): 02/18/23 09:35:33:268 sent HIP report check to
(P5668-T17764)Debug(5190): 02/18/23 09:35:33:269 Response status of HIP report check is success, gateway
(P5668-T17764)Debug(5192): 02/18/23 09:35:33:269 Hip report check returns success.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(4904): 02/18/23 09:35:33:269 SendHipReportNReceive returns TRUE for gateway
(P5668-T17764)Debug(4918): 02/18/23 09:35:33:269 Hip notification is empty in the HIP report check response from gateway
(P5668-T17764)Info (4940): 02/18/23 09:35:33:269 Hip report is not needed for gateway
(P5668-T7268)Debug(2530): 02/18/23 09:35:33:269 Setting debug level to 5
(P5668-T17764)Debug(4977): 02/18/23 09:35:33:269 SSL is disconnected. Returns TRUE.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(1677): 02/18/23 09:35:33:269 SendHipReportToGateway returns TRUE.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(1231): 02/18/23 09:35:33:277 Hip report changed. Include it in status message to client.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6333): 02/18/23 09:35:33:278 HipReportThread: wait for HIP report ready event.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(6627): 02/18/23 09:36:12:781 NetworkConnectionMonitorThread: route change detected. Wait for 3 seconds.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(5173): 02/18/23 09:36:12:786 Found virtual IP route entry
(P5668-T17768)Debug(5936): 02/18/23 09:36:12:786 No change for gateway route
(P5668-T17768)Debug(6688): 02/18/23 09:36:15:810 NetworkConnectionMonitorThread: m_state = 0, m_bOnDemand=1, m_bAgentEnabled=1, m_bJustResumed is 0,
m_bHibernate is 0, m_bAgentEnabled is 1, m_bDisconnect is 0, IsConnected() is 1, IsVPNInRetry() is 0.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(5173): 02/18/23 09:36:15:810 Found virtual IP route entry
(P5668-T17768)Debug(5936): 02/18/23 09:36:15:810 No change for gateway route
(P5668-T17768)Debug(6723): 02/18/23 09:36:15:810 NetworkConnectionMonitorThread: Detected route change, but skip network discovery.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(5048): 02/18/23 09:36:15:810 Wait for virtual interface IP route entry
(P5668-T17768)Debug(5062): 02/18/23 09:36:15:810 Found virtual interface IP route entry.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(4878): 02/18/23 09:36:15:810 des=, mask=, nextHop=, ifidx=19, forwardType=3, forwardProto=3, age=0, nextHopAs=0, matrix=1,0,0,0,0
(P5668-T17768)Debug(2222): 02/18/23 09:36:15:810 number of route is 9
(P5668-T17768)Debug(2240): 02/18/23 09:36:15:817 Set route successfully. ForwardDest =, metric 1.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(2240): 02/18/23 09:36:15:822 Set route successfully. ForwardDest =, metric 1.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(2240): 02/18/23 09:36:15:829 Set route successfully. ForwardDest =, metric 1.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(2240): 02/18/23 09:36:15:836 Set route successfully. ForwardDest =, metric 1.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(2240): 02/18/23 09:36:15:843 Set route successfully. ForwardDest =, metric 1.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(2240): 02/18/23 09:36:15:849 Set route successfully. ForwardDest =, metric 1.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(2240): 02/18/23 09:36:15:854 Set route successfully. ForwardDest =, metric 1.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(2240): 02/18/23 09:36:15:860 Set route successfully. ForwardDest =, metric 1.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(2240): 02/18/23 09:36:15:867 Set route successfully. ForwardDest =, metric 1.
(P5668-T17784)Debug( 543): 02/18/23 09:36:25:605 WscCallback
(P5668-T17784)Debug( 545): 02/18/23 09:36:25:605 SetWscEvent
(P5668-T14108)Debug( 543): 02/18/23 09:36:27:625 WscCallback
(P5668-T14108)Debug( 545): 02/18/23 09:36:27:625 SetWscEvent
(P5668-T7912)Debug( 543): 02/18/23 09:36:27:627 WscCallback
(P5668-T7912)Debug( 545): 02/18/23 09:36:27:627 SetWscEvent
(P5668-T17784)Debug( 543): 02/18/23 09:36:27:628 WscCallback
(P5668-T17784)Debug( 545): 02/18/23 09:36:27:628 SetWscEvent
(P5668-T12664)Debug( 543): 02/18/23 09:36:27:628 WscCallback
(P5668-T12664)Debug( 545): 02/18/23 09:36:27:628 SetWscEvent
(P5668-T17780)Debug( 421): 02/18/23 09:36:28:611 before check wsc
(P5668-T17780)Debug( 375): 02/18/23 09:36:28:611 wsc-autodetect is enabled
(P5668-T17780)Debug( 424): 02/18/23 09:36:28:611 CheckWsc
(P5668-T17780)Debug( 450): 02/18/23 09:36:28:611 CheckWsc is called.
(P5668-T17780)Debug( 530): 02/18/23 09:36:28:611 Failed to get WSC provider firewall health state
(P5668-T17780)Debug( 464): 02/18/23 09:36:28:612 WscCallback: health state change not detected. Ignore this one.
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 439): 02/18/23 09:36:31:194 HipMissingPatchThread: now is 1676687791, last hip check is 1676687704, hip check interval is 3600000
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 444): 02/18/23 09:36:31:194 HipMissingPatchThread: wait 3455000 ms
(P5668-T1048)Debug( 543): 02/18/23 09:38:25:630 WscCallback
(P5668-T1048)Debug( 545): 02/18/23 09:38:25:630 SetWscEvent
(P5668-T17780)Debug( 421): 02/18/23 09:38:28:632 before check wsc
(P5668-T17780)Debug( 375): 02/18/23 09:38:28:632 wsc-autodetect is enabled
(P5668-T17780)Debug( 424): 02/18/23 09:38:28:632 CheckWsc
(P5668-T17780)Debug( 450): 02/18/23 09:38:28:632 CheckWsc is called.
(P5668-T17780)Debug( 517): 02/18/23 09:38:28:632 WSC FW state changed.
(P5668-T17780)Debug( 460): 02/18/23 09:38:28:632 WscCallback: health state change detected. WscCallback: Triger hip checking.
(P5668-T17780)Debug( 772): 02/18/23 09:38:28:632 m_bScheduleFlag is set to 0
(P5668-T17780)Debug( 297): 02/18/23 09:38:28:632 Set hip check event.
(P5668-T17772)Info ( 246): 02/18/23 09:38:28:632 HipCheckThread: got check hip event or time out.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 255): 02/18/23 09:38:28:632 HipCheckThread: Got CheckHipEvent.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 750): 02/18/23 09:38:28:632 SetNextScheduledHipCheckTime to 1676691508
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 276): 02/18/23 09:38:28:632 Last hip check event wakeup tick is 1676687908
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 278): 02/18/23 09:38:28:632 HipCheckThread: check hip in other process.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 306): 02/18/23 09:38:28:632 CheckHipInOtherProcess()
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 310): 02/18/23 09:38:28:632 Need to collect hip data
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 118): 02/18/23 09:38:28:632 Starting process PanGpHip.exe
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 136): 02/18/23 09:38:28:636 Wait for the ready event of hip report generated in other process.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 140): 02/18/23 09:38:37:772 Got hip report in other process ready event.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 159): 02/18/23 09:38:37:772 Read output from PanGpHip.exe
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 170): 02/18/23 09:38:37:772 >>>CheckHip: hip report head size 10408
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 188): 02/18/23 09:38:37:772 >>>CheckHip: total bytes read: 10408
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 198): 02/18/23 09:38:37:772 write hip file now
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 216): 02/18/23 09:38:37:772 CheckHipInOtherProcess() sets hip report ready event.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 136): 02/18/23 09:38:37:772 Wait for the ready event of hip report generated in other process.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6338): 02/18/23 09:38:37:772 HipReportThread: got HIP report ready event.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6354): 02/18/23 09:38:37:772 HipReportThread: wait for network discover ready event.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6359): 02/18/23 09:38:37:772 HipReportThread: got network discover ready event.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(8612): 02/18/23 09:38:37:779 use cached deviceSN
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6431): 02/18/23 09:38:37:779 Sending hip report delay max registry setting is -1 seconds
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6433): 02/18/23 09:38:37:779 Set max sending hip report delay to default 1800 seconds
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6449): 02/18/23 09:38:37:779 v4 hip report is encoded
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6472): 02/18/23 09:38:37:779 HIP report v4 md5 digest is 11af8755792ace435cf4f5b1a9415633
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6500): 02/18/23 09:38:37:779 HipReportThread: network type is external network.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(1675): 02/18/23 09:38:37:779 Send hip report to gateway
(P5668-T17764)Debug(4818): 02/18/23 09:38:37:779 Entering SendHipReportToGateway(). Gateway:
(P5668-T17764)Debug( 762): 02/18/23 09:38:37:779 m_bScheduleFlag is 0
(P5668-T17764)Debug( 772): 02/18/23 09:38:37:779 m_bScheduleFlag is set to 1
(P5668-T17764)Debug(4843): 02/18/23 09:38:37:779 Gateway now is 1676687917, next hip checking is 1676691508, next hip report check sending time is 1676691333, last hip report check sending time is 1676687733, sending hip delay is 0 ms
(P5668-T17764)Debug(4860): 02/18/23 09:38:37:779 Wait for 0 ms to send hip report check to gateway
(P5668-T17764)Debug(4873): 02/18/23 09:38:37:779 Time to send hip report to gateway
(P5668-T17764)Debug(2989): 02/18/23 09:38:37:779 Gateway:, client IP:
(P5668-T17764)Debug(4890): 02/18/23 09:38:37:779 Hip report head to gateway is
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
(P5668-T17764)Debug(5069): 02/18/23 09:38:37:779 SendHipReportNReceive()
(P5668-T17764)Debug(5091): 02/18/23 09:38:37:780 bUseCCUser=0, ccUserName=, m_userName=phimpreeya
(P5668-T17764)Debug(5100): 02/18/23 09:38:37:780 latency report data=&pretunnellatency=5ms&posttunnellatency=1ms
(P5668-T17764)Debug(5105): 02/18/23 09:38:37:780 using https to send hip report check to gateway
(P5668-T17764)Debug(8612): 02/18/23 09:38:37:780 use cached deviceSN
(P5668-T17764)Debug(5147): 02/18/23 09:38:37:780 Network discover SN 8 remains same.
(P5668-T17764)Debug( 788): 02/18/23 09:38:37:780 SSL connecting to
(P5668-T17764)Debug( 564): 02/18/23 09:38:37:784 Network is reachable
(P5668-T17764)Debug(4976): 02/18/23 09:38:37:808 SSL verify succeed
(P5668-T17764)Debug(1346): 02/18/23 09:38:37:860 OpenSSL alert write⚠️close notify
(P5668-T17764)Debug(5160): 02/18/23 09:38:37:860 Gateway, response to the hip report check:

<response status="success">

(P5668-T17764)Info (5162): 02/18/23 09:38:37:860 sent HIP report check to
(P5668-T17764)Debug(5190): 02/18/23 09:38:37:860 Response status of HIP report check is success, gateway
(P5668-T17764)Debug(5192): 02/18/23 09:38:37:860 Hip report check returns success.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(4904): 02/18/23 09:38:37:860 SendHipReportNReceive returns TRUE for gateway
(P5668-T17764)Debug(4918): 02/18/23 09:38:37:860 Hip notification is empty in the HIP report check response from gateway
(P5668-T17764)Info (4940): 02/18/23 09:38:37:860 Hip report is not needed for gateway
(P5668-T17764)Debug(4977): 02/18/23 09:38:37:860 SSL is disconnected. Returns TRUE.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(1677): 02/18/23 09:38:37:860 SendHipReportToGateway returns TRUE.
(P5668-T7268)Debug(2530): 02/18/23 09:38:37:860 Setting debug level to 5
(P5668-T17764)Debug(1231): 02/18/23 09:38:37:867 Hip report changed. Include it in status message to client.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6333): 02/18/23 09:38:37:868 HipReportThread: wait for HIP report ready event.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 144): 02/18/23 09:38:39:870 Got event for PanGpHip process has quited.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 335): 02/18/23 09:38:39:870 CheckHip over
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 282): 02/18/23 09:38:39:870 Hip checking is not initiated by clicking resubmit host profile.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 216): 02/18/23 09:38:39:870 HipCheckThread: wait for hip check event for 3600000 ms);
(P5668-T9692)Debug( 543): 02/18/23 09:44:45:045 WscCallback
(P5668-T9692)Debug( 545): 02/18/23 09:44:45:045 SetWscEvent
(P5668-T10128)Debug( 543): 02/18/23 09:44:45:050 WscCallback
(P5668-T10128)Debug( 545): 02/18/23 09:44:45:050 SetWscEvent
(P5668-T10128)Debug( 543): 02/18/23 09:44:45:052 WscCallback
(P5668-T10128)Debug( 545): 02/18/23 09:44:45:052 SetWscEvent
(P5668-T12736)Debug( 543): 02/18/23 09:44:45:053 WscCallback
(P5668-T12736)Debug( 545): 02/18/23 09:44:45:053 SetWscEvent
(P5668-T17780)Debug( 421): 02/18/23 09:44:48:061 before check wsc
(P5668-T17780)Debug( 375): 02/18/23 09:44:48:061 wsc-autodetect is enabled
(P5668-T17780)Debug( 424): 02/18/23 09:44:48:061 CheckWsc
(P5668-T17780)Debug( 450): 02/18/23 09:44:48:061 CheckWsc is called.
(P5668-T17780)Debug( 464): 02/18/23 09:44:48:063 WscCallback: health state change not detected. Ignore this one.
(P5668-T18596)Debug( 543): 02/18/23 09:55:49:744 WscCallback
(P5668-T18596)Debug( 545): 02/18/23 09:55:49:744 SetWscEvent
(P5668-T18596)Debug( 543): 02/18/23 09:55:49:746 WscCallback
(P5668-T18596)Debug( 545): 02/18/23 09:55:49:746 SetWscEvent
(P5668-T2892)Debug( 543): 02/18/23 09:55:49:747 WscCallback
(P5668-T2892)Debug( 545): 02/18/23 09:55:49:747 SetWscEvent
(P5668-T17728)Debug( 543): 02/18/23 09:55:49:747 WscCallback
(P5668-T17728)Debug( 545): 02/18/23 09:55:49:747 SetWscEvent
(P5668-T17780)Debug( 421): 02/18/23 09:55:52:753 before check wsc
(P5668-T17780)Debug( 375): 02/18/23 09:55:52:753 wsc-autodetect is enabled
(P5668-T17780)Debug( 424): 02/18/23 09:55:52:753 CheckWsc
(P5668-T17780)Debug( 450): 02/18/23 09:55:52:753 CheckWsc is called.
(P5668-T17780)Debug( 464): 02/18/23 09:55:52:753 WscCallback: health state change not detected. Ignore this one.
(P5668-T2892)Debug( 543): 02/18/23 09:57:28:538 WscCallback
(P5668-T2892)Debug( 545): 02/18/23 09:57:28:538 SetWscEvent
(P5668-T18596)Debug( 543): 02/18/23 09:57:28:540 WscCallback
(P5668-T18596)Debug( 545): 02/18/23 09:57:28:540 SetWscEvent
(P5668-T17728)Debug( 543): 02/18/23 09:57:28:541 WscCallback
(P5668-T17728)Debug( 545): 02/18/23 09:57:28:541 SetWscEvent
(P5668-T17728)Debug( 543): 02/18/23 09:57:28:541 WscCallback
(P5668-T17728)Debug( 545): 02/18/23 09:57:28:541 SetWscEvent
(P5668-T17780)Debug( 421): 02/18/23 09:57:31:548 before check wsc
(P5668-T17780)Debug( 375): 02/18/23 09:57:31:548 wsc-autodetect is enabled
(P5668-T17780)Debug( 424): 02/18/23 09:57:31:548 CheckWsc
(P5668-T17780)Debug( 450): 02/18/23 09:57:31:548 CheckWsc is called.
(P5668-T17780)Debug( 464): 02/18/23 09:57:31:548 WscCallback: health state change not detected. Ignore this one.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(6627): 02/18/23 10:06:06:419 NetworkConnectionMonitorThread: route change detected. Wait for 3 seconds.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(5173): 02/18/23 10:06:06:420 Found virtual IP route entry
(P5668-T17768)Debug(5936): 02/18/23 10:06:06:420 No change for gateway route
(P5668-T17768)Debug(6688): 02/18/23 10:06:09:446 NetworkConnectionMonitorThread: m_state = 0, m_bOnDemand=1, m_bAgentEnabled=1, m_bJustResumed is 0,
m_bHibernate is 0, m_bAgentEnabled is 1, m_bDisconnect is 0, IsConnected() is 1, IsVPNInRetry() is 0.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(5173): 02/18/23 10:06:09:446 Found virtual IP route entry
(P5668-T17768)Debug(5936): 02/18/23 10:06:09:446 No change for gateway route
(P5668-T17768)Debug(6723): 02/18/23 10:06:09:446 NetworkConnectionMonitorThread: Detected route change, but skip network discovery.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(5048): 02/18/23 10:06:09:447 Wait for virtual interface IP route entry
(P5668-T17768)Debug(5062): 02/18/23 10:06:09:447 Found virtual interface IP route entry.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(4878): 02/18/23 10:06:09:447 des=, mask=, nextHop=, ifidx=19, forwardType=3, forwardProto=3, age=0, nextHopAs=0, matrix=1,0,0,0,0
(P5668-T17768)Debug(2222): 02/18/23 10:06:09:447 number of route is 9
(P5668-T17768)Debug(2240): 02/18/23 10:06:09:456 Set route successfully. ForwardDest =, metric 1.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(2240): 02/18/23 10:06:09:465 Set route successfully. ForwardDest =, metric 1.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(2240): 02/18/23 10:06:09:474 Set route successfully. ForwardDest =, metric 1.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(2240): 02/18/23 10:06:09:482 Set route successfully. ForwardDest =, metric 1.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(2240): 02/18/23 10:06:09:488 Set route successfully. ForwardDest =, metric 1.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(2240): 02/18/23 10:06:09:493 Set route successfully. ForwardDest =, metric 1.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(2240): 02/18/23 10:06:09:498 Set route successfully. ForwardDest =, metric 1.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(2240): 02/18/23 10:06:09:502 Set route successfully. ForwardDest =, metric 1.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(2240): 02/18/23 10:06:09:508 Set route successfully. ForwardDest =, metric 1.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(6627): 02/18/23 10:06:12:783 NetworkConnectionMonitorThread: route change detected. Wait for 3 seconds.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(5173): 02/18/23 10:06:12:784 Found virtual IP route entry
(P5668-T17768)Debug(5936): 02/18/23 10:06:12:784 No change for gateway route
(P5668-T17768)Debug(6688): 02/18/23 10:06:15:799 NetworkConnectionMonitorThread: m_state = 0, m_bOnDemand=1, m_bAgentEnabled=1, m_bJustResumed is 0,
m_bHibernate is 0, m_bAgentEnabled is 1, m_bDisconnect is 0, IsConnected() is 1, IsVPNInRetry() is 0.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(5173): 02/18/23 10:06:15:799 Found virtual IP route entry
(P5668-T17768)Debug(5936): 02/18/23 10:06:15:799 No change for gateway route
(P5668-T17768)Debug(6723): 02/18/23 10:06:15:799 NetworkConnectionMonitorThread: Detected route change, but skip network discovery.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(5048): 02/18/23 10:06:15:800 Wait for virtual interface IP route entry
(P5668-T17768)Debug(5062): 02/18/23 10:06:15:800 Found virtual interface IP route entry.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(4878): 02/18/23 10:06:15:800 des=, mask=, nextHop=, ifidx=19, forwardType=3, forwardProto=3, age=0, nextHopAs=0, matrix=1,0,0,0,0
(P5668-T17768)Debug(2222): 02/18/23 10:06:15:800 number of route is 9
(P5668-T17768)Debug(2240): 02/18/23 10:06:15:806 Set route successfully. ForwardDest =, metric 1.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(2240): 02/18/23 10:06:15:811 Set route successfully. ForwardDest =, metric 1.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(2240): 02/18/23 10:06:15:816 Set route successfully. ForwardDest =, metric 1.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(2240): 02/18/23 10:06:15:822 Set route successfully. ForwardDest =, metric 1.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(2240): 02/18/23 10:06:15:827 Set route successfully. ForwardDest =, metric 1.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(2240): 02/18/23 10:06:15:832 Set route successfully. ForwardDest =, metric 1.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(2240): 02/18/23 10:06:15:837 Set route successfully. ForwardDest =, metric 1.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(2240): 02/18/23 10:06:15:843 Set route successfully. ForwardDest =, metric 1.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(2240): 02/18/23 10:06:15:848 Set route successfully. ForwardDest =, metric 1.
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 456): 02/18/23 10:34:06:201 HipMissingPatchThread: WAIT_TIMEOUT
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 383): 02/18/23 10:34:06:201 CheckHipMissingPatchInOtherProcess()
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 386): 02/18/23 10:34:06:201 Need to check missing patch.
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 305): 02/18/23 10:34:06:201 CheckHipMissingPatchInOtherProcess(): Starting process PanGpHipMp.exe
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 329): 02/18/23 10:34:26:618 PanGpHipMp.exe exit for checking misssing patches.
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 393): 02/18/23 10:34:26:618 CheckHipMissingPatchInOtherProcess(): exits.
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 471): 02/18/23 10:34:26:618 Hip missing patch checking duration is 20
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 439): 02/18/23 10:35:14:631 HipMissingPatchThread: now is 1676691314, last hip check is 1676687908, hip check interval is 3600000
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 444): 02/18/23 10:35:14:631 HipMissingPatchThread: wait 146000 ms
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 456): 02/18/23 10:37:40:640 HipMissingPatchThread: WAIT_TIMEOUT
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 383): 02/18/23 10:37:40:640 CheckHipMissingPatchInOtherProcess()
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 386): 02/18/23 10:37:40:640 Need to check missing patch.
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 305): 02/18/23 10:37:40:640 CheckHipMissingPatchInOtherProcess(): Starting process PanGpHipMp.exe
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 329): 02/18/23 10:37:57:587 PanGpHipMp.exe exit for checking misssing patches.
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 393): 02/18/23 10:37:57:587 CheckHipMissingPatchInOtherProcess(): exits.
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 471): 02/18/23 10:37:57:587 Hip missing patch checking duration is 17
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 439): 02/18/23 10:38:37:596 HipMissingPatchThread: now is 1676691517, last hip check is 1676687908, hip check interval is 3600000
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 444): 02/18/23 10:38:37:596 HipMissingPatchThread: wait -49000 ms
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 464): 02/18/23 10:38:37:596 nSleep <= 0. m_tLastHipCheckEventWakeup is 1676687908, m_dwHipCheckInterval is 3600000, Now is 1676691517.
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 383): 02/18/23 10:38:37:596 CheckHipMissingPatchInOtherProcess()
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 386): 02/18/23 10:38:37:596 Need to check missing patch.
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 305): 02/18/23 10:38:37:596 CheckHipMissingPatchInOtherProcess(): Starting process PanGpHipMp.exe
(P5668-T17772)Info ( 246): 02/18/23 10:38:40:392 HipCheckThread: got check hip event or time out.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 258): 02/18/23 10:38:40:392 HipCheckThread: WAIT_TIMEOUT
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 750): 02/18/23 10:38:40:392 SetNextScheduledHipCheckTime to 1676695120
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 276): 02/18/23 10:38:40:392 Last hip check event wakeup tick is 1676691520
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 278): 02/18/23 10:38:40:392 HipCheckThread: check hip in other process.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 306): 02/18/23 10:38:40:392 CheckHipInOtherProcess()
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 310): 02/18/23 10:38:40:392 Need to collect hip data
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 118): 02/18/23 10:38:40:392 Starting process PanGpHip.exe
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 136): 02/18/23 10:38:40:444 Wait for the ready event of hip report generated in other process.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 140): 02/18/23 10:38:50:281 Got hip report in other process ready event.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 159): 02/18/23 10:38:50:281 Read output from PanGpHip.exe
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 170): 02/18/23 10:38:50:281 >>>CheckHip: hip report head size 11089
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 188): 02/18/23 10:38:50:281 >>>CheckHip: total bytes read: 11089
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 198): 02/18/23 10:38:50:281 write hip file now
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 216): 02/18/23 10:38:50:281 CheckHipInOtherProcess() sets hip report ready event.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 136): 02/18/23 10:38:50:281 Wait for the ready event of hip report generated in other process.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6338): 02/18/23 10:38:50:281 HipReportThread: got HIP report ready event.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6354): 02/18/23 10:38:50:281 HipReportThread: wait for network discover ready event.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6359): 02/18/23 10:38:50:281 HipReportThread: got network discover ready event.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(8612): 02/18/23 10:38:50:289 use cached deviceSN
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6431): 02/18/23 10:38:50:289 Sending hip report delay max registry setting is -1 seconds
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6433): 02/18/23 10:38:50:289 Set max sending hip report delay to default 1800 seconds
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6449): 02/18/23 10:38:50:289 v4 hip report is encoded
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6472): 02/18/23 10:38:50:289 HIP report v4 md5 digest is 529791bbb39a46a2df9936648a8a9e
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6500): 02/18/23 10:38:50:289 HipReportThread: network type is external network.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(1675): 02/18/23 10:38:50:289 Send hip report to gateway
(P5668-T17764)Debug(4818): 02/18/23 10:38:50:289 Entering SendHipReportToGateway(). Gateway:
(P5668-T17764)Debug( 762): 02/18/23 10:38:50:289 m_bScheduleFlag is 1
(P5668-T17764)Debug( 772): 02/18/23 10:38:50:289 m_bScheduleFlag is set to 1
(P5668-T17764)Debug(4843): 02/18/23 10:38:50:289 Gateway now is 1676691530, next hip checking is 1676695120, next hip report check sending time is 1676691517, last hip report check sending time is 1676687917, sending hip delay is 0 ms
(P5668-T17764)Debug(4860): 02/18/23 10:38:50:289 Wait for 0 ms to send hip report check to gateway
(P5668-T17764)Debug(4873): 02/18/23 10:38:50:289 Time to send hip report to gateway
(P5668-T17764)Debug(2989): 02/18/23 10:38:50:289 Gateway:, client IP:
(P5668-T17764)Debug(4890): 02/18/23 10:38:50:289 Hip report head to gateway is
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
(P5668-T17764)Debug(5069): 02/18/23 10:38:50:289 SendHipReportNReceive()
(P5668-T17764)Debug(5091): 02/18/23 10:38:50:289 bUseCCUser=0, ccUserName=, m_userName=phimpreeya
(P5668-T17764)Debug(5100): 02/18/23 10:38:50:289 latency report data=&pretunnellatency=5ms&posttunnellatency=1ms
(P5668-T17764)Debug(5105): 02/18/23 10:38:50:289 using https to send hip report check to gateway
(P5668-T17764)Debug(8612): 02/18/23 10:38:50:289 use cached deviceSN
(P5668-T17764)Debug(5147): 02/18/23 10:38:50:289 Network discover SN 8 remains same.
(P5668-T17764)Debug( 788): 02/18/23 10:38:50:290 SSL connecting to
(P5668-T17764)Debug( 564): 02/18/23 10:38:50:294 Network is reachable
(P5668-T17764)Debug(4976): 02/18/23 10:38:50:320 SSL verify succeed
(P5668-T17764)Debug(1346): 02/18/23 10:38:50:360 OpenSSL alert write⚠️close notify
(P5668-T17764)Debug(5160): 02/18/23 10:38:50:361 Gateway, response to the hip report check:

<response status="success">

(P5668-T17764)Info (5162): 02/18/23 10:38:50:361 sent HIP report check to
(P5668-T17764)Debug(5190): 02/18/23 10:38:50:361 Response status of HIP report check is success, gateway
(P5668-T17764)Debug(5192): 02/18/23 10:38:50:361 Hip report check returns success.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(4904): 02/18/23 10:38:50:361 SendHipReportNReceive returns TRUE for gateway
(P5668-T17764)Debug(4918): 02/18/23 10:38:50:361 Hip notification is empty in the HIP report check response from gateway
(P5668-T17764)Info (4940): 02/18/23 10:38:50:361 Hip report is not needed for gateway
(P5668-T17764)Debug(4977): 02/18/23 10:38:50:361 SSL is disconnected. Returns TRUE.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(1677): 02/18/23 10:38:50:361 SendHipReportToGateway returns TRUE.
(P5668-T7268)Debug(2530): 02/18/23 10:38:50:361 Setting debug level to 5
(P5668-T17764)Debug(1231): 02/18/23 10:38:50:368 Hip report changed. Include it in status message to client.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6333): 02/18/23 10:38:50:370 HipReportThread: wait for HIP report ready event.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 144): 02/18/23 10:38:52:367 Got event for PanGpHip process has quited.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 335): 02/18/23 10:38:52:367 CheckHip over
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 282): 02/18/23 10:38:52:367 Hip checking is not initiated by clicking resubmit host profile.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 216): 02/18/23 10:38:52:367 HipCheckThread: wait for hip check event for 3600000 ms);
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 329): 02/18/23 10:38:53:200 PanGpHipMp.exe exit for checking misssing patches.
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 393): 02/18/23 10:38:53:200 CheckHipMissingPatchInOtherProcess(): exits.
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 471): 02/18/23 10:38:53:200 Hip missing patch checking duration is 16
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 439): 02/18/23 10:39:29:203 HipMissingPatchThread: now is 1676691569, last hip check is 1676691520, hip check interval is 3600000
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 444): 02/18/23 10:39:29:203 HipMissingPatchThread: wait 3515000 ms
(P5668-T7272)Info ( 531): 02/18/23 10:40:03:833 msgtype = disconnect
(P5668-T7272)Debug(2168): 02/18/23 10:40:03:833 ----Tunnel User Diconnecting starts----
(P5668-T7272)Debug(1441): 02/18/23 10:40:03:834 m_msp->IsVPNConnected() is 1, CControlManager::GetInstance()->IsInRetry() is 0
(P5668-T7272)Debug(7095): 02/18/23 10:40:03:838 --Set state to Disconnecting...
(P5668-T7272)Info (2681): 02/18/23 10:40:03:840 Disconnect(no reason) called
(P5668-T14116)Debug(4560): 02/18/23 10:40:03:840 LifeTimeThread receives m_hExitLifeTimeThreadEvent
(P5668-T14116)Debug(4588): 02/18/23 10:40:03:840 LifeTimeThread quits
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 822): 02/18/23 10:40:03:840 vpn disconnect
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 823): 02/18/23 10:40:03:840 Delete m_vpn in CControlManager::DisconnectVPN()
(P5668-T14836)Info ( 552): 02/18/23 10:40:03:840 PktProcess: VPN disconnect event, get out of ProcMonitor
(P5668-T14836)Debug( 646): 02/18/23 10:40:03:841 Tunnel downtime is 4875 miliseconds
(P5668-T14844)Info (1005): 02/18/23 10:40:03:841 ProDrv: VPN disconnect event, get out of ProcDrv
(P5668-T14844)Info (1034): 02/18/23 10:40:03:841 ProcDrv thread dies
(P5668-T14836)Info ( 968): 02/18/23 10:40:03:841 ProcDrv quit
(P5668-T14848)Info (1085): 02/18/23 10:40:03:841 ProTunnel: VPN disconnect event, get out of ProcTunnel
(P5668-T14848)Info (1101): 02/18/23 10:40:03:841 ProcTunnel thread dies
(P5668-T14836)Info (1049): 02/18/23 10:40:03:841 ProcTunnel quit
(P5668-T14836)Info ( 954): 02/18/23 10:40:03:841 ProcMonitor thread dies
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 336): 02/18/23 10:40:03:942 tunnel statistics: send bytes(3566330) packets(34416) errors(0) drops(0) queue-size(20), recv bytes(38718186) packets(42463) errors(0) drops(0) queue-size(37)
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 338): 02/18/23 10:40:03:942 do_disconnect is called in VPN stop
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 229): 02/18/23 10:40:03:942 IPSec anti-replay statistics: outside window count 0, replay count 0
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 231): 02/18/23 10:40:03:942 Disconnect udp socket
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 612): 02/18/23 10:40:03:942 unset network
(P5668-T7272)Debug(4326): 02/18/23 10:40:03:942 UpdatePrelogonStateForSSO() - tunnel state = Connecting
(P5668-T7272)Debug(3117): 02/18/23 10:40:03:942 Unset 9 routes
(P5668-T7272)Debug(3137): 02/18/23 10:40:03:942 UnsetRoutes: DeleteIpForwardEntry[0] (
(P5668-T7272)Debug(3137): 02/18/23 10:40:03:942 UnsetRoutes: DeleteIpForwardEntry[1] (
(P5668-T7272)Debug(3137): 02/18/23 10:40:03:942 UnsetRoutes: DeleteIpForwardEntry[2] (
(P5668-T7272)Debug(3137): 02/18/23 10:40:03:942 UnsetRoutes: DeleteIpForwardEntry[3] (
(P5668-T7272)Debug(3137): 02/18/23 10:40:03:942 UnsetRoutes: DeleteIpForwardEntry[4] (
(P5668-T7272)Debug(3137): 02/18/23 10:40:03:942 UnsetRoutes: DeleteIpForwardEntry[5] (
(P5668-T7272)Debug(3137): 02/18/23 10:40:03:942 UnsetRoutes: DeleteIpForwardEntry[6] (
(P5668-T7272)Debug(3137): 02/18/23 10:40:03:942 UnsetRoutes: DeleteIpForwardEntry[7] (
(P5668-T7272)Debug(3137): 02/18/23 10:40:03:942 UnsetRoutes: DeleteIpForwardEntry[8] (
(P5668-T7272)Debug(7381): 02/18/23 10:40:03:942 UnsetGatewayRoutes: DeleteIpForwardEntry(
(P5668-T7272)Info (5817): 02/18/23 10:40:03:942 RemoveGatewayInRouteTable(vnicIdx=19)
(P5668-T7272)Info (5865): 02/18/23 10:40:03:943 delete 1 ip forward entry:
(P5668-T7272)Info (5865): 02/18/23 10:40:03:943 delete 2 ip forward entry:
(P5668-T7272)Info (5865): 02/18/23 10:40:03:943 delete 3 ip forward entry:
(P5668-T7272)Debug(3076): 02/18/23 10:40:03:943 UnsetRoutesV6: No route installed before
(P5668-T7272)Debug(1555): 02/18/23 10:40:03:943 Disconnect virtual interface
(P5668-T17768)Debug(6627): 02/18/23 10:40:03:951 NetworkConnectionMonitorThread: route change detected. Wait for 3 seconds.
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 25): 02/18/23 10:40:04:058 create thread 0x3c4 with thread ID 2236
(P5668-T7272)Debug(1571): 02/18/23 10:40:04:058 Start FlushDNSCache thread 0x3c4
(P5668-T2236)Debug(2578): 02/18/23 10:40:04:058 FlushDNSCache thread: run cmd: cmd /C ipconfig /flushdns > "C:\Program Files\Palo Alto Networks\GlobalProtect\4"
(P5668-T14856)Debug( 674): 02/18/23 10:40:04:065 ST,exit reader set!!!!(P5668-T14856)Debug(3296): 02/18/23 10:40:04:065 ST,End gp filter reader
(P5668-T7272)Debug(2654): 02/18/23 10:40:04:112 ST,service status is 00000004
(P5668-T7272)Debug(2659): 02/18/23 10:40:04:112 ST,service already started
(P5668-T7272)Debug(2662): 02/18/23 10:40:04:153 ST,Service stop send, current status = 00000001.
(P5668-T7272)Debug(2668): 02/18/23 10:40:04:153 ST,filter service stopped
(P5668-T7272)Debug(1348): 02/18/23 10:40:04:153 SPStop is called
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 986): 02/18/23 10:40:04:161 PreviousDNSInfo doesn't exist, no need to restore
(P5668-T7272)Debug(6895): 02/18/23 10:40:04:162 DLSA, savedMetric1Routes not present, do not need to restore
(P5668-T7272)Debug(6235): 02/18/23 10:40:04:162 Proxy is not disabled before, no need to restore
(P5668-T7272)Debug(1987): 02/18/23 10:40:04:162 wmi index is -1, GP DNS suffix num 0.
(P5668-T7272)Info ( 102): 02/18/23 10:40:04:162 VPN is deleted
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 661): 02/18/23 10:40:04:162 DisconnectVPN called
(P5668-T7272)Debug(3422): 02/18/23 10:40:04:162 set driver connected as false
(P5668-T7272)Debug(7095): 02/18/23 10:40:04:162 --Set state to Disconnected
(P5668-T7272)Info (2295): 02/18/23 10:40:04:163 logout: user=phimpreeya, portal=Chin_Gateway-N, gateway=, domain=chin, computerName=SUIGINTOU-MAIDE
(P5668-T7272)Debug(2329): 02/18/23 10:40:04:163 Logout parameter is
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 788): 02/18/23 10:40:04:163 SSL connecting to
(P5668-T7272)Debug( 564): 02/18/23 10:40:04:167 Network is reachable
(P5668-T7272)Debug(4976): 02/18/23 10:40:04:189 SSL verify succeed
(P5668-T7272)Debug(1346): 02/18/23 10:40:04:225 OpenSSL alert write⚠️close notify
(P5668-T7268)Debug(2530): 02/18/23 10:40:04:226 Setting debug level to 5
(P5668-T7272)Debug(2377): 02/18/23 10:40:04:226 Logged out gateway
(P5668-T7272)Debug(7095): 02/18/23 10:40:04:226 --Set state to Disconnected
(P5668-T7272)Debug(11527): 02/18/23 10:40:04:226 SetVpnStatus called with new status=0, Previous Status=1
(P5668-T7272)Debug(4326): 02/18/23 10:40:04:226 UpdatePrelogonStateForSSO() - tunnel state = Disconnected
(P5668-T17768)Debug(5890): 02/18/23 10:40:04:226 No need to check gateway route since no tunnel.
(P5668-T7272)Debug(1898): 02/18/23 10:40:04:226 Send response to client for request disconnect
(P5668-T17768)Debug(6688): 02/18/23 10:40:07:260 NetworkConnectionMonitorThread: m_state = 0, m_bOnDemand=1, m_bAgentEnabled=1, m_bJustResumed is 0,
m_bHibernate is 0, m_bAgentEnabled is 1, m_bDisconnect is 0, IsConnected() is 0, IsVPNInRetry() is 0.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(5890): 02/18/23 10:40:07:260 No need to check gateway route since no tunnel.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(6723): 02/18/23 10:40:07:260 NetworkConnectionMonitorThread: Detected route change, but skip network discovery.
(P5668-T5672)Info ( 428): 02/18/23 11:05:40:671 Received power event, type 0x0000000a
(P5668-T11832)Debug( 543): 02/18/23 11:27:01:413 WscCallback
(P5668-T11832)Debug( 545): 02/18/23 11:27:01:413 SetWscEvent
(P5668-T16232)Debug( 543): 02/18/23 11:27:01:416 WscCallback
(P5668-T16232)Debug( 545): 02/18/23 11:27:01:416 SetWscEvent
(P5668-T21616)Debug( 543): 02/18/23 11:27:01:416 WscCallback
(P5668-T21616)Debug( 545): 02/18/23 11:27:01:416 SetWscEvent
(P5668-T11832)Debug( 543): 02/18/23 11:27:01:417 WscCallback
(P5668-T11832)Debug( 545): 02/18/23 11:27:01:417 SetWscEvent
(P5668-T17780)Debug( 421): 02/18/23 11:27:04:424 before check wsc
(P5668-T17780)Debug( 375): 02/18/23 11:27:04:424 wsc-autodetect is enabled
(P5668-T17780)Debug( 424): 02/18/23 11:27:04:424 CheckWsc
(P5668-T17780)Debug( 450): 02/18/23 11:27:04:424 CheckWsc is called.
(P5668-T17780)Debug( 464): 02/18/23 11:27:04:424 WscCallback: health state change not detected. Ignore this one.
(P5668-T21616)Debug( 543): 02/18/23 11:27:46:482 WscCallback
(P5668-T21616)Debug( 545): 02/18/23 11:27:46:482 SetWscEvent
(P5668-T11832)Debug( 543): 02/18/23 11:27:46:484 WscCallback
(P5668-T11832)Debug( 545): 02/18/23 11:27:46:484 SetWscEvent
(P5668-T16232)Debug( 543): 02/18/23 11:27:46:485 WscCallback
(P5668-T16232)Debug( 545): 02/18/23 11:27:46:485 SetWscEvent
(P5668-T11832)Debug( 543): 02/18/23 11:27:46:486 WscCallback
(P5668-T11832)Debug( 545): 02/18/23 11:27:46:486 SetWscEvent
(P5668-T17780)Debug( 421): 02/18/23 11:27:49:488 before check wsc
(P5668-T17780)Debug( 375): 02/18/23 11:27:49:488 wsc-autodetect is enabled
(P5668-T17780)Debug( 424): 02/18/23 11:27:49:488 CheckWsc
(P5668-T17780)Debug( 450): 02/18/23 11:27:49:488 CheckWsc is called.
(P5668-T17780)Debug( 464): 02/18/23 11:27:49:488 WscCallback: health state change not detected. Ignore this one.
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 456): 02/18/23 11:38:04:206 HipMissingPatchThread: WAIT_TIMEOUT
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 383): 02/18/23 11:38:04:206 CheckHipMissingPatchInOtherProcess()
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 386): 02/18/23 11:38:04:206 Need to check missing patch.
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 305): 02/18/23 11:38:04:206 CheckHipMissingPatchInOtherProcess(): Starting process PanGpHipMp.exe
(P5668-T17772)Info ( 246): 02/18/23 11:38:52:830 HipCheckThread: got check hip event or time out.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 258): 02/18/23 11:38:52:830 HipCheckThread: WAIT_TIMEOUT
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 750): 02/18/23 11:38:52:830 SetNextScheduledHipCheckTime to 1676698732
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 276): 02/18/23 11:38:52:830 Last hip check event wakeup tick is 1676695132
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 278): 02/18/23 11:38:52:830 HipCheckThread: check hip in other process.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 306): 02/18/23 11:38:52:830 CheckHipInOtherProcess()
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 310): 02/18/23 11:38:52:830 Need to collect hip data
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 118): 02/18/23 11:38:52:830 Starting process PanGpHip.exe
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 136): 02/18/23 11:38:52:842 Wait for the ready event of hip report generated in other process.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 140): 02/18/23 11:39:02:428 Got hip report in other process ready event.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 159): 02/18/23 11:39:02:428 Read output from PanGpHip.exe
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 170): 02/18/23 11:39:02:428 >>>CheckHip: hip report head size 10830
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 188): 02/18/23 11:39:02:428 >>>CheckHip: total bytes read: 10830
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 198): 02/18/23 11:39:02:428 write hip file now
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 216): 02/18/23 11:39:02:429 CheckHipInOtherProcess() sets hip report ready event.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 136): 02/18/23 11:39:02:429 Wait for the ready event of hip report generated in other process.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6338): 02/18/23 11:39:02:429 HipReportThread: got HIP report ready event.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6354): 02/18/23 11:39:02:429 HipReportThread: wait for network discover ready event.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6359): 02/18/23 11:39:02:429 HipReportThread: got network discover ready event.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(8612): 02/18/23 11:39:02:441 use cached deviceSN
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6431): 02/18/23 11:39:02:441 Sending hip report delay max registry setting is -1 seconds
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6433): 02/18/23 11:39:02:441 Set max sending hip report delay to default 1800 seconds
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6449): 02/18/23 11:39:02:441 v4 hip report is encoded
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6472): 02/18/23 11:39:02:441 HIP report v4 md5 digest is 32751d9131b68d61bac9c727dd92c8e
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6500): 02/18/23 11:39:02:441 HipReportThread: network type is external network.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(1672): 02/18/23 11:39:02:441 Best gateway is empty, no need to send HIP
(P5668-T17764)Debug(1231): 02/18/23 11:39:02:446 Hip report changed. Include it in status message to client.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6333): 02/18/23 11:39:02:448 HipReportThread: wait for HIP report ready event.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 144): 02/18/23 11:39:04:522 Got event for PanGpHip process has quited.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 335): 02/18/23 11:39:04:522 CheckHip over
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 282): 02/18/23 11:39:04:522 Hip checking is not initiated by clicking resubmit host profile.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 216): 02/18/23 11:39:04:522 HipCheckThread: wait for hip check event for 3600000 ms);
(P5668-T17776)Warn ( 340): 02/18/23 11:40:04:221 Wait for PanGpHipMp.exe timed out for checking missing patches.
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 393): 02/18/23 11:40:04:221 CheckHipMissingPatchInOtherProcess(): exits.
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 471): 02/18/23 11:40:04:221 Hip missing patch checking duration is 120
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 439): 02/18/23 11:42:22:227 HipMissingPatchThread: now is 1676695342, last hip check is 1676695132, hip check interval is 3600000
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 444): 02/18/23 11:42:22:227 HipMissingPatchThread: wait 3252000 ms
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 456): 02/18/23 12:36:34:234 HipMissingPatchThread: WAIT_TIMEOUT
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 383): 02/18/23 12:36:34:234 CheckHipMissingPatchInOtherProcess()
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 386): 02/18/23 12:36:34:234 Need to check missing patch.
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 305): 02/18/23 12:36:34:234 CheckHipMissingPatchInOtherProcess(): Starting process PanGpHipMp.exe
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 329): 02/18/23 12:36:53:522 PanGpHipMp.exe exit for checking misssing patches.
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 393): 02/18/23 12:36:53:523 CheckHipMissingPatchInOtherProcess(): exits.
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 471): 02/18/23 12:36:53:523 Hip missing patch checking duration is 19
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 439): 02/18/23 12:38:21:537 HipMissingPatchThread: now is 1676698701, last hip check is 1676695132, hip check interval is 3600000
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 444): 02/18/23 12:38:21:537 HipMissingPatchThread: wait -57000 ms
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 464): 02/18/23 12:38:21:537 nSleep <= 0. m_tLastHipCheckEventWakeup is 1676695132, m_dwHipCheckInterval is 3600000, Now is 1676698701.
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 383): 02/18/23 12:38:21:537 CheckHipMissingPatchInOtherProcess()
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 386): 02/18/23 12:38:21:537 Need to check missing patch.
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 305): 02/18/23 12:38:21:537 CheckHipMissingPatchInOtherProcess(): Starting process PanGpHipMp.exe
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 329): 02/18/23 12:38:37:216 PanGpHipMp.exe exit for checking misssing patches.
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 393): 02/18/23 12:38:37:217 CheckHipMissingPatchInOtherProcess(): exits.
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 471): 02/18/23 12:38:37:217 Hip missing patch checking duration is 16
(P5668-T17772)Info ( 246): 02/18/23 12:39:04:977 HipCheckThread: got check hip event or time out.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 258): 02/18/23 12:39:04:977 HipCheckThread: WAIT_TIMEOUT
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 750): 02/18/23 12:39:04:977 SetNextScheduledHipCheckTime to 1676702344
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 276): 02/18/23 12:39:04:978 Last hip check event wakeup tick is 1676698744
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 278): 02/18/23 12:39:04:978 HipCheckThread: check hip in other process.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 306): 02/18/23 12:39:04:978 CheckHipInOtherProcess()
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 310): 02/18/23 12:39:04:978 Need to collect hip data
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 118): 02/18/23 12:39:04:978 Starting process PanGpHip.exe
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 136): 02/18/23 12:39:04:985 Wait for the ready event of hip report generated in other process.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 140): 02/18/23 12:39:14:053 Got hip report in other process ready event.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 159): 02/18/23 12:39:14:053 Read output from PanGpHip.exe
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 170): 02/18/23 12:39:14:053 >>>CheckHip: hip report head size 10830
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 188): 02/18/23 12:39:14:053 >>>CheckHip: total bytes read: 10830
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 198): 02/18/23 12:39:14:053 write hip file now
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 216): 02/18/23 12:39:14:053 CheckHipInOtherProcess() sets hip report ready event.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 136): 02/18/23 12:39:14:053 Wait for the ready event of hip report generated in other process.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6338): 02/18/23 12:39:14:053 HipReportThread: got HIP report ready event.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6354): 02/18/23 12:39:14:053 HipReportThread: wait for network discover ready event.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6359): 02/18/23 12:39:14:053 HipReportThread: got network discover ready event.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(8612): 02/18/23 12:39:14:060 use cached deviceSN
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6431): 02/18/23 12:39:14:060 Sending hip report delay max registry setting is -1 seconds
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6433): 02/18/23 12:39:14:060 Set max sending hip report delay to default 1800 seconds
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6449): 02/18/23 12:39:14:060 v4 hip report is encoded
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6472): 02/18/23 12:39:14:060 HIP report v4 md5 digest is 32751d9131b68d61bac9c727dd92c8e
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6500): 02/18/23 12:39:14:060 HipReportThread: network type is external network.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(1672): 02/18/23 12:39:14:060 Best gateway is empty, no need to send HIP
(P5668-T17764)Debug(1231): 02/18/23 12:39:14:066 Hip report changed. Include it in status message to client.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6333): 02/18/23 12:39:14:067 HipReportThread: wait for HIP report ready event.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 144): 02/18/23 12:39:16:151 Got event for PanGpHip process has quited.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 335): 02/18/23 12:39:16:151 CheckHip over
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 282): 02/18/23 12:39:16:151 Hip checking is not initiated by clicking resubmit host profile.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 216): 02/18/23 12:39:16:151 HipCheckThread: wait for hip check event for 3600000 ms);
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 439): 02/18/23 12:39:37:220 HipMissingPatchThread: now is 1676698777, last hip check is 1676698744, hip check interval is 3600000
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 444): 02/18/23 12:39:37:220 HipMissingPatchThread: wait 3507000 ms
(P5668-T17768)Debug(6627): 02/18/23 13:08:43:340 NetworkConnectionMonitorThread: route change detected. Wait for 3 seconds.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(5890): 02/18/23 13:08:43:340 No need to check gateway route since no tunnel.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(6688): 02/18/23 13:08:46:366 NetworkConnectionMonitorThread: m_state = 0, m_bOnDemand=1, m_bAgentEnabled=1, m_bJustResumed is 0,
m_bHibernate is 0, m_bAgentEnabled is 1, m_bDisconnect is 0, IsConnected() is 0, IsVPNInRetry() is 0.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(5890): 02/18/23 13:08:46:366 No need to check gateway route since no tunnel.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(6723): 02/18/23 13:08:46:366 NetworkConnectionMonitorThread: Detected route change, but skip network discovery.
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 456): 02/18/23 13:38:04:223 HipMissingPatchThread: WAIT_TIMEOUT
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 383): 02/18/23 13:38:04:223 CheckHipMissingPatchInOtherProcess()
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 386): 02/18/23 13:38:04:223 Need to check missing patch.
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 305): 02/18/23 13:38:04:223 CheckHipMissingPatchInOtherProcess(): Starting process PanGpHipMp.exe
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 329): 02/18/23 13:38:35:715 PanGpHipMp.exe exit for checking misssing patches.
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 393): 02/18/23 13:38:35:715 CheckHipMissingPatchInOtherProcess(): exits.
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 471): 02/18/23 13:38:35:715 Hip missing patch checking duration is 31
(P5668-T17772)Info ( 246): 02/18/23 13:39:16:658 HipCheckThread: got check hip event or time out.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 258): 02/18/23 13:39:16:658 HipCheckThread: WAIT_TIMEOUT
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 750): 02/18/23 13:39:16:658 SetNextScheduledHipCheckTime to 1676705956
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 276): 02/18/23 13:39:16:658 Last hip check event wakeup tick is 1676702356
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 278): 02/18/23 13:39:16:658 HipCheckThread: check hip in other process.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 306): 02/18/23 13:39:16:658 CheckHipInOtherProcess()
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 310): 02/18/23 13:39:16:658 Need to collect hip data
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 118): 02/18/23 13:39:16:658 Starting process PanGpHip.exe
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 136): 02/18/23 13:39:16:667 Wait for the ready event of hip report generated in other process.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 140): 02/18/23 13:39:25:655 Got hip report in other process ready event.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 159): 02/18/23 13:39:25:655 Read output from PanGpHip.exe
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 170): 02/18/23 13:39:25:655 >>>CheckHip: hip report head size 4867
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 188): 02/18/23 13:39:25:655 >>>CheckHip: total bytes read: 4867
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 198): 02/18/23 13:39:25:655 write hip file now
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 216): 02/18/23 13:39:25:655 CheckHipInOtherProcess() sets hip report ready event.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 136): 02/18/23 13:39:25:655 Wait for the ready event of hip report generated in other process.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6338): 02/18/23 13:39:25:655 HipReportThread: got HIP report ready event.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6354): 02/18/23 13:39:25:655 HipReportThread: wait for network discover ready event.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6359): 02/18/23 13:39:25:655 HipReportThread: got network discover ready event.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(8612): 02/18/23 13:39:25:662 use cached deviceSN
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6431): 02/18/23 13:39:25:662 Sending hip report delay max registry setting is -1 seconds
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6433): 02/18/23 13:39:25:662 Set max sending hip report delay to default 1800 seconds
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6449): 02/18/23 13:39:25:662 v4 hip report is encoded
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6472): 02/18/23 13:39:25:662 HIP report v4 md5 digest is d7d18e95318b9565b5da165801a2935
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6500): 02/18/23 13:39:25:662 HipReportThread: network type is external network.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(1672): 02/18/23 13:39:25:662 Best gateway is empty, no need to send HIP
(P5668-T17764)Debug(1231): 02/18/23 13:39:25:667 Hip report changed. Include it in status message to client.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6333): 02/18/23 13:39:25:668 HipReportThread: wait for HIP report ready event.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 144): 02/18/23 13:39:27:751 Got event for PanGpHip process has quited.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 335): 02/18/23 13:39:27:751 CheckHip over
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 282): 02/18/23 13:39:27:751 Hip checking is not initiated by clicking resubmit host profile.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 216): 02/18/23 13:39:27:751 HipCheckThread: wait for hip check event for 3600000 ms);
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 439): 02/18/23 13:39:35:721 HipMissingPatchThread: now is 1676702375, last hip check is 1676702356, hip check interval is 3600000
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 444): 02/18/23 13:39:35:721 HipMissingPatchThread: wait 3521000 ms
(P5668-T17768)Debug(6627): 02/18/23 14:02:45:643 NetworkConnectionMonitorThread: route change detected. Wait for 3 seconds.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(5890): 02/18/23 14:02:45:643 No need to check gateway route since no tunnel.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(6688): 02/18/23 14:02:48:662 NetworkConnectionMonitorThread: m_state = 0, m_bOnDemand=1, m_bAgentEnabled=1, m_bJustResumed is 0,
m_bHibernate is 0, m_bAgentEnabled is 1, m_bDisconnect is 0, IsConnected() is 0, IsVPNInRetry() is 0.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(5890): 02/18/23 14:02:48:662 No need to check gateway route since no tunnel.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(6723): 02/18/23 14:02:48:662 NetworkConnectionMonitorThread: Detected route change, but skip network discovery.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(6627): 02/18/23 14:02:50:873 NetworkConnectionMonitorThread: route change detected. Wait for 3 seconds.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(5890): 02/18/23 14:02:50:873 No need to check gateway route since no tunnel.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(6688): 02/18/23 14:02:53:895 NetworkConnectionMonitorThread: m_state = 0, m_bOnDemand=1, m_bAgentEnabled=1, m_bJustResumed is 0,
m_bHibernate is 0, m_bAgentEnabled is 1, m_bDisconnect is 0, IsConnected() is 0, IsVPNInRetry() is 0.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(5890): 02/18/23 14:02:53:895 No need to check gateway route since no tunnel.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(6723): 02/18/23 14:02:53:895 NetworkConnectionMonitorThread: Detected route change, but skip network discovery.
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 456): 02/18/23 14:38:16:725 HipMissingPatchThread: WAIT_TIMEOUT
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 383): 02/18/23 14:38:16:725 CheckHipMissingPatchInOtherProcess()
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 386): 02/18/23 14:38:16:725 Need to check missing patch.
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 305): 02/18/23 14:38:16:725 CheckHipMissingPatchInOtherProcess(): Starting process PanGpHipMp.exe
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 329): 02/18/23 14:38:36:644 PanGpHipMp.exe exit for checking misssing patches.
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 393): 02/18/23 14:38:36:644 CheckHipMissingPatchInOtherProcess(): exits.
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 471): 02/18/23 14:38:36:644 Hip missing patch checking duration is 20
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 439): 02/18/23 14:39:26:656 HipMissingPatchThread: now is 1676705966, last hip check is 1676702356, hip check interval is 3600000
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 444): 02/18/23 14:39:26:656 HipMissingPatchThread: wait -60000 ms
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 464): 02/18/23 14:39:26:656 nSleep <= 0. m_tLastHipCheckEventWakeup is 1676702356, m_dwHipCheckInterval is 3600000, Now is 1676705966.
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 383): 02/18/23 14:39:26:656 CheckHipMissingPatchInOtherProcess()
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 386): 02/18/23 14:39:26:656 Need to check missing patch.
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 305): 02/18/23 14:39:26:656 CheckHipMissingPatchInOtherProcess(): Starting process PanGpHipMp.exe
(P5668-T17772)Info ( 246): 02/18/23 14:39:28:231 HipCheckThread: got check hip event or time out.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 258): 02/18/23 14:39:28:231 HipCheckThread: WAIT_TIMEOUT
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 750): 02/18/23 14:39:28:231 SetNextScheduledHipCheckTime to 1676709568
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 276): 02/18/23 14:39:28:231 Last hip check event wakeup tick is 1676705968
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 278): 02/18/23 14:39:28:231 HipCheckThread: check hip in other process.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 306): 02/18/23 14:39:28:231 CheckHipInOtherProcess()
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 310): 02/18/23 14:39:28:231 Need to collect hip data
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 118): 02/18/23 14:39:28:231 Starting process PanGpHip.exe
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 136): 02/18/23 14:39:28:234 Wait for the ready event of hip report generated in other process.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 140): 02/18/23 14:39:37:906 Got hip report in other process ready event.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 159): 02/18/23 14:39:37:906 Read output from PanGpHip.exe
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 170): 02/18/23 14:39:37:906 >>>CheckHip: hip report head size 10830
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 188): 02/18/23 14:39:37:906 >>>CheckHip: total bytes read: 10830
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 198): 02/18/23 14:39:37:906 write hip file now
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 216): 02/18/23 14:39:37:906 CheckHipInOtherProcess() sets hip report ready event.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 136): 02/18/23 14:39:37:906 Wait for the ready event of hip report generated in other process.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6338): 02/18/23 14:39:37:906 HipReportThread: got HIP report ready event.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6354): 02/18/23 14:39:37:906 HipReportThread: wait for network discover ready event.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6359): 02/18/23 14:39:37:906 HipReportThread: got network discover ready event.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(8612): 02/18/23 14:39:37:913 use cached deviceSN
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6431): 02/18/23 14:39:37:913 Sending hip report delay max registry setting is -1 seconds
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6433): 02/18/23 14:39:37:913 Set max sending hip report delay to default 1800 seconds
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6449): 02/18/23 14:39:37:913 v4 hip report is encoded
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6472): 02/18/23 14:39:37:913 HIP report v4 md5 digest is ce9544d9906fed6226f385d19ce6d48a
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6500): 02/18/23 14:39:37:913 HipReportThread: network type is external network.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(1672): 02/18/23 14:39:37:913 Best gateway is empty, no need to send HIP
(P5668-T17764)Debug(1231): 02/18/23 14:39:37:919 Hip report changed. Include it in status message to client.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6333): 02/18/23 14:39:37:920 HipReportThread: wait for HIP report ready event.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 144): 02/18/23 14:39:40:008 Got event for PanGpHip process has quited.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 335): 02/18/23 14:39:40:008 CheckHip over
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 282): 02/18/23 14:39:40:008 Hip checking is not initiated by clicking resubmit host profile.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 216): 02/18/23 14:39:40:008 HipCheckThread: wait for hip check event for 3600000 ms);
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 329): 02/18/23 14:39:41:233 PanGpHipMp.exe exit for checking misssing patches.
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 393): 02/18/23 14:39:41:233 CheckHipMissingPatchInOtherProcess(): exits.
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 471): 02/18/23 14:39:41:233 Hip missing patch checking duration is 15
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 439): 02/18/23 14:40:21:243 HipMissingPatchThread: now is 1676706021, last hip check is 1676705968, hip check interval is 3600000
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 444): 02/18/23 14:40:21:243 HipMissingPatchThread: wait 3507000 ms
(P5668-T14068)Debug( 143): 02/18/23 15:10:16:501 CheckPanGpAgentThread: PanGPA process 1604 exits, ret is 000036f4.
(P5668-T14068)Debug( 151): 02/18/23 15:10:16:501 GlobalProtect agent terminates unexpectedly. Skip StopThreads().
(P5668-T7272)Error( 370): 02/18/23 15:10:16:516 read() failed: 10054
(P5668-T7272)Info ( 219): 02/18/23 15:10:16:516 Error processing receive data from client
(P5668-T7272)Info ( 228): 02/18/23 15:10:16:516 close client socket
(P5668-T14068)Debug( 25): 02/18/23 15:10:21:516 create thread 0x720 with thread ID 20728
(P5668-T14068)Debug( 244): 02/18/23 15:10:21:516 StartPanGPA thread 0x720 is created.
(P5668-T14068)Info ( 210): 02/18/23 15:10:21:516 CheckPanGpAgentThread exits
(P5668-T20728)Debug( 260): 02/18/23 15:10:21:516 start PanGPA in session 1, logged in user count is 1
(P5668-T20728)Debug( 183): 02/18/23 15:10:21:516 Run cmd C:\Program Files\Palo Alto Networks\GlobalProtect\PanGPA.exe fromGPS in session 1 as user
(P5668-T20728)Debug( 298): 02/18/23 15:10:21:516 start C:\Program Files\Palo Alto Networks\GlobalProtect\PanGPA.exe with returned ID 9392
(P5668-T20728)Debug( 25): 02/18/23 15:10:21:516 create thread 0x6b0 with thread ID 2812
(P5668-T20728)Debug( 107): 02/18/23 15:10:21:516 start CheckPanGpAgentThread 0x6b0 with client pid 9392
(P5668-T2812)Info ( 127): 02/18/23 15:10:21:516 CheckPanGpAgentThread: started.
(P5668-T2812)Debug( 143): 02/18/23 15:10:21:532 CheckPanGpAgentThread: PanGPA process 9392 exits, ret is 00000afc.
(P5668-T2812)Debug( 151): 02/18/23 15:10:21:532 GlobalProtect agent terminates unexpectedly. Skip StopThreads().
(P5668-T5672)Debug( 348): 02/18/23 15:10:21:829 Received session change, event type 6, session 1
(P5668-T5672)Info (1580): 02/18/23 15:10:21:829 User suigintou-maide\~suigintou maiden~ logs off on session 1
(P5668-T5672)Debug(4741): 02/18/23 15:10:21:829 User controlled prelogon is not enabled
(P5668-T5672)Debug(1599): 02/18/23 15:10:21:829 User logs off. ResetServer.
(P5668-T5672)Info (10982): 02/18/23 15:10:21:829 Reset server.
(P5668-T5672)Debug(6967): 02/18/23 15:10:21:829 StopThreads starts:
(P5668-T5672)Debug(6974): 02/18/23 15:10:21:829 There are 5 threads running...
(P5668-T5672)Debug(1390): 02/18/23 15:10:21:829 Logging out gateway, reason is StopThreads
(P5668-T5672)Debug(1429): 02/18/23 15:10:21:829 Logging out gateway over
(P5668-T5672)Debug(6984): 02/18/23 15:10:21:829 Going to wait all threads exit...
(P5668-T17752)Debug(5241): 02/18/23 15:10:21:829 NotificationTimerThread: got exit event.
(P5668-T17756)Debug(5443): 02/18/23 15:10:21:829 CaptivePortalDetectionThread: got exit event.
(P5668-T17756)Debug(5611): 02/18/23 15:10:21:829 CaptivePortalDetectionThread: captive portal detection thread exit status is (successful).
(P5668-T17760)Debug(5696): 02/18/23 15:10:21:829 NetworkDiscoverThread: got exit event.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(6738): 02/18/23 15:10:21:829 NetworkConnectionMonitorThread: got exit event.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6341): 02/18/23 15:10:21:829 HipReportThread: got exit event.
(P5668-T17764)Debug(6581): 02/18/23 15:10:21:829 HipReportThread: HipReportThread quits.
(P5668-T17760)Debug(6215): 02/18/23 15:10:21:829 NetworkDiscoverThread: quits.
(P5668-T17768)Debug(6753): 02/18/23 15:10:21:829 NetworkConnectionMonitorThread: quits.
(P5668-T5672)Debug(6988): 02/18/23 15:10:21:948 threads are gracefully stopped, counter=599.
(P5668-T5672)Debug(7001): 02/18/23 15:10:21:948 Double check all threads.
(P5668-T5672)Debug(7052): 02/18/23 15:10:21:948 To reset thread quit event.
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 242): 02/18/23 15:10:21:948 HipCheckThread: got thread exit event.
(P5668-T17780)Debug( 413): 02/18/23 15:10:21:948 HipMonitor gets quit event.
(P5668-T17780)Debug( 430): 02/18/23 15:10:21:948 Unregister -- WscUnRegisterChanges
(P5668-T17772)Debug( 287): 02/18/23 15:10:21:948 HipCheckThread: Hip check thread quits.
(P5668-T17780)Debug( 726): 02/18/23 15:10:21:964 HipMonitorThread quits.
(P5668-T17776)Debug( 530): 02/18/23 15:10:21:964 HipMissingPatchThread: Hip check missiing patch thread quits.
(P5668-T5672)Debug( 132): 02/18/23 15:10:21:964 All hip collect threads quit gracefully.
(P5668-T5672)Debug(7062): 02/18/23 15:10:21:964 StopThreads ends.
(P5668-T5672)Debug(7095): 02/18/23 15:10:21:964 --Set state to User logs off
(P5668-T5672)Error(1888): 02/18/23 15:10:21:964 Failed to send 816 bytes to client
(P5668-T5672)Debug(1390): 02/18/23 15:10:21:964 Logging out gateway, reason is User logs off
(P5668-T5672)Debug(1429): 02/18/23 15:10:21:964 Logging out gateway over
(P5668-T5672)Debug(1608): 02/18/23 15:10:21:964 User log off, and old SSO removed.
(P5668-T5672)Info ( 357): 02/18/23 15:10:23:253 Received shutdown message
(P5668-T6332)Info ( 297): 02/18/23 15:10:23:253 PanGPS service exits
(P5668-T6332)Info ( 183): 02/18/23 15:10:23:253 Stop PanGPS
(P5668-T7272)Error( 239): 02/18/23 15:10:23:253 accept failed: 10004(A blocking operation was interrupted by a call to WSACancelBlockingCall.)
(P5668-T7272)Info ( 244): 02/18/23 15:10:23:253 ServerThread exited
(P5668-T2812)Info ( 210): 02/18/23 15:10:23:253 CheckPanGpAgentThread exits
(P5668-T6332)Debug(4640): 02/18/23 15:10:23:253 StopServer() called
(P5668-T6332)Debug(4650): 02/18/23 15:10:23:253 StopServer() SetVpnStatus to GP_VPN_STATUS_DISCONNECTED
(P5668-T6332)Debug(11527): 02/18/23 15:10:23:253 SetVpnStatus called with new status=0, Previous Status=0
(P5668-T6332)Debug(4326): 02/18/23 15:10:23:253 UpdatePrelogonStateForSSO() - tunnel state = Disconnected
(P5668-T6332)Debug( 230): 02/18/23 15:10:23:253 set virtual interface driver started as no
(P5668-T6332)Debug(4661): 02/18/23 15:10:23:253 psv stop called
(P5668-T6332)Debug(6967): 02/18/23 15:10:23:253 StopThreads starts:
(P5668-T6332)Debug(6970): 02/18/23 15:10:23:253 threads have already stopped, StopThreads ends.
(P5668-T6332)Info (4669): 02/18/23 15:10:23:253 Wait until all threads exit
(P5668-T6332)Debug(4685): 02/18/23 15:10:23:253 wait for threads:lifeTime(FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF),
NetworkDiscover(0000000000000000), m_hHipReport(0000000000000000), NetworkMonitor(0000000000000000)
(P5668-T6332)Info (4688): 02/18/23 15:10:23:253 All threads exit
(P5668-T7264)Debug(4866): 02/18/23 15:10:23:253 Event log thread received quit event.
(P5668-T7264)Debug(4795): 02/18/23 15:10:23:253 event log thread quit.
(P5668-T6332)Debug(4695): 02/18/23 15:10:23:253 Event log thread ended
(P5668-T6332)Debug(4701): 02/18/23 15:10:23:253 To stop Debug thread.
(P5668-T7268)Debug(2536): 02/18/23 15:10:23:253 get m_hDebugLevelThreadEvent, return now
(P5668-T6332)Debug(4705): 02/18/23 15:10:23:253 Waiting for debug thread exit is done.
(P5668-T6332)Debug( 329): 02/18/23 15:10:23:253 ClearHipCustomCheckInfo(): pHipCustomCheckInfo is NULL.
(P5668-T6332)Debug( 85): 02/18/23 15:10:23:253 ClearHipCustomCheckRegKeyInfo(): pHipCustomCheckRegKeyInfo is NULL.
(P5704-T5708)Info (1790): 02/18/23 15:45:26:618 Old registry setting Prelogon is copied to new location. Old setting is deleted.
(P5704-T6200)Info ( 156): 02/18/23 15:45:27:078 DRBG selftest: PASSED
(P5704-T6200)Info ( 158): 02/18/23 15:45:27:605 ####################### Start PanGPS service (ver: 5.2.12-26) #######################
(P5704-T6200)Debug( 986): 02/18/23 15:45:27:762 PreviousDNSInfo doesn't exist, no need to restore
(P5704-T6200)Debug(6235): 02/18/23 15:45:27:816 Proxy is not disabled before, no need to restore
(P5704-T6200)Debug( 64): 02/18/23 15:45:28:078 Virtual interface driver is initialized
(P5704-T6200)Debug( 115): 02/18/23 15:45:28:079 Get shared translate length 24
(P5704-T6200)Info ( 911): 02/18/23 15:45:28:080 Computer name is SUIGINTOU-MAIDE, OS version is Microsoft Windows 10 Home Single Language , 64-bit
(P5704-T6200)Debug( 330): 02/18/23 15:45:28:080 PanIsSSORegisted: did not find CP.
(P5704-T6200)Info (5979): 02/18/23 15:45:28:082 CPanMSServiceWin::findJoinDomain: domain is :
(P5704-T6200)Debug( 945): 02/18/23 15:45:28:082 m_szJoinDomain , m_szJoinDomainRaw
(P5704-T6200)Debug( 659): 02/18/23 15:45:28:082 Service-only is no
(P5704-T6200)Debug( 711): 02/18/23 15:45:28:083 Kerberos auth, stopOnKerberosFail=0(yes)
(P5704-T6200)Debug( 716): 02/18/23 15:45:28:083 Prefer ipv6 is yes.
(P5704-T6200)Debug( 739): 02/18/23 15:45:28:083 CPanMSService::Init connect timeout 60, received timeout 30, portal timeout 30
(P5704-T6200)Debug(1861): 02/18/23 15:45:28:083 pan_get_gp_user_agent szGpUserAgent ua is PAN GlobalProtect/5.2.12-26 (Microsoft Windows 10 Home Single Language , 64-bit).
(P5704-T6200)Info (10319): 02/18/23 15:45:28:083 CheckPrelogon: Portal is, PrelogonEnabled is no
(P5704-T6200)Debug( 831): 02/18/23 15:45:28:090 override-cc-username is no
(P5704-T6200)Debug(4819): 02/18/23 15:45:28:090 event log file is C:\Program Files\Palo Alto Networks\GlobalProtect\pan_gp_event.log
(P5704-T6200)Debug( 25): 02/18/23 15:45:28:091 create thread 0x3ec with thread ID 7284
(P5704-T6200)Debug( 841): 02/18/23 15:45:28:091 Event log thread started
(P5704-T6200)Debug( 156): 02/18/23 15:45:28:091 Time zone GMT offset is 480
(P5704-T6200)Info (10208): 02/18/23 15:45:28:092 Portal config does not exist, try registry/plist
(P5704-T6200)Debug( 25): 02/18/23 15:45:28:092 create thread 0x4a8 with thread ID 7288
(P5704-T6200)Debug(2425): 02/18/23 15:45:28:092 debug thread 0x4a8 is created
(P5704-T6200)Debug( 230): 02/18/23 15:45:28:093 set virtual interface driver started as yes
(P5704-T6200)Debug( 25): 02/18/23 15:45:28:093 create thread 0x4b8 with thread ID 7292
(P5704-T7292)Info ( 102): 02/18/23 15:45:28:095 Start ServerThread
(P5704-T7292)Debug( 25): 02/18/23 15:45:28:096 create thread 0x4cc with thread ID 7300
(P5704-T7292)Debug( 244): 02/18/23 15:45:28:096 StartPanGPA thread 0x4cc is created.
(P5704-T7292)Debug(10346): 02/18/23 15:45:28:096 CPanMSService::StartPrelogonThread DaemonProcess: yes, InPrelogon: no
(P5704-T7292)Debug(12899): 02/18/23 15:45:28:096 Enforcer is not enabled
(P5704-T7284)Debug(4788): 02/18/23 15:45:28:101 event log thread started.
(P5704-T7300)Debug( 260): 02/18/23 15:45:28:104 start PanGPA in session 4294967295, logged in user count is 0
(P5704-T7300)Debug( 264): 02/18/23 15:45:28:104 Logged in user count is 0. Skip to start PanGPA.
(P5704-T7292)Debug(1956): 02/18/23 15:45:28:108 Enforcer,found 0 filter object belonging to us.
(P5704-T7292)Debug( 41): 02/18/23 15:45:28:109 Roaming profile is false
(P5704-T7292)Debug( 222): 02/18/23 15:45:28:110 Do not impersonate in prelogon.
(P5704-T7292)Info (3979): 02/18/23 15:45:28:110 CPanMSServiceWin::IsGpDisabledForCurUser() Failed to open sub key
(P5704-T5708)Debug( 348): 02/18/23 15:45:33:715 Received session change, event type 5, session 1
(P5704-T5708)Debug(1470): 02/18/23 15:45:33:715 Previous user count is 0
(P5704-T5708)Debug(1472): 02/18/23 15:45:33:715 First logon user.
(P5704-T5708)Debug(1526): 02/18/23 15:45:33:717 Session 1, username ~SUIGINTOU MAIDEN~.
(P5704-T5708)Debug(1535): 02/18/23 15:45:33:717 Session 1, domain name SUIGINTOU-MAIDE.
(P5704-T5708)Debug( 41): 02/18/23 15:45:33:717 Roaming profile is false
(P5704-T5708)Debug( 235): 02/18/23 15:45:33:728 Failed to get active PanGPA or explorer pid.
(P5704-T5708)Debug( 242): 02/18/23 15:45:34:608 get impersonate explorer pid.
(P5704-T5708)Debug( 167): 02/18/23 15:45:34:623 profileInfo username ~SUIGINTOU MAIDEN~, profile path (null), server (null)
(P5704-T5708)Debug(3991): 02/18/23 15:45:34:831 CPanMSServiceWin::IsGpDisabledForCurUser() - bGpIsDisabled=0.
(P5704-T5708)Debug(12966): 02/18/23 15:45:34:832 IsGpDisabledForCurUser returns no
(P5704-T5708)Info (1570): 02/18/23 15:45:34:832 User suigintou-maide\~suigintou maiden~ logs in on session 1
(P5704-T5708)Debug( 348): 02/18/23 15:45:34:858 Received session change, event type 7, session 1
(P5704-T5708)Info (1615): 02/18/23 15:45:34:858 lock off session 1
(P5704-T7292)Info ( 202): 02/18/23 15:46:07:315 New Connection( with socket(1376)
(P5704-T7292)Debug( 349): 02/18/23 15:46:07:316 Socket is connected by C:\Program Files\Palo Alto Networks\GlobalProtect\PanGPA.exe
(P5704-T7292)Debug(2582): 02/18/23 15:46:07:971 User just logs in
(P5704-T7292)Info ( 531): 02/18/23 15:46:07:972 msgtype = hello
(P5704-T7292)Debug(1898): 02/18/23 15:46:07:972 Send response to client for request hello
(P5704-T7292)Info ( 531): 02/18/23 15:46:08:514 msgtype = portal
(P5704-T7292)Debug(2561): 02/18/23 15:46:08:514 ----portal processing starts----
(P5704-T7292)Debug(2591): 02/18/23 15:46:08:514 User profile type is 0(not roaming)
(P5704-T7292)Debug(2624): 02/18/23 15:46:08:514 pg, source = 0, old source is 0
(P5704-T7292)Debug(2646): 02/18/23 15:46:08:514 pg, preferred gateway not set in message, old prefergateway=:)
(P5704-T7292)Debug(2703): 02/18/23 15:46:08:514 CheckUpdate is false.
)(P5704-T7292)Debug(2718): 02/18/23 15:46:08:514 portal-certificate-verification is yes
(P5704-T7292)Debug(2758): 02/18/23 15:46:08:514 No saml-load-cache tag.
(P5704-T7292)Debug(2781): 02/18/23 15:46:08:514 no saml-auth-error tag.
(P5704-T7292)Debug(2794): 02/18/23 15:46:08:514 allow-cached-portal is yes
(P5704-T7292)Debug(2838): 02/18/23 15:46:08:514 NewWinUser is ~SUIGINTOU MAIDEN~, WinUser is , PreviousSwitchOffMsg is false
(P5704-T7292)Debug(2839): 02/18/23 15:46:08:514 GetPrelogonStatus() 0, m_userName , m_preUsername
(P5704-T7292)Debug(3664): 02/18/23 15:46:08:514 Grace period is 0
(P5704-T7292)Debug(6967): 02/18/23 15:46:08:514 StopThreads starts:
(P5704-T7292)Debug(6970): 02/18/23 15:46:08:514 threads have already stopped, StopThreads ends.
(P5704-T7292)Debug(6931): 02/18/23 15:46:08:515 StartThreads starts:
(P5704-T7292)Debug( 25): 02/18/23 15:46:08:515 create thread 0x564 with thread ID 13632
(P5704-T7292)Debug( 25): 02/18/23 15:46:08:515 create thread 0x568 with thread ID 13636
(P5704-T7292)Debug( 25): 02/18/23 15:46:08:515 create thread 0x56c with thread ID 13640
(P5704-T7292)Debug( 25): 02/18/23 15:46:08:515 create thread 0x570 with thread ID 13644
(P5704-T7292)Debug( 25): 02/18/23 15:46:08:515 create thread 0x574 with thread ID 13648
(P5704-T7292)Debug( 25): 02/18/23 15:46:08:515 create thread 0x578 with thread ID 13652
(P5704-T7292)Debug( 25): 02/18/23 15:46:08:515 create thread 0x57c with thread ID 13656
(P5704-T13636)Debug(5280): 02/18/23 15:46:08:515 CaptivePortalDetectionThread: captive portal detection thread starts.
(P5704-T13636)Debug(5440): 02/18/23 15:46:08:515 CaptivePortalDetectionThread: wait (-1 ms) for captive portal detection event.
(P5704-T7292)Debug( 25): 02/18/23 15:46:08:515 create thread 0x580 with thread ID 13660
(P5704-T7292)Debug(2869): 02/18/23 15:46:08:515 Update GP disable status to false
(P5704-T13656)Debug( 176): 02/18/23 15:46:08:515 Start HipMissingPatchThread
(P5704-T13656)Debug( 406): 02/18/23 15:46:08:515 HipMissingPatchThread started...
(P5704-T13648)Debug(6589): 02/18/23 15:46:08:515 NetworkConnectionMonitorThread: network connection monitor thread starts.
(P5704-T13660)Debug( 186): 02/18/23 15:46:08:515 Start HipMonitorThread
(P5704-T13660)Info ( 722): 02/18/23 15:46:08:515 HipMonitorThread starts
(P5704-T13632)Debug(5084): 02/18/23 15:46:08:515 NotificationTimerThread: notification timer thread starts.
(P5704-T7292)Debug( 222): 02/18/23 15:46:08:515 m_dwPanGpAgentPid is set to 13524
(P5704-T13632)Debug(5234): 02/18/23 15:46:08:515 NotificationTimerThread: wait (-1 ms) for notification timer event.
(P5704-T13640)Debug(5621): 02/18/23 15:46:08:515 NetworkDiscoverThread: network discover thread starts.
(P5704-T13640)Debug(5686): 02/18/23 15:46:08:515 NetworkDiscoverThread: wait for network discover event.
(P5704-T7292)Debug( 25): 02/18/23 15:46:08:515 create thread 0x584 with thread ID 13664
(P5704-T13644)Debug(6307): 02/18/23 15:46:08:515 HipReportThread: HipReportThread starts up.
(P5704-T13644)Debug(6333): 02/18/23 15:46:08:515 HipReportThread: wait for HIP report ready event.
(P5704-T7292)Debug( 107): 02/18/23 15:46:08:515 start CheckPanGpAgentThread 0x584 with client pid 13524
(P5704-T13652)Debug( 167): 02/18/23 15:46:08:515 Start HipCheckThread
(P5704-T13652)Debug( 210): 02/18/23 15:46:08:515 HipCheckThread started...
(P5704-T13652)Debug( 216): 02/18/23 15:46:08:515 HipCheckThread: wait for hip check event for 3600000 ms);
(P5704-T13664)Info ( 127): 02/18/23 15:46:08:515 CheckPanGpAgentThread: started.
(P5704-T7292)Debug(3044): 02/18/23 15:46:08:515 Portal, user phimpreeya, logonDomain SUIGINTOU-MAIDE, saved user phimpreeya, path C:\Users\~SUIGINTOU MAIDEN~\AppData\Local\Palo Alto Networks\GlobalProtect\
(P5704-T7292)Debug(3110): 02/18/23 15:46:08:515 use proxy is 1
(P5704-T7292)Debug(3168): 02/18/23 15:46:08:515 Pre-logon-then-on-demand value is no
(P5704-T7292)Debug(1689): 02/18/23 15:46:08:515 SSO GetSsoCredential starts.
(P5704-T7292)Info (1719): 02/18/23 15:46:08:516 SSO ----- PanCredGet failed with error Element not found.

(P5704-T7292)Debug(10970): 02/18/23 15:46:08:516 SSO password is empty
(P5704-T7292)Debug(3306): 02/18/23 15:46:08:516 m_preUsername
(P5704-T7292)Debug(8153): 02/18/23 15:46:08:516 User name for cached portal confg: phimpreeya
(P5704-T7292)Debug(3327): 02/18/23 15:46:08:516 CheckCachedPortalForPrelogon 0, PrelogonNeedTimeout 0, RenameTimeout -1, userName phimpreeya, preUsername
(P5704-T7292)Info (3362): 02/18/23 15:46:08:516 Received retrieve cache only portal message
(P5704-T7292)Debug( 41): 02/18/23 15:46:08:518 Roaming profile is false
(P5704-T13660)Debug( 408): 02/18/23 15:46:08:519 HipMonitorThread wait for exit event.
(P5704-T7292)Debug( 167): 02/18/23 15:46:08:522 profileInfo username ~SUIGINTOU MAIDEN~, profile path (null), server (null)
(P5704-T7292)Debug(14014): 02/18/23 15:46:08:527 Cached portal is validated
(P5704-T7292)Debug(3387): 02/18/23 15:46:08:527 last portal config is restored from file C:\Users\~SUIGINTOU MAIDEN~\AppData\Local\Palo Alto Networks\GlobalProtect\PanPortalCfg_a22f438034fb5eb078e59281b7e4e74.dat.
(P5704-T7292)Debug(13369): 02/18/23 15:46:08:527 REGION-PRIO, cached region code is TH
(P5704-T7292)Debug(1201): 02/18/23 15:46:08:529 No exclusion in the hip policy collection
(P5704-T7292)Debug( 721): 02/18/23 15:46:08:529 enforcer exception: FQDN is
(P5704-T7292)Debug( 740): 02/18/23 15:46:08:529 enforcer exception: no app list defined.
(P5704-T7292)Debug( 802): 02/18/23 15:46:08:529 No internal host detection defined
(P5704-T7292)Debug( 995): 02/18/23 15:46:08:529 No internal gateway defined
(P5704-T7292)Debug(1022): 02/18/23 15:46:08:529 CDL log is disabled
(P5704-T7292)Debug(1047): 02/18/23 15:46:08:529 Optional client-cert does not exist
(P5704-T7292)Debug(1061): 02/18/23 15:46:08:529 Diagnostic servers list is
(P5704-T7292)Debug(9925): 02/18/23 15:46:08:529 CPanMSService::ProcessPortalConfig portal default-browser value is 0.
(P5704-T7292)Debug(9934): 02/18/23 15:46:08:529 Use proxy is true
(P5704-T7292)Debug( 41): 02/18/23 15:46:08:529 Roaming profile is false
(P5704-T7292)Debug( 167): 02/18/23 15:46:08:534 profileInfo username ~SUIGINTOU MAIDEN~, profile path (null), server (null)
(P5704-T7292)Debug( 41): 02/18/23 15:46:08:538 Roaming profile is false
(P5704-T7292)Debug( 167): 02/18/23 15:46:08:542 profileInfo username ~SUIGINTOU MAIDEN~, profile path (null), server (null)
(P5704-T7292)Debug( 98): 02/18/23 15:46:08:545 Saved portal config to file C:\Users\~SUIGINTOU MAIDEN~\AppData\Local\Palo Alto Networks\GlobalProtect\PanPortalCfg_a22f438034fb5eb078e59281b7e4e74.dat.
(P5704-T7292)Debug(1732): 02/18/23 15:46:08:545 Proxy auto detect is not needed
(P5704-T7292)Debug(10027): 02/18/23 15:46:08:545 RefreshPortalConfig is yes, RefreshPortalConfigInterval is 24 hours
(P5704-T7292)Debug( 41): 02/18/23 15:46:08:545 Roaming profile is false
(P5704-T7292)Debug( 167): 02/18/23 15:46:08:550 profileInfo username ~SUIGINTOU MAIDEN~, profile path (null), server (null)
(P5704-T7292)Debug(2508): 02/18/23 15:46:08:552 SerializePortalConfigDigest to file C:\Users\~SUIGINTOU MAIDEN~\AppData\Local\Palo Alto Networks\GlobalProtect\PanPCD_a22f438034fb5eb078e59281b7e4e74.dat
(P5704-T7292)Debug(2509): 02/18/23 15:46:08:552 Portal config digest is 5d3d39294151796dece3cfb0c6b605d3
(P5704-T7292)Debug(12536): 02/18/23 15:46:08:552 kerberos, dynamic config value is yes, m_stopOnKerberosFail=0
(P5704-T7292)Debug(12566): 02/18/23 15:46:08:553 Timeout value: portal 30, connect 60, receive 30, retry 5
(P5704-T7292)Debug(12569): 02/18/23 15:46:08:553 Tunnel retry grace period is 1800 seconds
(P5704-T7292)Debug(12572): 02/18/23 15:46:08:553 override-cc-username is no
(P5704-T7292)Debug(12575): 02/18/23 15:46:08:553 split-tunnel-option is network-traffic
(P5704-T7292)Debug(10066): 02/18/23 15:46:08:553 Scep certificate renew period is 7 days. Scep cert auth cookie length is 0
(P5704-T7292)Debug(10077): 02/18/23 15:46:08:553 Otp portal 0, otp internal gateway 0, otp auto external gateway 0, otp manual only external gateway 0
(P5704-T7292)Debug(10082): 02/18/23 15:46:08:553 Prefer ipv6 is 1 after processing portal configuration.
(P5704-T7292)Debug(10093): 02/18/23 15:46:08:553 Quarantine add message is
(P5704-T7292)Debug(10094): 02/18/23 15:46:08:553 Quarantine remove message is
(P5704-T7292)Debug(10135): 02/18/23 15:46:08:553 The number of configured diagnostic servers is 0
(P5704-T7292)Error(5191): 02/18/23 15:46:08:553 DEM Agent: GetDemProductVersion - failed to open DEM agent version string on key 'SOFTWARE\Palo Alto Networks\DEM'
(P5704-T7292)Debug( 330): 02/18/23 15:46:08:555 Parse gateway list for user phimpreeya
(P5704-T7292)Debug(13236): 02/18/23 15:46:08:557 RetrieveClientIpByRemoteHost() - invalid remote host: .
(P5704-T7292)Debug( 190): 02/18/23 15:46:08:557 SelectInternalGateways - failed to retrieve client source ip!
(P5704-T7292)Debug(13236): 02/18/23 15:46:08:557 RetrieveClientIpByRemoteHost() - invalid remote host: .
(P5704-T7292)Debug( 196): 02/18/23 15:46:08:557 SelectInternalGateways - failed to retrieve client source ipv6!
(P5704-T7292)Debug(2094): 02/18/23 15:46:08:557 use ssl version OpenSSL 1.0.2g-fips 1 Mar 2016
(P5704-T7292)Debug(5418): 02/18/23 15:46:08:557 getaddrinfo host.GetString()
(P5704-T7292)Debug(5540): 02/18/23 15:46:08:557 Gateway ipv4, ipv6 , FQDN no
(P5704-T7292)Debug( 488): 02/18/23 15:46:08:557 Write HIP policy: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


Hi @Chuttiphon_S ,

Around what time did you experienced the disconnects?

I would also suggest you to upload your logs in a file instead of pasting it directly to the post.

L0 Member

Have you upgraded your GlobalProtect firewall recently? If you look in the system log for GlobalProtect firewall, do you see ARP conflict? Also, have you tried doing a shutdown on your passive link state to see if that clears the problem?

L4 Transporter

hello @Chuttiphon_S have you solved it? I have the same problem, could tou share with me the resolution?


L3 Networker

Hi @Chuttiphon_S , 


May I ask if you have resolved the problem? We encountered the same.

  • 4 replies
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