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L0 Member
Status changed to: Investigating
L2 Linker

Hi @begilmore 


Thanks for your post. This is certainly a good topic that can help Palo Alto Networks customers when then need support. We will look at doing an episode on this.

Status changed to: New
L2 Linker

Hi @begilmore 


I just want to confirm my understanding is correct. Would you like a PANCast episode on how to engage with support? So talking about things like how to open a TAC case, what information to provide, where to find some possible answers?

L0 Member
I think if we can create a series of short videos on how to open a case,
information/data/logs to provide when opening a case, non TAC i.e.
LiveCommunity resources. Understanding your Support Entitlements, How to
Escalate a Case, Support Services (Focused Services, Platinum Support)

Status changed to: New
L2 Linker

Hi @begilmore 


Thank you for confirming. We will plan an episode of PANCast to go through the content as you mentioned. As PANCast is audio only we will cover as much as possible for this format. There may be related videos on things like opening a case already on LIVEcommunity.


Thanks for your great suggestion.

L2 Linker

Hi @begilmore 


The latest PANCast episode goes through some info on engaging with support. As mentioned this is audio only however the article on LIVE Community will also have some links which may help answer some of your other questions.

Status changed to: Investigating
L2 Linker

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