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Global protect "Could not connect to gateway contact your IT administrator"

Hi Team,


When I'm trying to connect global protect from agent it gives an error "Could not connect to gateway contact your IT administrator".


When I dig into debug logs, i found below intersting logs.


(T3120) 08/06/19 12:56:14:274 Debug(4388): SetGatewayRoute: GetBestRoute() returns Dest: Mask: if_index=12 metric1=50
(T3120) 08/06/19 12:56:14:274 Debug(4409): Created gateway route (5.x.x.x) succeeds
(T3120) 08/06/19 12:56:14:275 Error( 244): PsvStartEx() failed
(T3120) 08/06/19 12:56:14:275 Error( 259): StartDriver() failed: -1
(T3120) 08/06/19 12:56:14:275 Debug(5865): UnsetGatewayRoutes: DeleteIpForwardEntry(5.1x.x.x4)
(T3120) 08/06/19 12:56:14:275 Error(2182): EnableVIF() failed
(T3120) 08/06/19 12:56:14:275 Debug(2279): failed to create tunnel with gateway s.x.x:2500


It is said in article this can be resolved if we reinstall the global protect after deleting the palo alto network folder in program files. I tried it but response is same.


Currently firewall is running PAN 9.0.2 and GPC 5.0.2. I checked the response in version 4.1.12 but no luck.


But some of my other users running windows 10 are able to connect. I'm having this issue with only 4 users.


Appreciate your response. 






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