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KnowBe4 Phishing Training and WildFire testing

L1 Bithead

My company uses KnowBe4 for email phishing training.  During our current campaign we discovered that test emails were getting opened and attachments or hyperlinks were triggered identifying a test failure.  This happened when the user could not have opened the email as they were not at work, nor did they have remote access.  Upon further inspection I discovered the attachment had been tested via WildFire which caused the false positive.

Is anybody out there using KnowBe4 and found a way to get around this issue?  It invalidates IT's stance when our own tools are creating a false positive.  I am not trying to discredit KnowBe4 or compare with other products, because I am sure this would happen with any product that sends test email that flow through the firewall.

Thanks in advance,


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