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Panorama software upgrade disk space issue

L4 Transporter

I am getting following error when trying to download firmware in Panorama VM.

Error: There is not enough free disk space to complete the desired operation. Delete older software, dynamic update, or client versions to free additional disk space before trying the operation again. Use the 'set max-num-images count' CLI command to adjust the number of versions stored in order to avoid this problem in the future.

 As per the error message i tried to run the command but it still didn't work out 


adm> set max-num-images count 7

Warning; config partition size 7.88 GB may be too small on your system to keep 7 images. Recommend keeping 2 to 5 images
adm> set max-num-images count 5

Maximum number of images to keep is set to 5
adm> show system disk-space

Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda2             3.8G  3.1G  534M  86% /
/dev/sda5             7.6G  6.5G  653M  92% /opt/pancfg
/dev/sda6             3.8G  1.3G  2.3G  37% /opt/panrepo
tmpfs                 1.9G  110M  1.8G   6% /dev/shm
cgroup_root           1.9G     0  1.9G   0% /cgroup
/dev/sdb1            1008G  615G  342G  65% /opt/panlogs



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