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Panorama Migration VM - to - VM

L1 Bithead



we have an interesting setup, we currently have Panorama in legacy mode at version 9.0.4 (didn't even know it was possible to be in legacy mode on that release) managing a couple of HA pairs of firewalls. We would like to move our config to a Panorama VM in Panorama mode at version 9.1.2 and was looking for some guidance. 


For some reason, I am guessing how the VM was originally provisioned, we have no way of editing the resources on our existing Panorama VM, so we cannot upgrade our existing Panorama deployment, but instead need to migrate it to a newly provisioned fresh Panorama VM that we spun up (9.1.2 running in Panorama mode). 


Does anyone have any guidance on how to migrate this config? Can we export the config snapshot -> import on the new VM -> and then convert to legacy mode? If this is possible will this lose our log settings in Panorama?


How do we handle this from the licensing perspective?


Once we are on the new VM and have transferred the license, can we still view historical logs as needed on the old Panorama VM?


I have a ticket open with support for guidance as well, but was looking to see what the communities thoughts were. 

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