Enhanced Security Measures in Place:   To ensure a safer experience, we’ve implemented additional, temporary security measures for all users.

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Split DNS Stoped working

Hi All!

Last week I was able to roll out split DNS to our production firewalls. This was tested successfully on a firewall in pre-prod and then moved to prod firewalls with same result.

Suddenly this morning queries to explicitly excluded domains are no longer being split. I've verified the configuration is good. I went back to pre-prod firewall and the same situation! This was a previously working config and no changes have been made since. I've verified this by using Wireshark on my local machine while connected to Global Protect. I don't see any DNS queries exiting the local adapter for excluded domains.

Previous to today I was able to see all DNS queries to excluded domains come through Wireshark when monitoring the local NIC.

Has anyone else experienced this problem?

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