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User-ID agent, 802.1x and Windows 2008 NPS - help needed!

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I followed the following guide here:

PANOS 5.0 User-ID Installation and configuration including integration guide with Microsoft NPS

I am able to capture the 6272 Windows Events and pass them to the UIDRADIUSScript.vbs, but I am having issues at that point. I have debugging enabled in UIDConfig.xml, and here is a sample of the output I get, it appears I am unable to obtain the DHCP scopes.


UID Script triggered at 11/15/2013 10:08:25 AM

Capturing arguments...

Script executed with arguments: "testuser" 94-94-26-E4-CD-CA

Loading Exclusions...

Exclusions loaded successfully

DHCP Lease query for Windows Event User: testuser Calling Station ID: 94-94-26-E4-CD-CA Querying DHCP Servers:

Not machine auth event

DHCP Server:

Defining scopes:

Searching DHCP leases for 949426e4cdca


UID Script finished execution at 11/15/2013 10:08:25 AM Run-time: 0 seconds


Here is my UIDConfig.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


















I am running the script as a domain admin, and I also added the domain admin to the DHCP Users group as instructed in the guide. My NPS server and User-ID agent are running on the same server, my DHCP server is running on another server.

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