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PA 220 Dataplane restart automatically.

L3 Networker

Hi Team,


We have noticed that our PA 220 device data plane has been restarted automatically.


Pan OS: 10.0.6


Please find the logs below,


2021-09-24 10:36:23.126 +0530 INFO: flow_ctrl_pktlog_forwarding: exited, Core: False, Exit code: 0
2021-09-24 10:36:23.290 +0530 INFO: flow_mgmt: exited, Core: False, Exit code: 0
2021-09-24 10:36:23.487 +0530 INFO: tasks: exited
2021-09-24 10:36:26.790 +0530 INFO: comm: exited, Core: False, Exit code: 0
2021-09-24 10:36:26.957 +0530 INFO: supervisor: exited
2021-09-24 10:36:27.089 +0530 CRITICAL: supervisor: Exited 1 times, must be manually recovered.
2021-09-24 10:36:27.118 +0530 INFO: data_plane: group exiting because child supervisor exited
2021-09-24 10:36:27.261 +0530 INFO: data_plane: exited
2021-09-24 10:36:27.389 +0530 CRITICAL: The dataplane is restarting.
2021-09-24 10:36:33.499 +0530 CRITICAL: data_plane: restarts exhausted, rebooting system


We are not sure this is related to any os bug because 10.0.6 known issues we checked. Not seen anything related to this issue.


Kindly help us to get a RCA for this issue.



Vishnu PS.

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