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High temperature DP0 CORE PALO ALTO PA5220

L4 Transporter

Hello team


Since 2 weeks ago we have detected that the temperature for Sensor DP0 Core is high than other members the Paloalto FW


It is normal?


show system environmentals

Slot Description Alarm Degrees C Min C Max C
S0 Temperature: Broadwell MP Core False 38.40 -5.00 85.00
S1 NP False 36.50 -5.00 70.00
S1 CP False 33.50 -5.00 85.00
S1 DP0/CE False 40.50 -5.00 75.00
S1 DP0 Core False 65.00 -5.00 85.00
S1 Top Front False 28.50 -5.00 70.00
S1 Switch False 26.50 -5.00 70.00
S1 CP Core False 46.00 -5.00 85.00
S1 Switch Core False 43.00 -5.00 85.00
S1 NP Core False 30.00 -5.00 70.00
S1 Bottom Front False 20.50 -5.00 70.00
S1 DP1/DP2 False 25.00 -5.00 70.00
S1 Bottom Rear False 27.50 -5.00 85.00

----Fan Tray----
Slot Description Alarm Inserted
S1 Fan Tray #1 (left) False True
S1 Fan Tray #2 (right) False True



Who Me Too'd this topic