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Global Protect Client disconnect Issues after upgrading to Pan-OS 11.1.0

L3 Networker

Hi Team


We upgraded Palo Alto FW to 11.1 and started having VPN Global Protect Client Issues where it would disconnect/reconnect multiple times.

It would get connected and there wouldn't be any internet access, wouldn't allow any traffic so something isn't working. Flipped back over to the passive firewall which hadn't been upgraded yet and everything stabilized.


Seems to be some issue with the 11.1.0 and GP Client versions:6.21. 6.22 and 6.20 clients. We tried connecting with all of them


In PanGPS.log


We see multiple disconnects:

(P4084-T2576)Debug(6677): 11/30/23 13:08:42:870 NetworkDiscoverThread: PortalStatus is 2, HasLoggedOnGateway is 1
(P4084-T2576)Debug(6810): 11/30/23 13:08:42:870 Reset NetworkDiscovery waitTime to 5 seconds.
(P4084-T2576)Debug(6151): 11/30/23 13:08:42:870 NetworkDiscoverThread: wait for network discover event.
(P4084-T15224)Debug(5374): 11/30/23 13:08:42:871 Found virtual IP route entry
(P4084-T15224)Debug(6137): 11/30/23 13:08:42:871 No change for gateway route
(P4084-T16620)Debug(12635): 11/30/23 13:08:42:871 m_preUsername cdougall
(P4084-T16620)Debug(1449): 11/30/23 13:08:42:871 m_msp->IsVPNConnected() is 1, CControlManager::GetInstance()->IsInRetry() is 0
(P4084-T16620)Debug(7692): 11/30/23 13:08:42:872 --Set state to Disconnecting...
(P4084-T16620)Debug(1499): 11/30/23 13:08:42:872 AddAttribute for proxy agent
(P4084-T16620)Info (2744): 11/30/23 13:08:42:873 Disconnect(VPN recv failed) called
(P4084-T1664)Debug(5002): 11/30/23 13:08:42:873 LifeTimeThread receives m_hExitLifeTimeThreadEvent
(P4084-T1664)Debug(5030): 11/30/23 13:08:42:873 LifeTimeThread quits
(P4084-T16620)Debug(1132): 11/30/23 13:08:42:873 vpn disconnect

We see this repeating every 30-40 seconds:

(P4084-T17104)Debug(6677): 11/30/23 13:13:05:869 NetworkDiscoverThread: PortalStatus is 1, HasLoggedOnGateway is 1
(P4084-T17104)Debug(6810): 11/30/23 13:13:05:869 Reset NetworkDiscovery waitTime to 5 seconds.
(P4084-T17104)Debug(6151): 11/30/23 13:13:05:869 NetworkDiscoverThread: wait for network discover event.
(P4084-T17312)Debug(5374): 11/30/23 13:13:05:870 Found virtual IP route entry
(P4084-T17312)Debug(6137): 11/30/23 13:13:05:870 No change for gateway route
(P4084-T17280)Debug(12635): 11/30/23 13:13:05:870 m_preUsername cdougall
(P4084-T17280)Debug(1449): 11/30/23 13:13:05:870 m_msp->IsVPNConnected() is 1, CControlManager::GetInstance()->IsInRetry() is 0
(P4084-T17280)Debug(7692): 11/30/23 13:13:05:871 --Set state to Disconnecting...
(P4084-T17280)Debug(1499): 11/30/23 13:13:05:871 AddAttribute for proxy agent
(P4084-T17280)Info (2744): 11/30/23 13:13:05:871 Disconnect(VPN recv failed) called
(P4084-T8188)Debug(5002): 11/30/23 13:13:05:871 LifeTimeThread receives m_hExitLifeTimeThreadEvent
(P4084-T8188)Debug(5030): 11/30/23 13:13:05:871 LifeTimeThread quits
(P4084-T17280)Debug(1132): 11/30/23 13:13:05:871 vpn disconnect
(P4084-T17280)Debug(1133): 11/30/23 13:13:05:871 Delete m_vpn in CControlManager::DisconnectVPN()


We have checked and there is no known issue reported or at least documented in the Palo Publick link. Anyone faced this similar issue?


Thanks and Regards


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