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WEBUI Session Timing Out

L2 Linker


On my PA-820 I started getting the idle timeout message below:

"Your login session has expired and you have been logged out for security reasons. Please log in again if you wish to continue."

Normally this was never an issue and I simply logged back in after being idle. Starting about 2 weeks ago I cannot log back into the WEBUI under normal circumstances. I get caught in a session expired loop. This has been replicated on my device with 2 separate accounts, but my co-worker does not have this issue leading me to believe the problem is isolated to my device.


I can access the WEBUI on Incognito mode and the firewall via CLI.


Note: We are required to use MS Edge by corporate policy. Using another browser would certainly work, but not in my context indefinitely.


Relevant KB's I've found:

"Session timed out" when logging on using Web GUI (

WEBUI session logs out with message: You have been logged out d... - Knowledge Base - Palo Alto Netw...


Troubleshooting steps (tried logging in after each listed step):

  • I tried the typical clear cache/cookies for Microsoft Edge
  • Repaired MS Edge
  • Reinstalled MS Edge
  • Deleted all admin sessions via CLI with >delete admin-sessions
    • This resulted in a successful login then reverted back to the same error.
  • Adjusted the idle timeout to indefinite to see if that would allow me to login since it can never expire (it did not)
  • Rebooted MGMT Plane via CLI with >debug software restart process management-server
  • Rebooted entire NGFW
    • This resulted in a successful login then reverted back to the same error.

This isn't a huge issue as I can simply access everything though CLI or incognito... but it's incredibly annoying and I'd like to try and fix it! Has anyone experienced this problem and what was a permanent solution?



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